07-13-2020, 03:57 PM
Because I don't want to aid and abet in any criminal action, and I don't want to give these criminals any free advertising, I will only say that the internet is the prime location for sex trafficking. The majority of all sexual assault cases, by a landslide, are connected to the internet. Some sites, are primary offenders, and they have been able to escape prosecution, because there are laws in place that makes the owners of these sites untouchable.
Trying to go after the direct offenders is extremely difficult, because it is a matter of timing. They are in and out of the locations so fast, that even if the police got a tip, by the time they arrived on site, they are gone. The reporting victims usually have been under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or both, so by the time they report, hours to days have gone by, giving the offenders time to remove all evidence they were ever there.
In cases where the victim participated or voluntarily consumed drugs or alcohol, they are often embarrassed, or they feel they will be blamed for the assault, so they may not report until days or weeks have passed. While many may ask then why report at all? It is a blessing that these victims put their personal discomfort aside, and come forward with information that may help the team at least know the activity is taking place in their area. This helps them with the great challenge of cutting off the head of another snake.
And as many also know, when you cut off the head of one snake, often another head or two will spring up. This happens hourly, not just daily. It is a constant, constant battle. Unfortunately, too many people don't believe just how crazy regular this activity goes on. We have become so desensitized with all the media spin on #me too, and the movement has given too many young people a false sense of security. The most common thing I hear from young victims is, "It never should have happen!" "I have the right to drink as much as I want, that doesn't give anyone the right to do that to me!" "Even if I was laid out on the ground butt naked, if I could not give my consent, that means it is illegal!"
They are right, but what they don't seem to be able to grasp, is that people, maybe even them, break the law everyday.
I am adding the documentary "I am Jane Doe". It is a bit long, but it will give you a little insight into the problems we face. And let me say this, I have heard enough unbelievable stories that turned out to be true, to realize that the easiest way to get away with sexual assault and human trafficking, is to do it is such away that it seems so ridiculous that the average person's immediate response is doubt.
Please watch the film and when it comes to this, start by believing.
Trying to go after the direct offenders is extremely difficult, because it is a matter of timing. They are in and out of the locations so fast, that even if the police got a tip, by the time they arrived on site, they are gone. The reporting victims usually have been under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or both, so by the time they report, hours to days have gone by, giving the offenders time to remove all evidence they were ever there.
In cases where the victim participated or voluntarily consumed drugs or alcohol, they are often embarrassed, or they feel they will be blamed for the assault, so they may not report until days or weeks have passed. While many may ask then why report at all? It is a blessing that these victims put their personal discomfort aside, and come forward with information that may help the team at least know the activity is taking place in their area. This helps them with the great challenge of cutting off the head of another snake.
And as many also know, when you cut off the head of one snake, often another head or two will spring up. This happens hourly, not just daily. It is a constant, constant battle. Unfortunately, too many people don't believe just how crazy regular this activity goes on. We have become so desensitized with all the media spin on #me too, and the movement has given too many young people a false sense of security. The most common thing I hear from young victims is, "It never should have happen!" "I have the right to drink as much as I want, that doesn't give anyone the right to do that to me!" "Even if I was laid out on the ground butt naked, if I could not give my consent, that means it is illegal!"
They are right, but what they don't seem to be able to grasp, is that people, maybe even them, break the law everyday.
I am adding the documentary "I am Jane Doe". It is a bit long, but it will give you a little insight into the problems we face. And let me say this, I have heard enough unbelievable stories that turned out to be true, to realize that the easiest way to get away with sexual assault and human trafficking, is to do it is such away that it seems so ridiculous that the average person's immediate response is doubt.
Please watch the film and when it comes to this, start by believing.