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Portland Federal Courthouse aftermath
The Mayor and the City Council members should be so proud for letting this happen for 100 + days
Result of "peaceful" protests?

I can definitely empathize with having issues with those who work at federal courthouses. And what they do. Who doesn't?


This will not improve squat. If I were to wager, I would say it will make things worse. Instead of a powerful, organized, and on point campaign to roll back over-reach, we have miscreants pissing sideways all over the map. No one with a semblance of cognitive ability is giving this mob the time of day. 

On top of that, my inner Woodsy Owl is devastated by the trash and littering. If I were King for a day, I would not release those arrested for rioting immediately. Instead, I would make them wear orange jumpsuits and clean up the mess. Pick up trash, scrub spray paint, repair windows, etc. 

And I would put it on the local government cable channel. This is not harassment, it is healthy restitution.
The clean up for this craziness is what Nancy added to the Stimulus Bill package, and this is part of the reason why President Trump won't give them the money. 
The Governors and Mayors of these cities/towns allowed the destruction to happen without arrests and now they want federal money to fix it back.

Heck no!  I'm supposed to have another check coming, but I'll wait if it means bailing these cities out after tying the hands of the police to stop it. 

And... a court house?  Hope they got their faces on camera. It's an automatic 10 years in prison for destroying federal property now.

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