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I'm sure you've heard by now the tragedy in Texas, in which an 18 year old took two rifles and murdered 19 people, mostly children, at an elementary school.
To say I'm disgusted is an understatement. I can't, and don't want to, imagine what those poor parents are going through. I'm a father of two young girls in elementary school.
That being said, I'm fed up with the reactions from people, like Brandon, who think the solution is making background checks more stringent, even though these pieces of shit who shoot up schools would have passed their background checks.
Wouldn't it be a better deterrent to, I don't know, stop sending Ukraine 40 billion fucking dollars, and use that money to post armed guards at schools, who monitor a few security cameras to see any incoming threats?
There are about 131,000 K-12 schools in the US. $50,000 per school adds up to $6.5 Billion. But yeah, keeping paying off Ukraine while you bitch about not fixing the problem. This world is a clown show.
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Clearly Brandon’s intentions are not the betterment of our next generation of Americans. Violent crime is one of many problems Brandon could give two shits about.
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(05-25-2022, 06:43 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote: I'm sure you've heard by now the tragedy in Texas, in which an 18 year old took two rifles and murdered 19 people, mostly children, at an elementary school.
To say I'm disgusted is an understatement. I can't, and don't want to, imagine what those poor parents are going through. I'm a father of two young girls in elementary school.
That being said, I'm fed up with the reactions from people, like Brandon, who think the solution is making background checks more stringent, even though these pieces of shit who shoot up schools would have passed their background checks.
Wouldn't it be a better deterrent to, I don't know, stop sending Ukraine 40 billion fucking dollars, and use that money to post armed guards at schools, who monitor a few security cameras to see any incoming threats?
There are about 131,000 K-12 schools in the US. $50,000 per school adds up to $6.5 Billion. But yeah, keeping paying off Ukraine while you bitch about not fixing the problem. This world is a clown show.
I have avoided commenting online about this story.
I am only posting because this is RN.
There is more going on here than what is being presented on the surface.
There are more actors and more agendas going on than one can process at one time.
We can't look at these events as right and wrong, good and bad. Our minds cannot process with clarity the level of evil that is at play here.
Just a reminder, even God's mightiest angels where not given permission to do direct battle with Satan.
The only thing we can do is put on our spiritual armor, stand strong in our commitment of faith, battle the evil in our own hearts, reject the comforts, desires, lies, and seductions of the new normal.
We will experience many trials, and tribulations. The days of darkness under the reign of Satan is upon us. The time for fence sitting is over.
You can't choose what evils will come your way. You can only choose your master. You can submit, or you can rebel. There is no guarantee of safety if you submit. Death is a river we all must cross.
For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not.
Yet I still post.
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I am saddened and heartbroken by this. When this all broke yesterday I was not looking forward to how it all ended up. It is horrifying. Yes there is an evil permeating this world which gets thicker every day. I am personally finding it harder and harder to get through the days. Ignorance is bliss. I hate having the ability to think and reason in an a world of such hate, politics, dischord and full blown evil!
Yes it was bullets which killed all those in Texas. But its the god damn politics which enshroud everything as well. I don't want to hear how there was signs this asshole was going to do this evil deed. Because your know there likely was precursors. There always is! These killings are used a political weapons against the law abiding citizens who are just as sickened and horrified by those senseless events.
I am so fucking disgusted with this world!!
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05-25-2022, 03:30 PM
(05-25-2022, 01:58 PM)AmericanBuffalo Wrote: I am saddened and heartbroken by this. When this all broke yesterday I was not looking forward to how it all ended up. It is horrifying. Yes there is an evil permeating this world which gets thicker every day. I am personally finding it harder and harder to get through the days. Ignorance is bliss. I hate having the ability to think and reason in an a world of such hate, politics, dischord and full blown evil!
Yes it was bullets which killed all those in Texas. But its the god damn politics which enshroud everything as well. I don't want to hear how there was signs this asshole was going to do this evil deed. Because your know there likely was precursors. There always is! These killings are used a political weapons against the law abiding citizens who are just as sickened and horrified by those senseless events.
I am so fucking disgusted with this world!! Quote:1 John 2:15-17
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world.
And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
2 Timothy 3 1
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
Quote:Matthew 24
9 ‘Then they will hand you over to be tortured, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of my name. 10 Then several will find the going too hard, and they will betray each other and hate each other. 11 Many false prophets will arise, and they will deceive plenty of people. 12 And because lawlessness will be on the increase, many will find their love growing cold. 13 But the one who lasts out to the end will be delivered. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom must be announced to the whole world, as a witness to all the nations. Then the end will come.’
We know it is upon us. We feel the birth pains.
We know the beginning. We know the end. We know there is only one hope.
Stay strong. I will see you on the other side.
For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not.
Yet I still post.
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I wanted to post a rant on this subject but this will do. Thanks for bringing it up. I tried explaining why I am mad about this to my wife.
According to the FBI, there have been 202 mass shooting in the US in 2022. Why it requires "4" victims to qualify as a mass shooting, I have no idea. Seems pretty arbitrary.
The school shooting yesterday didn't even have the highest casualty number. That distinction (16) goes to Charleston, Missouri back in March. Never heard of that one? Well, that is why I am mad. You know how many people were shot in Chicago last week end? 28. Didn't know that? That's why I am mad. I am not mad at you, I am mad at the media and our government.
I'm not even going to say the events yesterday were tragic. We all know that. There is no need to to preface every observation with that warding spell for protection from the mouth breathing, tribalist mobs.
If the media and government were honestly and truly concerned about the victims, we would hear from them everyday on the matter. Congress would approve billions for emergency measures just as quick as they approved $40 Billion for Ukraine. But none of this happens. Ever. We only hear from them selectively. Why? If they were concerned about "the children", why are they not doing something about the children dying in the desert trying to get across an open border? Again, it's selective and therefore suspect.
Instead of solutions or assistance, we get emotional manipulation. We get lies and BS. Lies and BS that are pathetically transparent. Not even well crafted lies and BS. Sophomoric and maddening. Why? Are they that inept? That ineffectual? The only way to fix anything is for the citizen to give up more?
Nope. It's just virtue theater with a side order of theft from the disdained citizenry.
***Thank's RN. I feel a little less agitated now even though I know I am preaching to the choir on this one.
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(05-25-2022, 03:35 PM)ABNARTY Wrote: I wanted to post a rant on this subject but this will do. Thanks for bringing it up. I tried explaining why I am mad about this to my wife.
According to the FBI, there have been 202 mass shooting in the US in 2022. Why it requires "4" victims to qualify as a mass shooting, I have no idea. Seems pretty arbitrary.
The school shooting yesterday didn't even have the highest casualty number. That distinction (16) goes to Charleston, Missouri back in March. Never heard of that one? Well, that is why I am mad. You know how many people were shot in Chicago last week end? 28. Didn't know that? That's why I am mad. I am not mad at you, I am mad at the media and our government.
I'm not even going to say the events yesterday were tragic. We all know that. There is no need to to preface every observation with that warding spell for protection from the mouth breathing, tribalist mobs.
If the media and government were honestly and truly concerned about the victims, we would hear from them everyday on the matter. Congress would approve billions for emergency measures just as quick as they approved $40 Billion for Ukraine. But none of this happens. Ever. We only hear from them selectively. Why? If they were concerned about "the children", why are they not doing something about the children dying in the desert trying to get across an open border? Again, it's selective and therefore suspect.
Instead of solutions or assistance, we get emotional manipulation. We get lies and BS. Lies and BS that are pathetically transparent. Not even well crafted lies and BS. Sophomoric and maddening. Why? Are they that inept? That ineffectual? The only way to fix anything is for the citizen to give up more?
Nope. It's just virtue theater with a side order of theft from the disdained citizenry.
***Thank's RN. I feel a little less agitated now even though I know I am preaching to the choir on this one.
It can't change.
Too many are looking at the cause, expecting a solution.
I agree with you about the BS.
These events are either tools of a corrupt system, or they are weapons of a corrupt system.
You will never get fresh water from the ass of a cow.
They are quite effective at what they do. We are the ones that can't see that there is no Wizard of Oz, even with the curtains not just wide open, but there aren't even any curtains anymore.
The blame falls squarely on us. The only thing most have been effective in doing, is at making excuses, pointing fingers, and and complying.
I am not saying that most aren't pissed, frustrated, feeling sad, hopeless, and afraid. There is no easy way out of this mess and it causes, pain, and for many, it causes reckless, childish, and idiotic responses and behaviors.
Indeed their actions are selective. They are masters of their craft. We should take a few pages from their book and learn to be just as selective, in what we accept, what we believe, and what we support. We think of ourselves as helpless, hopeless, worker bees. But if we ever, realize our true power, it will be the end for them.
But that is not in the cards. As I said before. We know the beginning. We know the middle. We know the end.
For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not.
Yet I still post.
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We have a failed judicial system.
People commit acts of absolute horror with hardly any fear of punishment.
People commit acts of terror and are released on a 1 dollar bail.
If we publicly hang the next school shooter or gang banger or subway shooter or store shooter, then we might see a reduction in shootings.
"I be ridin' they be hatin'."
-Abraham Lincoln
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(05-25-2022, 05:10 PM)beez Wrote: We have a failed judicial system.
People commit acts of absolute horror with hardly any fear of punishment.
People commit acts of terror and are released on a 1 dollar bail.
If we publicly hang the next school shooter or gang banger or subway shooter or store shooter, then we might see a reduction in shootings.
We have allowed our kudzu like system to run unchecked for too long. Like kudzu, that grows damn near in front of your eyes, and spreads at a rate that can suffocate and kill anything green and good that it comes in contact with, our systems is raging out of control. It is suffocating and killing anything good that it comes in contact with. And like kudzu it takes years and years to get under control, and is likely to spring right back, if care is not taken.
We have chosen poorly for many years. We continue to choose out of fear, and without discernment.
We failed to reign in and control the system, because we became compliant. We became lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to our parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. We embrace the influencers, the social justice warriors that have the appearance of godliness, but deny its power.
Too many of us have become the people we were warned to avoid.
I am not riding a high horse. I am just as broken and guilty as anyone else. I don't want to seem pious, and I don't even come close enough to Job, to even speak about his faith.
My awakening came much the way that Paul received his. Let me just say I had an encounter much like that one on the road to Damascus. I was blind, but now I see.
For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not.
Yet I still post.
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The politicians have not addressed the root issue of school shootings since going back to April 1999. Everytime, the first words you hear from any of them are guns, guns, guns followed by the twit echo chambers...The same people calling for America to ban legal guns and rely on police today, are the people who issued calls to "defund" the police in 2020, and insisted on keeping the border porous for illegal gun imports in 2021. You cannot legislate away evil. They also demanded disrespect for human life 3 weeks ago, but that's more subtle. And they cheered $40 billion going to that laundry dump called the Ukraine.
There is no agreed upon "official number" from any agency that defines a mass shooting in the US. The FBI says unofficially 3 (might be 4), not including the shooter. Instead, they allow this tragic issue to fester over 20 years. Now, everything is weaponized and our kids are paying for it in blood. There is something very dark & connected about these 2022 shootings. I said in late summer of 2020 that within 2 years there will be a rise in horrific school shootings.
ABNARTY summed up my mutual thoughts.
![[Image: psR36Il.jpg]](
Polling shows that 90% of Americans want their federal lawmakers to take steps to prevent gunmen from perpetrating horrific violence. "Polling"? smh
NY Times is so pathetic.
@Matthew McConaughey hometown is Uvalde, Texas.
"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon
Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.
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(05-25-2022, 05:10 PM)beez Wrote: We have a failed judicial system.
People commit acts of absolute horror with hardly any fear of punishment.
People commit acts of terror and are released on a 1 dollar bail.
If we publicly hang the next school shooter or gang banger or subway shooter or store shooter, then we might see a reduction in shootings.
I think your comments are spot on! We coddle criminals so much, and I find that absolutely reprehensible. Some of the assholes plead not guilty and then the poor families of the victims have to watch the criminal grandstand and preen. That is sickening, and I know many, including myself, are damn tired of it.
I don't think more gun control is going to fix this. I don't think anything will fix this. I agree with some who said that there should be armed police officers at every school. Children are our most precious resource. I don't blame children for not wanting to physically go to school and the trauma they suffer when these kinds of things happen. The schools need a lot more protection than they are getting now.
I also abhor when politics slimes into these discussions. Bitching about Biden is bullshit. Why are people afraid and call him Brandon? I'm not calling any one person out, just venting my frustrations. Mass shootings have taken place under every president, including Trump. Please don't talk to me about politicians regarding these mass shootings. Most politicians, whatever party they are from, do little to nothing anyway. Bitching about them is like pissing in the wind.
This has nothing to do with politics. This has a whole lot to do with lack of mental health help for everyone, especially our youth. Parents and schools want to sweep it under the rug and bury their heads in the sand. The reality of it is that we will need to turn our schools into fortresses. But that leaves anywhere else that mass shooters do their thing. If they can't access a school, they will go somewhere else.
For years, criminals have been coddled and given attention by the media and admirers. There have been so many instances where some fucktard got off for killing someone, and they get a slap on the wrist because money bought them out of prison. That shit has to stop. All these politicians talk about being tough on crime, but things are not getting better. They are just words in the end. I'm so glad I don't have children in school. I'd be a nervous wreck.
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(05-25-2022, 04:28 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: (05-25-2022, 03:35 PM)ABNARTY Wrote: I wanted to post a rant on this subject but this will do. Thanks for bringing it up. I tried explaining why I am mad about this to my wife.
According to the FBI, there have been 202 mass shooting in the US in 2022. Why it requires "4" victims to qualify as a mass shooting, I have no idea. Seems pretty arbitrary.
The school shooting yesterday didn't even have the highest casualty number. That distinction (16) goes to Charleston, Missouri back in March. Never heard of that one? Well, that is why I am mad. You know how many people were shot in Chicago last week end? 28. Didn't know that? That's why I am mad. I am not mad at you, I am mad at the media and our government.
I'm not even going to say the events yesterday were tragic. We all know that. There is no need to to preface every observation with that warding spell for protection from the mouth breathing, tribalist mobs.
If the media and government were honestly and truly concerned about the victims, we would hear from them everyday on the matter. Congress would approve billions for emergency measures just as quick as they approved $40 Billion for Ukraine. But none of this happens. Ever. We only hear from them selectively. Why? If they were concerned about "the children", why are they not doing something about the children dying in the desert trying to get across an open border? Again, it's selective and therefore suspect.
Instead of solutions or assistance, we get emotional manipulation. We get lies and BS. Lies and BS that are pathetically transparent. Not even well crafted lies and BS. Sophomoric and maddening. Why? Are they that inept? That ineffectual? The only way to fix anything is for the citizen to give up more?
Nope. It's just virtue theater with a side order of theft from the disdained citizenry.
***Thank's RN. I feel a little less agitated now even though I know I am preaching to the choir on this one.
It can't change.
Too many are looking at the cause, expecting a solution.
I agree with you about the BS.
These events are either tools of a corrupt system, or they are weapons of a corrupt system.
You will never get fresh water from the ass of a cow.(1)
They are quite effective at what they do. We are the ones that can't see that there is no Wizard of Oz, even with the curtains not just wide open, but there aren't even any curtains anymore.
The blame falls squarely on us. The only thing most have been effective in doing, is at making excuses, pointing fingers, and and complying.
I am not saying that most aren't pissed, frustrated, feeling sad, hopeless, and afraid. There is no easy way out of this mess and it causes, pain, and for many, it causes reckless, childish, and idiotic responses and behaviors.
Indeed their actions are selective. They are masters of their craft. We should take a few pages from their book and learn to be just as selective, in what we accept, what we believe, and what we support. We think of ourselves as helpless, hopeless, worker bees. But if we ever, realize our true power, it will be the end for them.(2)
But that is not in the cards. As I said before. We know the beginning. We know the middle. We know the end.
1.  I never heard that before.
2. I agree the citizenry is powerful if harnessed correctly. Our local school board got drug over the coals for that CRT garbage going on. Two members quit instead of facing the music and a whole bunch of new people ran for office and got elected. No more CRT, no masks, kids back in school, and the school districts request for more money for less work got voted down. Sure, it's some small town, nowheresville place. But it was every day people saying no.
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05-26-2022, 12:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-26-2022, 12:52 AM by Ninurta.)
(05-25-2022, 11:41 PM)ChiefD Wrote: I don't think more gun control is going to fix this. I don't think anything will fix this.
"Gun control" will not fix it, as you correctly observe. Actual "criminal control" might not eliminate it altogether, but it would take a really huge chunk out of it. Instead of coddling criminals and harassing inanimate objects, they should pass a law stating that the criminal convicted of such act, regardless of mental difficulties, SHALL be publicly castrated. have the effluvient thereby produced shoved into his own mouth and duct-taped in, and then be hung by the neck at a public gibbet and left hanging there and bleeding from his nethers until the body rots down at which time the remains shall be burned and cast into the ocean, never more to be, no grave to ever visit, and his memory erased from among humankind as a testimony to his inhumanity.
Same treatment to his dead carcass even if he is killed in the commission of his favorite felony.
Destroy all public records that they ever existed, from their birth certificate right on through their driver's license, and any other public record that may be found, and make it iillegal to ever speak their name again - all of them, every single one, can be referred to with the same name, "Criminal X", so that one cannot be differentiated from another. Many of them do it for the notoriety, Deny that to them. Erase them as if they had never existed. let their would-be copycats understand that nothing but oblivion awaits them, as if they never were at all, and that their mark will never be left on the world.
Damnatio Memoriae should still be a thing in these cases. Instead, they make the bastards famous, and create a legion of mentally defective copycats to seek after their own 15 minutes of fame in a like manner as their heroes.
No need to go after their families during their erasure - the overwhelming majority of these assholes are "incels" - claiming themselves to be "involuntarily celibate", but in reality existing in a voluntary, self-enforced celibacy because they are afraid of girls. So, few if any of them even have children to go after.
Quote:I agree with some who said that there should be armed police officers at every school. Children are our most precious resource. I don't blame children for not wanting to physically go to school and the trauma they suffer when these kinds of things happen. The schools need a lot more protection than they are getting now.
I hung up my guns years ago, but could be persuaded to strap one on again if the goal were the protection of kids, and that were actually allowed.
Quote:I also abhor when politics slimes into these discussions. Bitching about Biden is bullshit.
I agree, to an extent. the bodies had not even had time to cool to room temperature before Biden was back at trying to disarm everyone EXCEPT the criminals again. Still, I let him run with that crap and have not been bitching about his callous disregard of kids and crass political use of their deaths to further his own political agenda before the bodies even cooled, much less were mourned and buried. That's his jam, not mine.
Quote:Why are people afraid and call him Brandon?
I'm not afraid to call him Brandon, but I DO have a friend whose actual name is Brandon, and I prefer not to insult my friend like that, by abusing his name.
Quote:I'm not calling any one person out, just venting my frustrations. Mass shootings have taken place under every president, including Trump. Please don't talk to me about politicians regarding these mass shootings. Most politicians, whatever party they are from, do little to nothing anyway. Bitching about them is like pissing in the wind.
What can they do? half of the country sees the inanimate guns as having jumped up and done the killing all by themselves. and that is all they rail about. But if the politicians cave to them and actually ban firearms, the other half of the country will rise up with their guns, and the shooting war will be on in earnest. Now they could do as I suggested above, and start addressing the root of the problem - criminals and loons unsafe to be walking around in polite society - but that seems not to be very popular among the gun-banner crowd, so they'd lose the only support they have if they were to do that. We would all without a doubt be much safer, but they would be out of a job... and few if any politicans ever voluntarily gave up their cushy jobs.
Politicians, to a man, care nary a whit about safety other than their own - not mine, not yours, not the kids. They care about votes and retaining power, and that is ALL they care about, Republican or Democrat.
Quote:This has nothing to do with politics. This has a whole lot to do with lack of mental health help for everyone, especially our youth. Parents and schools want to sweep it under the rug and bury their heads in the sand. The reality of it is that we will need to turn our schools into fortresses. But that leaves anywhere else that mass shooters do their thing. If they can't access a school, they will go somewhere else.
Nope, it ain't about politics, at all. Politics has shown itself to be utterly useless in such events. It's much more useless than action, and politicians are notorious for avoiding any action, especially if that action might get them killed or fired by one side or the other. It's about the citizens - about you, about me, about the kids, about keeping families safe. It's not even really about mental health at the most basic level. It's about keeping society safe, and the only way to accomplish that is to address what makes it unsafe - criminals and loons, rather than their implement of destruction of the day.
I don't care if they are mentally unsound or not. An argument could be made that ANY murder is the sign of an unsound mind. I'm all for eliminating them with extreme prejudice. Just X those bastards out, and write 'em off the rolls, crazy or not. I don't want to rehab them, I don't want to make them well before I kill 'em. I just want them ENDED, no longer walking among civilized folk to do their damage. You can do that with the crazy and the sane alike. makes no difference, so long as they can never, ever, do it again.
Quote:For years, criminals have been coddled and given attention by the media and admirers. There have been so many instances where some fucktard got off for killing someone, and they get a slap on the wrist because money bought them out of prison. That shit has to stop. All these politicians talk about being tough on crime, but things are not getting better. They are just words in the end. I'm so glad I don't have children in school. I'd be a nervous wreck.
I have grand kids in school. If anything like this were to happen to them, the prick that did it better hope the cops kill him for it, because my son and I would not be anywhere near as nice as the cops would be about shooting him. We would make it last for hours, maybe days, and in the end no one would ever know what happened to him. Neither he nor any part of him would ever be seen or heard from again on this Earth.
He would simply vanish, and no one but him would ever know just how he suffered before he finally died.
I actually did not know of this event until I read of it here. TV died late Saturday night, and will not be fixed until around the 10th of next month, so I was completely in the dark about It. it was kind of peaceful for a while.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.
Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’
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Kamala "Horizontal" Harris and Bobby O'Rourke (I refuse to use his culturally appropriated name of "Beto" - He's a white guy, not a Hispanic, and "Neto" is not the name his folks gave him) - have also jumped on the "ban guns now" bandwagon along with Old Joe, before the kids are even buried. I won't comment on it further other than to say I for one am going to remember these politicians who care more about taking guns than they care about dead babies when it comes election time again.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.
Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’
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Where did he get the money to buy the weapons?
We're talking thousands of dollars spent on his 18th birthday ... guns, optics, ammunition. It's not very likely he saved it up by himself during the first 17 years he spent on this planet.
Nobody seems to be asking this question. That question would change the course of where the government hopes to go with this. I'm not all 'that' smart. What's wrong with this picture?
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(05-26-2022, 02:43 AM)Snarl Wrote: Where did he get the money to buy the weapons?
We're talking thousands of dollars spent on his 18th birthday ... guns, optics, ammunition. It's not very likely he saved it up by himself during the first 17 years he spent on this planet.
Nobody seems to be asking this question. That question would change the course of where the government hopes to go with this. I'm not all 'that' smart. What's wrong with this picture?
Did they say the type of rifle used? We all know M4-type rifles range from $500-$4,000+ last time I looked. I think it's conceivable he bought it all himself. I did pretty well for myself in high school during the summers when I worked on a tree removal crew. I could've easily bought a few rifles, optics, and ammo.
Granted, I don't know anything about the shooter, if he worked at all or not.
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(05-25-2022, 11:41 PM)ChiefD Wrote: (05-25-2022, 05:10 PM)beez Wrote: We have a failed judicial system.
People commit acts of absolute horror with hardly any fear of punishment.
People commit acts of terror and are released on a 1 dollar bail.
If we publicly hang the next school shooter or gang banger or subway shooter or store shooter, then we might see a reduction in shootings.
I think your comments are spot on! We coddle criminals so much, and I find that absolutely reprehensible. Some of the assholes plead not guilty and then the poor families of the victims have to watch the criminal grandstand and preen. That is sickening, and I know many, including myself, are damn tired of it.
I don't think more gun control is going to fix this. I don't think anything will fix this. I agree with some who said that there should be armed police officers at every school. Children are our most precious resource. I don't blame children for not wanting to physically go to school and the trauma they suffer when these kinds of things happen. The schools need a lot more protection than they are getting now.
I also abhor when politics slimes into these discussions. Bitching about Biden is bullshit. Why are people afraid and call him Brandon? I'm not calling any one person out, just venting my frustrations. Mass shootings have taken place under every president, including Trump. Please don't talk to me about politicians regarding these mass shootings. Most politicians, whatever party they are from, do little to nothing anyway. Bitching about them is like pissing in the wind.
This has nothing to do with politics. This has a whole lot to do with lack of mental health help for everyone, especially our youth. Parents and schools want to sweep it under the rug and bury their heads in the sand. The reality of it is that we will need to turn our schools into fortresses. But that leaves anywhere else that mass shooters do their thing. If they can't access a school, they will go somewhere else.
For years, criminals have been coddled and given attention by the media and admirers. There have been so many instances where some fucktard got off for killing someone, and they get a slap on the wrist because money bought them out of prison. That shit has to stop. All these politicians talk about being tough on crime, but things are not getting better. They are just words in the end. I'm so glad I don't have children in school. I'd be a nervous wreck.
Sadly, nothing is going to fix this.
The sickness extends to our society.
Our culture is diseased.
"I be ridin' they be hatin'."
-Abraham Lincoln
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05-26-2022, 03:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-26-2022, 03:28 AM by Snarl.)
(05-26-2022, 03:05 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote: (05-26-2022, 02:43 AM)Snarl Wrote: Where did he get the money to buy the weapons?
Did they say the type of rifle used? We all know M4-type rifles range from $500-$4,000+ last time I looked. I think it's conceivable he bought it all himself. I did pretty well for myself in high school during the summers when I worked on a tree removal crew. I could've easily bought a few rifles, optics, and ammo.
Granted, I don't know anything about the shooter, if he worked at all or not.
Internet speculation I'm afraid. I didn't see the official story anywhere ... and I doubt it'll be made public in a timely fashion.
Probably another fault on my part, but I don't see many kids working at all anywhere. I had a real job when I was in HS too, but I was an exception. There were only a handful of kids holding down meaningful work, but it wasn't a great place to grow up ... so I know my POV is severely jaded.
What I gathered from others was that he was unable to do this by himself. Quite impressed by how his details (he's an adult) have been suppressed by the press.
Cost Claim of just over 2K.
Article above says he was unemployed.
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(05-26-2022, 03:20 AM)Snarl Wrote: (05-26-2022, 03:05 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote: (05-26-2022, 02:43 AM)Snarl Wrote: Where did he get the money to buy the weapons?
Did they say the type of rifle used? We all know M4-type rifles range from $500-$4,000+ last time I looked. I think it's conceivable he bought it all himself. I did pretty well for myself in high school during the summers when I worked on a tree removal crew. I could've easily bought a few rifles, optics, and ammo.
Granted, I don't know anything about the shooter, if he worked at all or not.
Internet speculation I'm afraid. I didn't see the official story anywhere ... and I doubt it'll be made public in a timely fashion.
Probably another fault on my part, but I don't see many kids working at all anywhere. I had a real job when I was in HS too, but I was an exception. There were only a handful of kids holding down meaningful work, but it wasn't a great place to grow up ... so I know my POV is severely jaded.
What I gathered from others was that he was unable to do this by himself. Quite impressed by how his details (he's an adult) have been suppressed by the press.
Cost Claim of just over 2K.
Article above says he was unemployed.
Well you definitely make a great point. Apparently he killed his grandmother, so I wonder if he lived with her and was robbing her blind. If not, who indeed provided the money?
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The way you get tenure as a socialist is saying "there's a direct connection" and then abstaining in any way from making the direct connection. School shootings are the result of psychological terror campaigns by state security services (domestic & foreign) to oppress occupied populations.
![[Image: 5b0aha1.jpg]](
Excerpts from "Program To Kill" (2004) by David McGowan.
Colonialism and imperialism require occupying countries and dominating the local population in order to force them onto the labor market and extract local resources. Centuries of colonialism have developed highly sophisticated methods of domination that included terrorism. Ultimately, state security services of an Empire always end up seeing their domestic populations as political liabilities who must also be managed in the same way as the occupied populations in their imperial holdings. The techniques of an empire, like the Phoenix Program, come home to roost.
CIA's brutal counter insurgency campaign in North Vietnam was headed by Colonel Edward Lansdale. His hallmark psychological warfare was using local myths. A celebrated trick was exploitation of a Filipino belief in the existence of vampires to scare communist guerrillas.
“One of Lansdale’s counter-terror “psywar” tactics was to string a captured Communist guerrilla upside down from a tree, stab him in the neck with a stiletto, and drain his blood. The terrorized Commies fled the area and the terrified villagers, who believed in vampires, begged the government for protection” explained Douglas Valentine, a journalist who exposed the Phoenix Program.
1. Douglas Valentine, “Dirty Wars and Self-indulgence” June 7, 2013.
2. Douglas Valentine, The Phoenix Program (, 1990).
3. Yasha Levine, Surveillance valley: the secret military history of the internet
Remember that time during Watergate when Edward Lansdale planned to fake the second coming of a pro-US Christ using submarine-mounted holograms to distract/manipulate the catholic population of Cuba long enough to stage and justify an invasion?
Jacques Vallée: "which is well within our technology."
In the book "Civilian Warriors: the inside story of Blackwater and the unsung heroes of the War on Terror", (2013) by Erik Prince describes how the Columbine shooting and the law enforcement response to it prompted Blackwater to expand its programming into active shooter training.
23 years later, cops are still standing outside while children are senselessly (sacrificed) slaughtered. Does not make sense until one reviews ours past 23 years of such ever increasing madness.
"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon
Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.