I'm gonna call BS on it. CGI, I'm pretty sure. They did a good job with the fade into dark as it retreated, but the movements were too jerky. Didn't do a good job with the motion. Furthermore, if you watch it closely, it's body parts vary in size, even when it is standing still. It appears to have been choreographed with the guy "speaking in tongues", and retreats when he starts babbling - just what you would expect of a demon responding to God-talk in a christian propaganda piece.
That whole "speaking in tongues" thing is a sore spot with me. I know the theory behind it that is claimed by christian "charismatics", and was even once taught how to do it on purpose by one, but it is not in accord with biblical "tongues" as mentioned in Acts. Further, although I can do it, I don't any more. I was once in an Assemblies of God church when "tongues" broke out, with one here or one there standing up and babbling incoherently, and then another guy across the room would arise and "interpret" the babbling into English.
Well, this one lady stood and started babbling in "unknown tongues", but the kicker was that I understood what she was saying, and that chilled me to the core. I shouldn't have been able to understand it, but there I was. Rather than an "unknown tongue", it was a known language, but one that had not been spoken for a couple of thousand years - it was ancient Sumerian. I didn't need any "interpreter", and what she was saying should never have been uttered in any house of God - not even the ancient Sumerian gods.
When she got finished babbling, the "interpreter" arose, and what he interpreted it to in English was nothing of the kind of what she had said. Not even a little bit. I was done there, walked right out, never went back, and absolutely do NOT "speak in tongues" any more. If I don't know what I'm saying (as she clearly did not), then I have no control over it, and the exercise is useless.
No, I don't speak Ancient Sumerian. I know bits and pieces, a word here and there, and should not have understood what she said... but I did, and that, as much as what was said, chilled me. It's not for me, and scares the crap out of me as much as anything else does.
This guy babbling in the video was not speaking any real language that I could detect - it was just babbling, of the sort I was taught, alleged to be a "spiritual language between your soul and God that even demons cannot understand or interfere with" - i.e. bullshit in the vernacular. There is no reason it should have made any monster retreat, as the "monsters" themselves are not supposed to be able to understand it, even if the CGI critter could have heard it.
I'm putting this one down to "Charismatic Christian" propaganda, CGI edition.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.
Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’