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A couple weeks in. The jerks still want to.....
I have my favorites here on RN3, not necessarily by any interaction or lack of, but I think as time passes we will find common interests or indeed interests that I either subscribe to or abhor. BOTH are GOOD And here's why. Just like the US government is (at least in theory) we have two parties, both with their premier views and assertions and compass. A one-sided view has no value beyond the feelings of  a usually divided group. In many instances there are a few, up to half or more that have opposing opinions. It's simply the human condition. 
In my life a few individuals that I have known since childhood or even relatives have had their opinions, spoke them and mostly went on with interactions. Friends were still friends, they remained so. Things were never 'that bad' to cause divisions between friends and relatives.

In the last couple weeks as the election becomes a distant memory, so too should the angst felt on both sides. Day to day news will certainly arise as 'news' just because, and every lean and spin will be implemented by the media. Some will seem childish, while other will be inflammatory, worthy of confrontations. We will have went from Democracy to Mobocracy.
And a great many will just function as ordinary people just trying to get by, hoping for the best and disappointed at the outcomes mostly. But will it become a competition ? A useful excuse to express their feelings or displeasures or even as hidden jealousies surface, an attack thought to be deserved. This being a good excuse disguised to 'lay it on them' to say what's been grinding on their minds ? And when will normalcy return ?

The last four years have demonstrated anywhere from subtle displeasure to raging hatred. It has surfaced in every major city, and the media has had voluminous videos and articles from which to construct their stories, cutting and splicing for effect. Many many transparent while others delved deep into the dark side were presented according to the needs of the powerbrokers of the different medias.

Entire blocks of media, the whole alphabetical list of news agencies, all the major at one time trusted purveyors of our news, now  corrupted. Truth all but extinguished. Angst among many of the people who simply wanted to live simply. Now invaded with every agenda being scripted and broadcast. Radio, TV, Cable, print and internet being the genesis or cause or disturbance of life now we had corporations dictating.  Before a great many laws that attacked our freedoms were made law, we survived quite well. There were no problems, they were invented to contain us, to pressure a certain behavior. As confinement and lessening of money became the norm due to a pandemic, we fell into despair, at least some of us. Turning to media to announce the end of our disruptions and turmoil would be the main sources and voices of hope. 

Also vaccinations.... but where, when, news clips announcing that they were successful and had run out, before we even heard of them ? Claiming numbers of a million or more. "So where was mine" ? I never heard a thing about it until it was over and gone. In the months ahead, will Spring bring hope back into our lives? Will this dose of Socialism be enough to scar the memory of us who lived through it ? And what's the chanced that we will seek out the democracy we have had all along. From democracy dented and scared from Un-American sources. Will we return to the America we have grown up in?  There's a saying... "If you don't stand up for something, you will fall for anything" Will you fall into this or declare your patriotism despite all the subversives ? Will you remove them and reclaim your Republic ?

Once again, this is my opinion only....
That was far more incitement than Trump in his "insurrection speech" on the 6th!

Quote:See something? Say something!

I'd be extremely careful about wording in threads and posts these days. I'd tone it down just a little and reword, "Will you remove them and reclaim your Republic?" to something like, "vote them out of office" and "preserve a fair and just society"for instance.

That's just me hiding in the shadows, but if you can deal with the consequences of exercising your not-so-free speech, I wish you the best.
"Will you remove them and reclaim your Republic ?"

I have been thinking a lot about this lately. In no particular order:

- What do I do? Run for office locally in my rural county? I guess it would be me walking the walk. But have you ever dealt with local politicians? Who wants to be a part of that?

- Maybe I'll just hide in my woods until the Man Upstairs takes me home. But what about the state of the country I leave behind for others? That seems pretty selfish. 

- Voting and awareness of important issues has worn me out. The more I learn, the more depressed I am. Sometimes I even have to walk away for my own sanity. 

- There are good people out there I believe would do a better job than the crooks now but I fear for their safety. We have powerful interests in the status quo and their agendas. Rock the boat and smearing is the least of your worries. I'm surprised Trump made it through his entire four years upright and breathing. 
In the context of 'remove them' the meaning would indicate removal and re-assignment to a position commensurate of their abilities. If that happened to be assistant pencil sharpener, it would still call for separation from the initial position they occupied.

Yes, 'meaning and context' are paramount in exacting the desired wordage and clarity. One wordsmiths could not misrepresent very easily without becoming suspect............. as in what President Trump had said. VAGUE at best. Plausible deniability...  Adding to, or taking away by deriving fictional scenarios not withstanding.

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