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Soros funding again ?
Stop The Rumor-mill Presses: Judge Kavanaugh’s Accuser’s Attorney Is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh

TOPICS:[url=]Brett Kavanaugh
Catherine FrompovichGeorge SorosGovernment

September 19, 2018
[Image: brett-kavanaugh-1024x625-1-1024x625.jpg]By Catherine J. Frompovich
Wait a minute!  What’s going on?  Have you heard the latest about the Judge Kavanaugh sexual harassment deepening debacle?  If you haven’t, then you are in for some probable head-turning news.
Perhaps you ought to fasten your mental seatbelts and even take some fortification for your emotional control because what you are about to read probably will make you angry about the double standards of the “gotcha” world we live in.
The Geller Report on its website for September 18, 2018 published some interesting news about Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual harassment over thirty-some years ago while both were teens, but she can’t remember much of the details, according to developing stories.

Who is Pamela Geller?
Quote:Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is the author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, (foreword by Ambassador John Bolton), (Simon & Schuster). Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. She is also a regular columnist for World Net Daily, the American Thinker, and other publications. Follow her on Facebook & Twitter
The Geller Report’s headline story was Kavanaugh Accuser’s Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh with the opening paragraph stating
Quote:Download Your First Issue Free!
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Quote:Debra Katz, the attorney representing the woman who’s accusing Brett Kavanaugh of a high school era sexual assault, is the vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight — a group funded in large part by George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. [CJF emphasis]
The above information, along with the allegation that Kavanaugh’s mother ruled against the Blasey family’s house foreclosure in the clip below, probably indicates another motive: a revenge tactic more than anything which may have happened in those now-forgettable teenage years party-goings-on!
[Image: ford.jpg]Sources:
Let’s see what Monday, September 24th brings.  Will Blasey-Ford show up in the Senate hearing chambers?  Want to make a bet?  I predict she will not appear, and that she just may be playing a game of what can amount to boomerang chicken, but with the U.S. Congress and the citizens of the USA.
Blasey-Ford’s tactics are another chapter in the long-drawn-out disappointment that Hillary Clinton did not win the 2016 election, which the Democrats just can’t seem to get over, accept and carry on life as U.S. citizens, not modern-day Bolsheviks, in my opinion.
Soros Makes The Kochs Look Like Political Skinflints
I Agree it's total Bull-Shit.
Besides, look who has said this woman needs to be Believed.
Wait fir it,,,,,,Wait,,,,,,,,
Yes you read the headlines correctly, pick yourself up and set back down.

Quote:Former First Lady Hillary Clinton weighed into the controversy over Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who's accusing him of sexual assault 35 years ago, Christine Ford. 

Kavanaugh's accuser, Clinton said, deserves "the benefit of the doubt.
Can You Believe this!!??
From Her Mouth!!!!  tinysure What were the Names She Called her Husband's Accusers?[Image: hillary-war-on-women.jpg?w=450&h=321]
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Taken straight from the Democratic Playbook.  Are you all taking notes so you can learn how they work their 'magic' to get what they want?  It's all falling apart for them; they are desperate, which makes their moves even that much more transparent.

President Trump's latest EO about people interfering in our election process should make it easier to arrest these people and get them the hell out of our way.  He didn't just say Presidential, Congress, etc., he said "elections", so that covers a pretty broad area, right?
Maybe this is how they will finally take Soros down?

I predict Judge K will be confirmed on Oct 3rd.  I'll tell you why if, and when, it happens.

ETA:  This just now came across Twitter:

JUST IN: Sen. Dianne Feinstein still refuses to show Judiciary committee chairman Chuck Grassley 'anonymous' letter from Kavanaugh accuser, even after she willingly revealed her name to the Washington Post

Am I the only one who thinks this is all just made up BS to buy the left some time while they strategize their next move to try to take Pres. Trump out ?
The cracks in lil' George's schemes are starting to show and some European countries
are not for getting in line! Hungary is woke!

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Soros can not stop his Push Forward for his Dream of Open Borders and a One World Government.

He Hate The Idea of Britain Being A Independent and Great Country again.
Quote:Best for Britain, which received £800,000 from Hungarian-American progressive campaigner George Soros, is planning to target more than one million Britons in ‘swing vote’ constituencies, reports The Guardian.

Partnering with the far-left group HOPE not Hate — which has received support from Soros’s Open Society Foundations in the past — the anti-Brexit group said it has ‘street-level data’ on some 90 constituencies which voted 45 to 50 percent in favour of staying in the UK and will launch its volunteer drive at Labour Party conference.
You did catch that part about,,,,,,,, "Soros's Open Society Foundation" 
He has founded and paid Political leaders to Open their Borders and transfer your Beautiful Country into a Third World Trash Heap with Rapers and Killed Roaming your streets.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(09-22-2018, 07:54 PM)guohua Wrote: You did catch that part about,,,,,,,, "Soros's Open Society Foundation" 
He has founded and paid Political leaders to Open their Borders and transfer your Beautiful Country into a Third World Trash Heap with Rapers and Killed Roaming your streets.

I will never understand the MSM''s intelligence with this. Soros and the mainstream media know
that once Article 50 was activated, the UK was leaving the EU.

That's it... there's nothing more. We can have another vote and even if the country changed its mind,
you're still leaving the European Union! Most of the British public know this and can't get their heads
around why the MSM and the Nazi clothes and gold-fillings collector keep banging on about it.

It can't be changed unless we skip a time-line or something!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(09-22-2018, 08:18 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 07:54 PM)guohua Wrote: You did catch that part about,,,,,,,, "Soros's Open Society Foundation" 
He has founded and paid Political leaders to Open their Borders and transfer your Beautiful Country into a Third World Trash Heap with Rapers and Killed Roaming your streets.

I will never understand the MSM''s intelligence with this. Soros and the mainstream media know
that once Article 50 was activated, the UK was leaving the EU.

That's it... there's nothing more. We can have another vote and even if the country changed its mind,
you're still leaving the European Union! Most of the British public know this and can't get their heads
around why the MSM and the Nazi clothes and gold-fillings collector keep banging on about it.

It can't be changed unless we skip a time-line or something!

My husband said the same thing you did,,,, But I have to wonder, did you read this part about the Scottish Green Party.

Quote:Meanwhile, a cross-party group of politicians including Scottish Green MSPs and Labour and SNP MEPs have won an appeal at the Court of Session in Edinburgh to take their case to the EU Court of Justice to argue that Article 50 — the official mechanism for leaving the EU triggered in March 2017 — can be revoked without the permission of the other 27 member states.
WHO in their right mind would do Such a Thing!!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(09-22-2018, 09:00 PM)guohua Wrote: ...My husband said the same thing you did,,,, But I have to wonder, did you read this part about the Scottish Green Party.

Quote:Meanwhile, a cross-party group of politicians including Scottish Green MSPs and Labour and SNP MEPs
have won an appeal at the Court of Session in Edinburgh to take their case to the EU Court of Justice to
argue that Article 50 — the official mechanism for leaving the EU triggered in March 2017 — can be revoked
without the permission of the other 27 member states.
WHO in their right mind would do Such a Thing!!

MEPS of Scotland, that's who! Their current positions will be no longer needed, their wishful-thing annoys
those resigned to the United Kingdom's decision and it makes good 'outrage' copy!

Of course the Scottish MEPs can go to the unseen Commission and debate their case, it's an ideal opportunity
to show democracy in action and a political strong-arm tactic to Westminster in order of a job within the Civil
Service. The best way to shut them up is to create a post and with a nice pension, put the moaners in those
positions and eh presto, everyone's happy!

It also gets the respective political parties' names in the news with the hopes that those who didn't agree with
the referendum outcome will join the Green Party or the Labour Party or even The Scottish Nationalist Party.
Now... which one of them is governing at the moment?!!

It would be easy to condemn both sides of the issue and the media-conduits they used to explain why
the British public didn't understand the alleged nuances involved in leaving a multi-faceted agreement.
For the majority, they didn't know the full ins-and-outs, yet they made a democratic decision.

What pisses the Remainers off -a title that really means those who believe they benefit from being the EU,
is that it didn't go their way and many of them have platforms to bitch about it!

The reality is this and it's a true that many of the working and middle-class already understand.
To demand that Company A cannot trade with Company B is a sanction, a punishment from one party
to another in the forum of finance, business or assistance in governing.

It's a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule, which is only applicable when an agreed law or rule
is broken. The EU -a group of countries that agreed to certain regulations in trade and finance, have rules
when it comes to a nation deciding to leave their group.
To behave otherwise would be a demand that a country wishing to join the European Union must hand over
its sovereignty and ergo, its power of control and laws.

Business in the EU and the UK will continue to trade, but there are certain obstacles when it comes to the
logistics of trade. Hence, discussions on solving these problems is ongoing. Money is there from Company
A and Company B wants it, it's that simple.

Ask yourself this, if leaving the European Union is such a bad thing, then why did over 50% of British voters
select to leave? Is it that over half of the people in the UK are stupid and didn't listen to the pros-and-cons
of doing so...?
Or was it that the true circumstances of being in the EU or using the World Trade Organisation were not fairly

The EU is a ponzi scheme that generates nothing. The EU doesn't manufacture anything, it doesn't create anything
that the millions of people it sets regulations for can use. It's a group of individual countries looking for affiliates
that benefit from something and out-voting those who oppose what they want.
Ask the British fishery-community.

Another aspect to the reality of this subject is that our only access to information regarding unelected bureaucrats
complaining of the free will of a people, is from biased news outlets.

Take this example for instance:

'Brexit: Labour 'would back members' on new vote, says leadership'

A political group that isn't governing the UK is having a conference and in order to garner clicks, it sets the heading
in such a way as to imply that the Labour Party are having a vote against the outcome of the referendum.
The Labour party -like others, is constantly attempting to appease its members and convince others to join.

But by slightly changing the reall reason -a wish to vote on the outcome of the negotiations between the UK and the
EU (notice I changed the usual standing there? The MSM always place the EU first!)...the BBC have implied that the
Labour Party want another referendum.

It insults the reader and those its reporting on, and that fine with a Government-funded broadcaster!
I'm not a Labour voter, but its disingenuous to ignore the deception. The idea of being honourable is scoffed at in
the MSM and by most politicians, and they think the general public don't see it!

This is why the mainstream media and their political allies are going after alternative information providers that reside
on the internet. The established narrative is being doubted by those who've grown up in a technological age where the
usual channels have been left behind.

As I've said before, the current situation isn't about ideologies, race or gender, it's a class-war where those in power
have failed to monitor the repercussions of the change in a global society. We can be shallow and call it an aloofness
or complacency that caused the establishment to miss this undercurrent of people who're no longer listening to their
'betters', but it's happened and now they're scrambling to fix the problem.

That's why the EU's article 13 is being pushed, a clampdown on the freedom of opinion via the use of copyrighted
material under the fair-use agreement. Most of those sitting in the opulent Strasbourg parliament will have no idea
what that means, but it's a controlling device that might stifle some who disagree with their in-group rational.

And the supposedly-neutral reporting media...?
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Meanwhile, back at the Judge Brett Kavanaugh pantomime...

Quote:Julie Swetnick Sued Employer for Sexual Harrassment, Her Lawyer’s Firm Now Reps Christine Blasey Ford.

'Julie Swetnick received a financial settlement after a sexual harassment complaint against her former employer
-and she was represented at the time by the firm run by Debra Katz -who now happens to represent Christine
Blasey Ford.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4546]

Julie Swetnick.

Swetnick, the third woman to accuse Judge Brett Kavanaugh of something nefarious, claims that he was at parties
she frequented where girls were raped. She alleges that she was eventually raped at one of the parties after failing
to notify authorities about the “gang rapes.”

Kavanaugh has denied knowing her.

According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal:
''...In 1993, she filed a criminal harassment complaint with state prosecutors in Maryland against
a podiatrist and his wife, alleging repeated phone calls, according to court records, but the case
was withdrawn two months after it was filed.

In 2001, Ms. Swetnick was the defendant in a domestic-violence case filed by Richard Venneccy
in Miami-Dade County, Fla. The case was dismissed when both parties failed to appear in court
in March of that year, according to court documents reviewed by the Journal.

Roughly a decade ago, Ms. Swetnick was involved in a dispute with her former employer, New York
Life Insurance Co., over a sexual-harassment complaint she filed, according to people familiar with
the matter. Representing her in the complaint was the firm run by Debra Katz, the lawyer currently
representing Dr. Ford. The company ultimately reached a financial settlement with Ms. Swetnick,
the people said.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4547]

Debra Katz, the lawyer currently representing Dr. Ford.

Swetnick also has a problem paying taxes. In 2015, she owed $30,000 in unpaid taxes causing
Maryland’s comptroller filing a lien against her in Anne Arundel County.

“In 2017, the Internal Revenue Service filed a lien on Ms. Swetnick’s Washington apartment for $40,303 in unpaid taxes,
and released it in March, saying the tax bill had been paid,” WSJ reports...'

The circle is almost complete!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Quote:Soros setup: ‘Victim’ screaming at Flake in elevator is Co-Exec. Director of Soros-funded organization

September 29, 2018

[url=]It’s almost no surprise to find that the women who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake in an elevator claiming to be sexual assault victims were actually George Soros-funded activists.[/url]
The screaming leftists cornered the Arizona Republican at the US Capitol Friday morning as he made his way to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where, he’d just announced, he would be voting to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

With Flake trapped in the elevator, the women berated him for his intended vote supporting Kavanaugh, screaming, “This is not tolerable!”
“You have children in your family. Think about them! I have two children. I cannot imagine that for the next 50 years they will have to have someone in the Supreme Court who has been accused of violating a young girl. What are you doing, sir?!” one of the women yelled while blocking the elevator door.
Flake silently listened, nodding occasionally before escaping to the Committee hearing where, after private meetings with Senate Democrats, he gave the left what they wanted. Flake announced to the panel that he would only vote for Kavanaugh if the Senate vote was delayed and another FBI investigation was allowed to be conducted.

And as liberals cheered the news, it was soon clear that the screaming women by the elevator were actually Soros-funded astroturfed activists.
(09-30-2018, 07:29 AM)727Sky Wrote: ...Flake silently listened, nodding occasionally before escaping to the Committee hearing where,
after private meetings with Senate Democrats, he gave the left what they wanted.

Flake announced to the panel that he would only vote for Kavanaugh if the Senate vote was
delayed and another FBI investigation was allowed to be conducted.

And as liberals cheered the news, it was soon clear that the screaming women by the elevator
were actually Soros-funded astroturfed activists...

It astounded me that an adult... a Senator could stand in an elevator and listen to a stranger scream
that they underwent a terrible ordeal with another stranger -one who wasn't kavanaugh, and then
because of the deliberate optics, the terrifying situation that he'd be seen as a ignorant man for not
believing the woman's tirade and his piss-poor weakness of being a wimp, he delays a confirmation
that has nothing... nothing whatsoever to do with the woman in the elevator!

Flake should've bent over and let the girls insert a banner in his ass proclaiming 'JUST ANOTHER CUCK'
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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