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Why not shut everything down every year during Flu season ?
Quote:Seasonal flu death estimate increases worldwide
Press Release
Embargoed Until: Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 6:30 p.m. ET
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

According to new estimates published today, between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza related
respiratory illnesses each year, higher than a previous estimate of 250,000 to 500,000 and based on a robust, multinational survey.

The new estimate, from a collaborative study by CDC and global health partners, appears today in The Lancet.
The estimate excludes deaths during pandemics.

“These findings remind us of the seriousness of flu and that flu prevention should really be a global priority,” says Joe Bresee, M.D.
associate director for global health in CDC’s Influenza Division and a study co-author.
The new estimates use more recent data, taken from a larger and more diverse group of countries than previous estimates.

Forty-seven countries contributed to this effort. Researchers calculated annual seasonal influenza-associated respiratory deaths for
33 of those countries (57 percent of the world’s population) that had death records and seasonal influenza surveillance information
for a minimum of four years between 1999 and 2015.

Statistical modeling with those results was used to generate an estimate of the number of flu-associated respiratory deaths for 185
countries across the world. Data from the other 14 countries were used to validate the estimates of seasonal influenza-associated
respiratory death from the statistical models.

Poorest nations, older adults hit hardest by flu
Researchers calculated region-specific estimates and age-specific mortality estimates for people younger than 65 years, people 65-74
years, and people 75 years and older. The greatest flu mortality burden was seen in the world’s poorest regions and among older adults.

People age 75 years and older and people living in sub-Saharan African countries experienced the highest rates of flu-associated
respiratory deaths. Eastern Mediterranean and Southeast Asian countries had slightly lower but still high rates of flu-associate
respiratory deaths.

Despite World Health Organization recommendations to use flu vaccinationexternal icon to help protect people in high-risk populations,
few developing countries have seasonal flu vaccination programs or the capacity to produce and distribute seasonal or pandemic

Global flu surveillance protects all nations, including U.S.
CDC works with global partners to improve worldwide capacity for influenza prevention and control. CDC has helped more than 60
countries build surveillance and laboratory capacity to rapidly detect and respond to influenza threats, including viruses with the
potential to cause global pandemics. 

These efforts, along with technical support, has helped some partners generate estimates of influenza-associated deaths, which
contributed to this global effort.

Global surveillance also provides the foundation for selecting the viruses used to make seasonal flu vaccines each year.
This helps improve the effectiveness of flu vaccines used in the United States. Global surveillance also is crucial to pandemic
preparedness by identifying viruses overseas that might pose a human health risk to people in the United States.

“This work adds to a growing global understanding of the burden of influenza and populations at highest risk,” says CDC researcher
Danielle Iuliano, lead author of The Lancet study. “It builds the evidence base for influenza vaccination programs in other countries.”

The study authors note that these new estimates are limited to flu-associated respiratory deaths and therefore may underestimate the
true global impact of seasonal influenza. Influenza infection can create or exacerbate other health factors which are then listed as the
cause of death on death certificates, for example cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or related complications.

Additional research to estimate non-respiratory causes of flu-associated deaths are ongoing.
Interesting that the article in the Lancet never mentions the buzz-word 'Coronavirus', the impression one would
acquire from this piece is that we've been dealing with flu all this time, and this current situation was a worry before
it even materialised! But to say that would demean today's 'the-sky-is-falling-in' scaremongering!

One has to wonder what impact that would've had on the global community and media ratings if they'd been told flu
was out-and-about again this time of the year.
Also interesting is the comment 'The estimate excludes deaths during pandemics' in regards of the new and previous
estimate. Since this piece -that was published in 2017, it suggests influenza-related illnesses has been increasing year
-on-year and yet it's taken three years for us to be now in this global panic. Any such alarm button seems to have been
ignored and world-wide spread of the disease was inevitable.
Or was it...?

Influenza is seasonal and has the ability to mutate quickly to promote it's lifespan. This usually means that during an outbreak,
it becomes asymptomatic and the carrier shows no symptoms of the virus. By using the body's cells, the flu replicates poor
copies of itself that eventually become weak enough through this self-copying and degradation of its original potency that
the host's immune system can destroy it.
This is why there is no overall cure and merely a slight introduction of the virus into the human system we call 'vaccination'.

By the way, did you know that there is not a single reliable study to determine the number of asymptomatics? It is likely we will
only learn the true extent of this current pandemic once population-based antibody testing is undertaken.
However, if such testing is done, the information will not be so widely-spread as the 'fear-porn' currently delivered by the media.

And that's the real problem here, the media. The ideal breeding-grounds for influenza involves vulnerable situations like elderly
-care, nursery of the young, poor dietary due to poverty and health education and those suffering with ailments ideal for such a
virus to abuse. 

What do we get broadcast everyday...? Shock, fear and the occasional tear-jerking anecdote. The transportation of accurate
information in the form of news and specific advise in times of global concerns has been switched-out for narcissistic-celebrity
virtue-signalling and commentary sniping on those in political stations that certain media outlets don't like.

It seems infections come in many forms and in the case of shitty, low-brow sensationalism-news, we do have a pandemic.

Thanks Sky.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Going over the numbers for Virginia last night, I noticed that the most affected areas are urban. Digging deeper, I found that urban areas, academic institutions, nursing homes, and to a lesser extent prisons are the hardest hit. The one things all these settings has in common are a lot of people packed into a small space, which promotes throwing the virus out there and letting tons of folks pick it up.

Then I realized that the WORLD is becoming such a place, with the increasing population. Just in my lifetime, the world population has increased by 250%, making it more crowded, and allowing disease to spread more readily. We are due for a real pandemic in the near future, one much worse than this one has turned out to be, one far deadlier. It's simple mathematics - more people in bigger crowds = more spread and more death.

Every so often, when a population gets out of hand like that, nature takes over via one of many mechanisms such as disease and starvation to thin the herd down. This has gone on forever, and will continue to go on for as long as there are organisms which occasionally overpopulate.

This is nothing new, and as pandemics go it's been pretty weak. Watch out for the big one - it's coming. If not this corona virus, then perhaps another, a mutated version, of a new flu. Something will come, and there will be more space on the planet when it passes.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

What 'IF'  everything he says is true ? What 'IF' this is all part of a bigger eugenics program to herd everyone into taking a COVID-19 shot from Mr. eugenics sponsor himself Bill Gates... What If ?
HAhahaha one of the members was complaining about people not staying home. Another member wrote:
Quote:What I can't wrap my head around is why my going out threatens you if you stay in your house. Put a sign on our front door that says WUHAN FLU FREE ZONE (or the made up name Covid-19, or whatever you want), and I promise I'll stay away from you!

If you are so damn scared of the possibility of getting sick, you stay home, curled into a fetal position in the most remote corner of the most remote room in your house. You see, that way if I go out and you stay in, you don't have to worry about me getting you sick.

As a matter of fact, you are and have always been statistically many, many times more likely to die in an auto accident or some other random occurrence than you are from contracting the Chinese CCP virus. So, why don't you just plan to live the rest of your life in the back corner of that back room where you'll be safe, safe, safe from all the bad things that might happen to you?

With people being arrested for paddle boarding or going to a play ground with their kids due to some governors blanket statement I think he/she made a good point.
(04-24-2020, 07:16 AM)727Sky Wrote: ...With people being arrested for paddle boarding or going to a play ground with their kids due to some governors blanket
statement I think he/she made a good point.

It is a good point and in fact, a view that many would assume would be the default position when looking at today's situation.
This is a 'PLANdemic' -make no mistake and the lazy media have made it obvious with their one-side delivery of news.
But I can understand the natural evolution of what most of us are going through right now.

The alleged voices of authority speak and the majority of the world listens and believes. We perceive everyone around us as we
perceive ourselves, with an attempt to be honest and with the best intentions at heart. So we follow the advice, we remain indoors
and hope the foul devil-disease passes our door in the night. We gather our loved-ones together and wait.

Then we get bored. We listen and watch the numbers of deaths roll in, the people in suits warning us that the world is under attack
from something with a strange name. We overhear conspiratorial whispers of the disease being manufactured with evil intent and
the legacy-media chortle and tell us otherwise..

That indoctrination of consumerism starts to itch and the media tell you that your country is beginning to falter with finance. You're
out of work and the small set-aside monies are dwindling. We ignore the warnings and the same media that has been goading you
with scare-tacits of empty shelves and those in higher status than yourself are flouting the rules, report it when you go outside and
do your shopping.

Private retail companies make you stand apart, they wash down your shopping trolley after you use it and you feel dirty. You feel that
you're really doing wrong, but needs-must and your family comes first. Thousands of people are dying, the TV shows heart-broken
people on your screen every evening and your guilt increases. You're part of the problem if you're not following the rules.
But you can't help it, you need to be bad for what you believe is a greater good.

Then there's that stupid small voice in your head telling you this is all wrong, it doesn't make sense. How can the same television
screen offer you discount on a new kitchen and at the same time tell you the planet is clearing itself of the human species?

If this is the Armageddon the poe-faced news presenters portray from their well-lit studios, why are they still gaily advertising washing
-machine cleaner and can watch Journalists walk solemnly down empty high-streets telling me how contagious this flu actually is?
Are these people immune to the horrible virus...? Is this like when CNN's Chris Cuomo told us it was illegal to read the Wiki-Leaks,
but it was different for Journalists?

But those in authority don't seem to have that problem of doubt, they confidently state the daily statistics of infection and demise.
With serious tones, they purvey news of the devastation out there and the piles of disease-riddled bodies being carted out of hospitals
and old-folks homes.

Tear-smudged celebrities tell you how sorry they feel for you and how they understand what you're going through.
If you only hadn't been a deplorable, you could then appreciate the burden of sorrow these people in Hollywood are dealing with on
your behalf.
Damn it, you should be a better person and be like them.

That voice in your head is louder now. It laughs at your naivety, your built-in belief that people just don't lie for no reason, this coronavirus
pandemic must be real. You scour the internet and discover the global cost of life is far-lower than what other annual rates of death are.
You juggle with the rationale that if this influenza-virus is a disease that comes every year, it means that the rest of you and your family's
lives will have to be radically stunted, the days of walking together in a park or meadow because you wanted to, will never happen again.

Oh God... this is terrible, but my local Supermarket is open.  Oh my, it's really awful, but I can watch Netflix.... Oh please, I just want it to
go back to the way it was.

(Inner Voice) "Which way...? The way it was before Trump came along and you ticked the 'Leave'-box on your 
Brexit vote?"

(Me) "It's just so confusing, the Government on the television are telling me one-thing and yet, the information
is so mixed-up and I don't know what to do"

(Inner Voice) "Here's an idea, turn the fucking television off and start listening to yourself for a change"

(Me) "But what if I'm wrong?"

(Inner Voice) "Join the club honey, we had jackets made. What do you think your ancestors did before that box
in the corner was invented? Now... place your hands down between your legs, feel them...? They're called balls.
Congratulations, you've just grown a pair and now you can officially use the expression 'self-responsibility'.
Look it up on Google, you'll have to almost fully spell it out, mind. Google doesn't like you looking it up."

(Me) "Thank you"

(Inner Voice) "Stop being so soft and thanking me. Now get to work being self-reliant and get rid of that box of
You've got a family to think of, in the old days, we used to call it 'duty'.
By the way, don't look up the word 'family' on Google either, those guys don't like that  unity-stuff"

(Me) "Thank you"

(Inner Voice) "Shut the fuck-up and get to work".
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
We have heard how everyone who is admitted to a hospital or dies for whatever reason is classified as a COVID-19 patient.. Could the reason be that if a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient they get $13,000 and IF they put the patient on a ventilator they get $39,000 ? That right there is a strong motivation to classify everyone with a hang nail as a COVID-19 patient IMO. 

As the doctor in the video says, " You get hit by a buss and you are rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung. You die 20 minutes later as the blood work arrives which indicates you had COVID-19. Death certificate has cause of death COVID-19."

I am sure money has nothing to do with it ! (sarc)
(04-26-2020, 07:01 AM)727Sky Wrote: We have heard how everyone who is admitted to a hospital or dies for whatever reason is classified as a COVID-19 patient.. Could the reason be that if a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient they get $13,000 and IF they put the patient on a ventilator they get $39,000 ? That right there is a strong motivation to classify everyone with a hang nail as a COVID-19 patient IMO. 

As the doctor in the video says, " You get hit by a buss and you are rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung. You die 20 minutes later as the blood work arrives which indicates you had COVID-19. Death certificate has cause of death COVID-19."

I am sure money has nothing to do with it ! (sarc)

YUP!  minusculethumbsup2 
Follow the Money and it takes you to the Fake Deaths of COVID-19 it is called a Pay Check!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I believe this is a trial run for the deep state to see how hard it would be to control the people should they decide to put out a REAL deadly virus.

We had military in place in case things get too crazy. Are they here on a trial run also?
We have police arresting dads and moms for being alone with their children on a play ground. People being arrested for walking alone on beaches, no one else around.
Seems they are seeing just how much of communist rule the American people are willing to take before fighting back.

I think if people continue to bend over, the next round will be without Vaseline.

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