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Big Bang never happened ??
Quote:The Big Bang never happened but fusion will
First in a four-part exclusive Asia Times interview with renowned physicist and Big Bang theory critic Eric Lerner
by Jonathan Tennenbaum November 12, 2020
[Image: svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9JzY3OCcgd...0nMS4xJy8+][Image: nebula-e1604922754915.png?fit=1200%2C678&ssl=1] An image of Veil Nebula from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Image: NASA

Jonathan Tennenbaum: The Big Bang is probably the most famous scientific theory since Einstein’s relativity.
The Big Bang theory says that our Universe began with a gigantic explosion, about 14 billion years ago, and has been expanding
and cooling down ever since.

Until relatively recently this theory has been regarded as the foundation of modern cosmology, the branch of science devoted to
the study of the Universe as a whole. But not all scientists agree with the Big Bang theory, and some even say it is completely
wrong and contradicted by a growing mountain of evidence. In fact, in recent years one hears more and more talk about a
“crisis of cosmology.”

I am talking now to one of the most well-known, outspoken critics of the Big Bang, the American physicist Eric J Lerner.
Readers of my articles in Asia Times will know the name: Eric is also the founder and chief scientist of the company LPP Fusion,
which is developing the Dense Plasma Focus, a revolutionary type of fusion reactor which could provide a shortcut toward
realizing nuclear fusion as an energy source.

[Image: svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9JzgwOCcgd...cxLjEnLz4=][Image: Eric-Lerner.jpg?resize=780%2C808&ssl=1]
Eric Lerner in a file photo. Image: Wikimedia

In 1991 Eric Lerner published a book called “The Big Bang Never Happened”, which was widely read and caused a bit of a stir in
the scientific community.

When I first saw this book, I thought it was just the proverbial lonely voice crying out in the wilderness.
But then in May 2004 the magazine New Scientist published an “Open Letter to the Scientific Community” signed by 35 astrophysicists
and physicists affirming that the Big Bang theory had not been proven and that its predictions were contradicted by astronomical

The co-signers of the letter included, besides Eric Lerner himself, some famous scientists who made major contributions to astrophysics
and astronomy, such as Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold and Jayant Narlikar. Since then, over 200 additional astronomers and physicists
have added their signatures to the Open Letter.

Meanwhile, Eric Lerner and colleagues continue to publish, in prominent scientific journals, articles refuting the Big Bang theory.
Two years ago, one of his articles appeared in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and I understand that a
further blockbuster paper is in the works.

[Image: svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9JzQzOScgd...cxLjEnLz4=][Image: 1200px-Lambda-Cold_Dark_Matter_Accelerat...C439&ssl=1]
Hypothesized “timeline of the Universe,” according to the Big Bang theory. Source: Wikimedia

What I want to do to start with, Eric, is to ask you to take us through the essential issue. What is this debate on the Big Bang all

Eric Lerner: Saying that the Big Bang theory is a well-confirmed theory is very much like saying that the emperor’s clothes are
beautiful. It’s something that lots of people agree on because ultimately their jobs and income depend on it.
But it’s not something that’s backed up by scientific evidence.

Whenever and wherever you look at what the Big Bang hypothesis predicts, and you compare with observations, then in almost
every single case you get a mass of contradictions. 

This theory – despite its widespread support in the cosmology community – is like Swiss cheese, full of holes.
And yet the response of the cosmology community as a whole is to say, “Each of these cases is an individual anomaly.
Yeah, we’re still working on it, but, you know, look at all the other things that the theory gets right.”
In the paper that I’ve just submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, we look at 18 large, independent data sets of observations,
and in 17 of these, the predictions of the Big Bang theory are clearly contradicted by the data.

JT: Could you name some?

EL: For example, the universe contains objects that are 10 times older than when the Big Bang was supposed to have happened.
The Big Bang’s predictions of the distribution of the light elements in the Universe are completely wrong – orders of magnitude wrong.
[Image: svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9JzU2Nicgd...cxLjEnLz4=][Image: Graph-1-lithium.jpg?resize=780%2C566&ssl=1]
Example of contradictions to the Big Bang theory: The abundance of the light element lithium plotted against iron abundance
in parts per billion for the 26 known stars with the least contamination from earlier stars.
The Big Bang-predicted range of values is shown by the red solid lines, a factor of 20 too high compared with observed values.
The evidence against dark matter, whose existence is postulated by Big Bang theory, is overwhelming.

The Big Bang theory’s predictions concerning the cosmic microwave background have multiple contradictions, as do the theory’s
predictions concerning so-called inflation and dark energy.
In each case, observations are based on many papers, published by many different groups of researchers in leading peer-reviewed
journals over a period of years – or even decades.

One of the most damning cases of false predictions by the Big Bang theory concerns the brightness of galaxies.
Newer research tested one of the striking predictions of the Big Bang theory: namely that ordinary geometry does not work at great

In the space around us, on Earth, in the solar system and the Milky Way, as similar objects get farther away, they look fainter and
smaller. Their surface brightness, to use a technical term– the ratio of their apparent brightness to their apparent area – remains
a constant.

In contrast, the Big Bang theory tells us that in an expanding universe objects actually should appear fainter but bigger.
In addition, the light would be stretched as the universe expanded, further dimming the light. So, in an expanding universe
the most distant galaxies should have hundreds of times less surface brightness than similar nearby galaxies, making them
actually undetectable with present-day telescopes.

But that is not what observations show.
Researchers have carefully compared the size and brightness of about a thousand nearby and extremely distant galaxies.
Contrary to the prediction of the Big Bang theory, they found that the surface brightnesses of the near and far galaxies are
identical, just as one would expect with no expansion.

[Image: svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9JzU2Nycgd...cxLjEnLz4=][Image: Graph-2-surface-brightness.jpg?resize=780%2C567&ssl=1]
Another contradiction to the Big Bang theory. Here the logarithm of surface brightness is plotted against the redshift.
Each square, diamond or circle represents observations of dozens or hundreds of galaxies.
The prediction with no expansion is the black horizontal line. The Big Bang prediction is the curving red line — not exactly
a good fit to the data!

JT: How have the advocates of the Big Bang responded to that?

EL. The Big Bang cosmologists viewed it simply as an anomaly. They said, “How do we resolve the anomaly?”
Characteristically, they came up with an additional hypothesis that complicated the theory, but would explain the difference.

So, the additional hypothesis was size evolution. They said, essentially, the galaxies grow.
They start out really tiny like babies, and they grow over billions of years. But unlike babies, they aren’t tiny and weak,
they’re tiny and very strong.
Their surface brightness would be hundreds of times more than any galaxy we see today! And this, by coincidence, would
explain the discrepancy with the observed data. Even with this hypothesis the data still contradict the theory.

JT: And you say we don’t need to introduce this kind of hypothesis?

EL: In all the 18 areas, except one, there are explanations of the observed phenomena that are based on known physical laws,
and that don’t require the Big Bang. You don’t need a fancy new theory to explain the phenomena.

You need – with one exception – gravitation, electromagnetism, nuclear forces and nuclear reactions: things that we have studied
here on Earth. You can get rid of so-called cosmic inflation, you can get rid of dark energy, you can get rid of the expanding
universe. You can get rid of dark matter and just throw them into the dustbin of history.

JT: You mentioned that there is one exception, where an alternative explanation is still lacking.

EL: The only exception is the one that Edwin Hubble pointed out one hundred years ago, namely the red shift.

JT: For our readers, this refers to the shift of the observed spectrum of light from astronomical objects toward longer wavelengths
– that is, lower photon energies – which is conventionally explained in terms of the so-called Doppler effect, by assuming that
those objects are moving away from us. The red shift appears to be larger, the more distant the object.

The Big Bang theorists take the red shift measurements as decisive evidence that distant galaxies are moving away from us,
and that the Universe itself is expanding. Eric, can there really be any doubt about this conclusion?

[Image: svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyBoZWlnaHQ9JzM2Nycgd...cxLjEnLz4=][Image: Big-Bang-Universe-Physics.jpg?resize=780%2C367&ssl=1]
Abstract image of the Big Bang. Image: Wikimedia

EL: Yeah, there certainly is a doubt.  Expansion is only one specific explanation of the red shift relationship.
But in science, just to give an explanation for something is not enough. The validity of an explanation of a theory needs to be
tested by its predictions – by comparing its predictions with subsequent observations.

The point is, apart from the red shift, the expansion theory makes many other predictions.
The key observational data set that I and my colleagues concentrated on over the course of a long period from 2005 to 2018
– and the results were published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in
2018 – deals with surface brightness.

And, as I mentioned, for these and 16 other data sets, the predictions of the Big Bang theory turn out to be all wrong.
So what I’m saying is that the crisis in cosmology has reached a point where the alternative to the Big Bang is, quite simply,
no Big Bang – no Bang at all.

JT: But if there is no Big Bang and no expansion of the Universe, then how are we going to explain the red shift observations?

EL: Hubble – who made the first observations of the red shift a hundred years ago – himself never believed that it was due to
the expansion of the universe. He believed that he was observing a new and as yet unexplained physical phenomenon.
This is what we have to look into.

There would have to be a new phenomenon that explains how electromagnetic radiation loses energy as it travels.
In fact, there are predictions from such an effect which it would be possible to test within our solar system.
We can test with a space probe whether the red shift happens within our solar system. We know from multiple observations that
our solar system is not expanding.
If there were a distance-dependent red shift effect, we could put a spacecraft in orbit that could measure it within the solar system.

I could not pay for this out of my own pocket, but it can be done.
Specifically, for example, the planned LISA mission, which is intended to measure gravitational waves, could be modified to actually
measure a distance-based effect in the propagation of light.

JT: That would certainly be a fundamental discovery!

A further note to readers: You can learn more about the crisis of cosmology and the evidence against the Big Bang theory at
this summary page by Lerner and in Lerner’s video series.

In the next installment of this interview, Lerner will address the issue of why, instead of questioning the validity of the Big Bang,
its supporters, again and again, invent new, ad hoc hypotheses to explain the discrepancies – even though this seems to go
against one of the basic principles of science that a theory has to be refutable or falsifiable; it cannot be like a piece of rubber,
that you can stretch any way you want.

Jonathan Tennenbaum received his PhD in mathematics from the University of California in 1973 at age 22.
Also a physicist, linguist and pianist, he’s a former editor of FUSION magazine. He lives in Berlin and travels frequently to Asia
and elsewhere, consulting on economics, science and technology.
There is a funny thing about very smart people, many think they are so much smarter than other people that they must always be right. It can be very difficult for them to accept the opinion of people they think are "less" than them, this leads to a form of blindness when they are taking in information, data ect.
They often have massive ego, to a point they will do everything they can to prove they are right.
I think its a kind of one- upmanship, if you dont agree with what im saying its because you are not as smart as me, so im always right
In The Church of Science... there's always chess-board maneuvering.

They don't know anything more than they will tomorrow, but they will get paid again tomorrow.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Great information hearing this. I am not a cosmologist or even a scientist but the whole BBT seems contrived. Not maliciously, but from the nature of the problem.  

Before anyone argues, I cannot offer a better explanation. I am not sure if we will ever have an adequate explanation but I fully endorse those working on it. 

Even my Christian beliefs allow room for an explanation outside of Genesis. Yes, there was the word but something had to physically manifest. How did that happen? I don't know that one either. 

Thanks for posting.
(11-18-2020, 03:08 PM)ABNARTY Wrote: Great information hearing this. I am not a cosmologist or even a scientist but the whole BBT seems contrived. Not maliciously, but from the nature of the problem.  

Before anyone argues, I cannot offer a better explanation. I am not sure if we will ever have an adequate explanation but I fully endorse those working on it. 

Even my Christian beliefs allow room for an explanation outside of Genesis. Yes, there was the word but something had to physically manifest. How did that happen? I don't know that one either. 

Thanks for posting.

I agree with you. @"ABNARTY" 
I never cared for the BBT either but what can cause a big ball of gas to ignite in the vacuum of space?

How was all this created? I don't know and I don't believe in the Almighty God Theory.

I'm no scientist iether, so this is way above my humble pay scale.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Interesting article.
What makes a "scientist" anymore special than anyone-else?
Like Tommy Chong, I prefer the Big Bong it allows for many totally reasonable & rational explanations for as long as one inhabits the Big Bong Universe.

"Good judgment comes from experience...
Experience...? Well, that comes from poor judgment."
~ Dean Martin ~

I'm no physicist, but my university education WAS in physics and astronomy, so my opinion is somewhat informed, but not "expert".

I have never bought the "Big Bang Theory". It has always appeared to me to be an attempt by the Church of Science to undercut other religions with it's own theory of magic. Much like other religions, it states that one instant there was "nothing" and the next there was "everything" - in other words nothing>> POOF! magic >> everything. No logical explanation for that magical POOF! At least the other religions insert their deity to cause the POOF! The BBT has no cause for the magical POOF!

Likewise, I don't believe there is any such thing as "dark matter". The entire theory is just to support a fudge factor in equations of gravity to make them match observation, because the calculators do not understand the nature of gravity. Therefore, they have to insert unobserved magic to make the calculations match reality rather than more deeply investigating the nature of gravity to arrive at a correct conclusion. It's fascinating that they build an excuse into the "cure" - since "dark matter" is dark, naturally it can't be directly observed to confirm it's existence, even thought it allegedly makes up, by some estimates, 90% of everything that IS!

How convenient...

Maybe "Dark Matter" is just the astrophysical equivalent of the gods - it's there, but us mere mortals just can't see it, so we need to just take the High Priests of the Church of Science's word for it...

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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