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Why oh why ?
email from a friend:

Quote:As I asked a 'friend' today in the clubhouse after golf, and before I read this article, why are we involved in any way in the war in Ukraine? 

My take for what it's worth: We have more foreign invaders who have come across our southern border than Russian troops now in Ukraine. (Did NATO offer to help with this invasion?) We have democrat run cities that now look not so dissimilar to the bombed out cities in Ukraine. We have a country that has a national debt in excess of $30 TRILLION DOLLARS and not a single solitary politician with the guts to say it's time to stop. 

And lastly, how has any war since the Korean war improved the life of one single American? 
Over 50,000 dead in Korea without there ever being a signed peace agreement.
Nearly 60,000 dead in Vietnam and 8000+ on the so-called war on terror where we tucked tail and ran out like a whooped pup. The only winner in all these incursions is the Military Industrial Complex. Maybe my view is slightly slanted from two Vietnam tours, reading the Pentagon Papers and the Report on the Afghan war. The now more than $15Billion we've committed to Ukraine will only enrich our elitist overlords, their lobbyists and put us on a possible fast track to nukes landing in our backyard. I feel really bad for the folks in Ukraine, but not enough to risk America's blood or treasure.
Read this and give it a thought.
(03-17-2022, 01:06 AM)727Sky Wrote: email from a friend:

Quote:As I asked a 'friend' today in the clubhouse after golf, and before I read this article, why are we involved in any way in the war in Ukraine? 

My take for what it's worth: We have more foreign invaders who have come across our southern border than Russian troops now in Ukraine. (Did NATO offer to help with this invasion?) We have democrat run cities that now look not so dissimilar to the bombed out cities in Ukraine. We have a country that has a national debt in excess of $30 TRILLION DOLLARS and not a single solitary politician with the guts to say it's time to stop. 

And lastly, how has any war since the Korean war improved the life of one single American? 
Over 50,000 dead in Korea without there ever being a signed peace agreement.
Nearly 60,000 dead in Vietnam and 8000+ on the so-called war on terror where we tucked tail and ran out like a whooped pup. The only winner in all these incursions is the Military Industrial Complex. Maybe my view is slightly slanted from two Vietnam tours, reading the Pentagon Papers and the Report on the Afghan war. The now more than $15Billion we've committed to Ukraine will only enrich our elitist overlords, their lobbyists and put us on a possible fast track to nukes landing in our backyard. I feel really bad for the folks in Ukraine, but not enough to risk America's blood or treasure.
Read this and give it a thought.

They have killed government patriotism in this country, when the people woke up to the fact that we have an evil, greedy, deceitful, untrustworthy government. So they are using that spirit to trick Americans into fighting a war in a country that they are lead to believe are innocent and worthy of you sacrificing your life.

Meantime, Americans are losing their homes, and struggling to feed their children, but they won't notice if they are made to believe that they are better off, because at least they don't have bombs bursting on air.

It is time for the cobbler to put shoes on the feet of his own children, before using his resources to provide for the elite that will only use his gifts to kick him in the face.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

(03-17-2022, 01:06 AM)727Sky Wrote: email from a friend:

Quote:As I asked a 'friend' today in the clubhouse after golf, and before I read this article, why are we involved in any way in the war in Ukraine? 

My take for what it's worth: We have more foreign invaders who have come across our southern border than Russian troops now in Ukraine. (Did NATO offer to help with this invasion?) We have democrat run cities that now look not so dissimilar to the bombed out cities in Ukraine. We have a country that has a national debt in excess of $30 TRILLION DOLLARS and not a single solitary politician with the guts to say it's time to stop. 

And lastly, how has any war since the Korean war improved the life of one single American? 
Over 50,000 dead in Korea without there ever being a signed peace agreement.
Nearly 60,000 dead in Vietnam and 8000+ on the so-called war on terror where we tucked tail and ran out like a whooped pup. The only winner in all these incursions is the Military Industrial Complex. Maybe my view is slightly slanted from two Vietnam tours, reading the Pentagon Papers and the Report on the Afghan war. The now more than $15Billion we've committed to Ukraine will only enrich our elitist overlords, their lobbyists and put us on a possible fast track to nukes landing in our backyard. I feel really bad for the folks in Ukraine, but not enough to risk America's blood or treasure.
Read this and give it a thought.

It's good to see that I'm not the only one that feels that way, even though I sometimes feel like a lone voice crying on the wilderness on social media, with everyone else agitating and screaming for blood.

That gent also is not morally opposed to war, realizing that there are just some times when you've got to scramble a sumbitch because he won't leave you be, but he's also opposed to sending young Americans to die in foreign wars that are none of our business, especially when there are problems we need to be seeing to right here at home.

Right now it seems the war hawks are screaming for us to install a "no fly zone" over Ukraine, and send MiGs to Ukraine. There is no rational reason an American should have any interest or an opinion on either of those options. In the case of the former, it's not our sky to patrol - that would be on the Ukrainians. It's their sky. For US to do it would be a declaration of war against Russia, Now, the Russian soldiers aren't as big and bad and scary as their reputations led everyone to think, but they do have those pesky nukes to consider. If we escalate their little dustup in such a manner, how do you suppose they would escalate to retaliate for our declaration of war on them? If Putin's super-nukes are to be believed, one of those could powder London in a mere 5 minutes from launch, not leaving much reaction time for defense against them. London school kids would not even have time to be warned to hide under their desks from a fiery oblivion.

In the case of the latter, I don't care what airplanes Poland wants to give to Ukraine, but they need to put their big-boy pants on and give them directly to Ukraine themselves, without trying to fudge through it and involve other NATO middle men. There is no need to draw Germany (Rammstein) and the US (also Rammstein) into the fray by routing the birds through Rammstein instead of just handing them directly over to Ukraine. And why give them anyhow if Ukraine is not even making use of the planes they have? What good would it be to give them more planes to not use? Still, the airplanes belong to Poland, so they can do with them as they wish. None of our business. Since it's none of our business, don't try to involve us.

Why should we secure Ukraine's border when we don't even have the gumption to secure our own?

Altogether, I find the unreasoning bloodlust to kill Russians to be disturbing and unbecoming on Democrats and Republicans alike in the US. If they want to kill Russians, then they need to nut up and boldly head east themselves. There is no sane reason they need to involve the rest of us here at home with American problems to address. Don't ask MY kids to fight a war you are too chickenshit to toss lead in yourself. I'm looking at YOU, Lindsay Graham. An AR-15 don't cost that much compared to a congressman's pay, but if your too tight even for that, Ukraine will give you a free AK to fight with, now won't they? Don't let the door bump you in the ass on your way to the wars.

The gent who wrote that article sees the reason that an irrational urge to kill foreigners has been whipped up in them, sees who has whipped it up, and is calling them out. Good on him! A man after my own heart!

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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