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Something is cooking...
(07-16-2018, 09:43 PM)guohua Wrote: Mr. G. Here.
This would have been my choice of Contact Areas.
A Museum or Public Bathroom is better than a Restaurant.
In a restaurant, I've noticed that someone is always looking or watching people coming and going.
You'd have to have paid for your meal (cash) and then made contact with your victim before leaving, that is Awkward, because if you trip your victim or brush against them ruffly, someone will take notice and stare.
Also, most cash registers have cameras, not an ideal place.

A jogging area or dog park, crowded street while window shopping even a newspaper or magazine stand.

So the 'door-handle' is not a good idea, then! Which -when protecting a spy, would probably be on cctv.
The notion of a perfume spray seems ridiculous too.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(07-16-2018, 09:50 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(07-16-2018, 09:43 PM)guohua Wrote: Mr. G. Here.
This would have been my choice of Contact Areas.
A Museum or Public Bathroom is better than a Restaurant.
In a restaurant, I've noticed that someone is always looking or watching people coming and going.
You'd have to have paid for your meal (cash) and then made contact with your victim before leaving, that is Awkward, because if you trip your victim or brush against them ruffly, someone will take notice and stare.
Also, most cash registers have cameras, not an ideal place.

A jogging area or dog park, crowded street while window shopping even a newspaper or magazine stand.

So the 'door-handle' is not a good idea, then! Which -when protecting a spy, would probably be on cctv.
The notion of a perfume spray seems ridiculous too.

CCTV, that is now (not in my day) on every corner in the EU/UK I understand.
So, with cctv cameras possible on the street picturing the movement of peoples in more than one direction, the door-knob/door-handle is not a good idea if you want to stay in the shadows and unknown.

The Perfume Spray is an Effective Means of Poisoning your Target if it's a Female, How do you know how often she wears this Perfume? But then How do you get the Poison in the Perfume Bottle, there is the problem, you'd have to actually enter their home and be seen by How Many Cameras?
Remember, Stealth and staying in the Shadow and not in the Light is your best option for a Successful Operation and Survival.
So, I'd watch my target and study my target, get to know every aspect of the daily movements and who they met with and when and where.
Who's around them, does he/she have their own stealthy security?

Plan to my contact in a Very Public place if possible away from cctv and children. Yes, children get in the way, under your feet as you make your escape.
Remember, the target is not going to fall ill there and then, No, they well not know for a few hours or 30 to 40 minutes.
Unless you use a Nerve Agent and they inhale it into their Lungs, they will immediately be affected and start to choke and cough and vomit.

Sorry, I was a little Long on my answer.
The short answer, one round center mass from 900 yards.
Your target will be dead before the sound of the shot is heard and you can dismantle your weapon and store it away and walk to your vehicle and drive away.  minusculebeercheers minusculethumbsup
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Thank you Mr. G, I'm aware that some reading this may find it oddly sinister, but if we're to look at the available
evidence and arrive at what possibly happened, all angles have to be analysed.

As it stands, the official scenario offered to the public stands at:

Ex-Russian military intelligence officer Sergei Viktorovich Skripal lived in on a small quiet housing estate in a
cul-de-sac known as Christie Miller Road. The house -No.47, is technically a semi-detached home, however
it's only connected to another house by respective one-storey garages.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4143]
The red circle indicates where the estate is situated for Christie Miller Road.

Mr. Skripal purchased the house after the 'spy-swap' in 2010. Arriving in Salisbury in 2011 he paid £260,000
[$344,523.66] -outright, seeking no mortgage for the property.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4141]
47 Christie Miller Road.

47 Christie Miller Road is situated on the left-hand corner of the closed-off street, with a small rear-garden
that looks onto a block of flats in Highbury Close. Sergei Skripal's home does not have any visible signs of
camera security nor is there any type of private or public CCTV noticeable on the entire street.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4142]
Highbury Flats can be seen from the rear garden of Sergia Skripal's home.

A Cleaner is known to have visited the Skripal household on occasions. The Guardian reported on 6th March 2018:

Quote:'...A few weeks ago he asked his cleaner to prepare his daughter’s room for her as she was coming to visit.
The cleaner, who asked not to be named, broke down in tears as she paid tribute to him.

“He is a lovely, friendly and kindhearted man and I was shocked when I found out it was him who was in hospital,”
she said. “I had known his daughter was coming over to the UK from Russia because he had asked me to clean
her room the week before.

“I knew he was in the Russian army as we chatted a bit but he never said he was a spy but at the end of the day
he was working for us so I don’t care really. He’s a great guy. He had friends and he loved music and he would
go and talk to the neighbours sometimes.”...'

From the same article, it's stated that he frequented Poland -Gdansk mainly and visited there in the summer of 2017.

On the morning of 4th March 2018, Sergei Skripal's dark-red BMW M3 car is reported to have been seen
on the A30 (known as the London Road) at It's stated that he'd been visiting the Salisbury Crematorium
where is wife and son were buried.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4144]

The news reports state that Sergei and his visiting daughter Yulia, left the house at some time before
on 4th March 2018. This is stated due to a report saying that Skripal's car was seen being driven on the A360
(Devizes Road) at that time travelling towards Salisbury town centre.

At, the Skripals arrive at Sainsbury's upper-level car-park. (Sainsburys is a large chain of supermarkets
in the UK) The upper parking area is also known as 'The Maltings Car Park'.

After visiting The Mill public House, the couple went to the Zizzi restaurant at where they stayed until
The Mill Pub is situated on a paved walkway that runs beside the river Avon. Shops and the drinking-house line the
quaint pedestrian path with a railing guarding the canal-styled water area.

Partly walking back on their route from the car-park, the Skripals travelled along this redbrick-paved walkway to a
bridge-road that connects to a small indoor Mall named 'Market Walk' that leads to Castle Street where the Zizzi
Restaurant is situated a couple of yards away.

This pedestrian thoroughfare runs left and right. Right is across the river to Castle Street, left takes you past a
tree-lined park where the Skripals would be discovered later and back towards the car park.

At, CCTV footage identifies an old man and a young woman believed to be the Skripals walking along the
Market Walk back towards the Maltings car park and the tree-lined play-area.

If one uses Google Maps and get to ground-level where the bridge crosses the river, the play-area and the surrounding
shops is a fairly cramped situation. The image I saw showed it was very busy with shoppers and passers-by.
The view to the park from that area of the Market Walk is clearly visible and a couple of seating benches can be seen
from the park's corner entrance. The Skripals are witnessed sitting on a bench and Yulia seemed unconscious. Sergei was behaving oddly
and at, Emergency Services were called. A Medical helicopter flies Yulia to hospital, whilst her father is taken
by road.

Det Sgt Nick Bailey is said to have attended the incident in the play-area/park and became ill very soon after.
He was discharged from hospital on 22nd March 2018. Investigators have identified 131 people who have potentially
been in contact with the nerve agent. None has shown symptoms.

It was later reported that traces of Novichok were also found at the Mill and Zizzi, where the Skripals spent the afternoon.

The question is... where would be the best place to commit this act?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
@"BIAD"  You asked.
Quote:The question is... where would be the best place to commit this act?

This would depend on the Conscious of the Assassin. Do you care if others are Contaminated?
Do you wish to keep this confined to your Target?
How Reckless, Careless Are You or Just Uncaring?

It also depends too in what form the Poison is in, That would have a lot to do with how he/she or they planned to deliver the Poison. (I'm assuming Jelly Form.) 

After reading your article with the description of the home and surrounding area, An Early Morning or Very Late Night attempt would be good, because you could control the outside environment of the Poison, Door Knob would work then you would quickly come up and with Bleach and Alcohol clean the Door Handle and move off Silently. 

The very best Method and I think would be my choice is his underarm deodorant.  
Gain access into him home and apply a very, very thin coat of the Jelly Poison on the top of his Deodorant.
After he leaves regain access and remove the Deodorant and replace it.
Now you can wait and see if news of his Poisoning makes the news.

But this all depends on your Targets Habits.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-17-2018, 04:59 PM)guohua Wrote: ...The very best Method and I think would be my choice is his underarm deodorant.  
Gain access into his home and apply a very, very thin coat of the Jelly Poison on the top of his Deodorant.
After he leaves regain access and remove the Deodorant and replace it.
Now you can wait and see if news of his Poisoning makes the news.

But this all depends on your Targets Habits.

Thanks again. It seems the door-handle was left uncleaned and I'm unsure that if this was point of contact,
why it took so long to take effect.

I know the MSM's chattering of poison duration keeps swinging wildly and we're left with not knowing the true
length of time it would take to incapacitate the Skripals.

I grasp that the amount applied to the skin, the potency of mixture and the physical factors of health, age
and sex can have a bearing on it's effects. But from the time of leaving the house (the second time that day
that we're aware of)... and convulsing on the park bench is two-and-a-half hours, to me that's a long time.

It was a cold day in Salisbury too, that Sunday.

So with your first suggested theory with the gel, application to the door-knob would've had to take place
whilst Sergei Skripal was at the crematorium sometime in late-morning. Whether Yulia was in the house
at the time is unknown, but she had arrived the day before and this could be a hazard to approaching
Skripal's home.

The Telegraph reported:

Quote:'...Miss Skripal was picked up from the airport on Saturday March 3 by Ross Cassidy,
one of Col Skripal's closest friends, who drove her back to her father's house in Salisbury.

Intelligence officers have suggested that the toxin may have been hidden in her luggage,
either impregnated in an item of clothing or cosmetics or else in a gift, meaning Miss
Skripal was deliberately targeted to get at her father.

Mr Cassidy confirmed when contacted by The Telegraph that his pick-up truck had been
seized at the concrete plant in Amesbury where he works...'

So if it was brought into the country by Yulia, then the 'door-knob' theory doesn't work.
(Forgive me for not stating this in the posting above, I've just found it!)

If the Novichok was applied inside the home somehow, that access would need true daring unless
seeing someone visit regularly can be used to not alert any neighbour or Sergei Skripal himself.

Then the problem arises that if an item of Yulia Skripal's clothing or some cosmetic container
was contaminated, how did it arrive in the Queen Elizabeth Park four months later?
How would 'the thing' be thrown away if Yulia only arrived on Saturday and the Skripals
took ill on Sunday...? Wouldn't the poisonous container still be in the Skripal house?

I can see how an assassin could discard the Novichok in an escape route from where the
Skripals took ill in the Market Walk play area, but this negates the 'item-in-the-house' theory
again and means the nerve agent was used between the parking of the car and arriving at
the Mill Public house.

In the same article...

Quote:'...Meanwhile, police investigating the murder of Russian businessman Nikolai Glushkov
said they had found no evidence of forced entry into his home.

The 68-year-old was found apparently strangled at his terraced house in Clarence Avenue,
New Malden on March 12,  prompting fears that a new Moscow-sponsored attack had been
carried out on UK soil...'

This could be a lead, but New Malden is over 80 miles away in South-west London.

It's the timing from the application of the spray or gel to it's effects that will get us closer to
when it happened and maybe from there, a 'where' can be figured out.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
There is something that has been bothering me about all of this ( what only one thing they ask).
Ok Im a trained killer, I know how dangerous the nerve agent is, and I have been trained how to use it and not get myself killed. So I use it then drive a few miles to a park and dump the ONLY thing that can identify me, and connect the whole thing to my boss in a place that it WILL be found.
Why not find a river, stream , lake, hold the container under the water open it and destroy all evidence without any danger. I find it impossible to believe that the killers would not be trained how to depose of all the evidence.
Why did it take so long to "find" the bottle in the house ? why use a nerve agent that is so easy to say it comes from Russia ? 
Sorry but all the parts just dont fit togather
(07-18-2018, 11:18 AM)Wallfire Wrote: There is something that has been bothering me about all of this ( what only one thing they ask).
Ok Im a trained killer, I know how dangerous the nerve agent is, and I have been trained how to use it and not get myself killed. So I use it then drive a few miles to a park and dump the ONLY thing that can identify me, and connect the whole thing to my boss in a place that it WILL be found.
Why not find a river, stream , lake, hold the container under the water open it and destroy all evidence without any danger. I find it impossible to believe that the killers would not be trained how to depose of all the evidence.
Why did it take so long to "find" the bottle in the house ? why use a nerve agent that is so easy to say it comes from Russia ? 
Sorry but all the parts just dont fit togather

It is a puzzle with the limited information, Wallfire.
The container was -if Mathew Rowley's conversation with his brother, Charlie is correct, was actually found in
Queen Elizabeth Park which is only around a thousand feet from the play-area the Skripals were struck down.

I say this with a new suggestion 'experts' are now putting forward.

Quote:Novichok victim Dawn Sturgess died after spraying nerve poison that smelled of ammonia
from a perfume bottle onto both wrists, her boyfriend reveals.

Novichok victim Dawn Sturgess sprayed killer nerve gas from a perfume bottle
Her partner Charlie Rowley, still critically ill, spoke to his brother in a phone call 
Charlie 'remembered that Dawn had sprayed the perfume on both her wrists'
He also 'vaguely recollects there being an odd ammonia-type smell' from bottle'

'...Charlie Rowley, who is in a critical but stable condition in hospital, made the admission to
his brother during an emotional phone conversation yesterday evening.
The couple collapsed a few hours apart on June 30 at Mr Rowley's flat, in Amesbury,

Quote:'...Charlie, 45, is unable to remember where exactly he and his partner found the perfume bottle
but it is understood to be near Salisbury city centre close to the spot the Skripals fell ill...'

Quote:'...Matthew Rowley, who lives in Warminster, Wiltshire, told MailOnline: 'My brother told me that
he remembered that Dawn had sprayed the perfume on both her wrists.
'He doesn't recall much of what happened afterwards but that particular detail is stuck in his mind.

'He also mentioned that he vaguely recollects there being an odd ammonia-type smell from the
perfume. 'We don't know yet if he had direct contact with the nerve agent like Dawn appears to
have done or whether it was after he had touched her...'

So the 'door-knob' theory is losing momentum now, a possible gel on the door wouldn't explain how
nobody saw the application of it, the length of time it took to activate and the limited victim-count.

Remember, Det Sgt Nick Bailey is said to have taken ill when discovering the Skripals in the play-area
and there's no information to say he ever visited Sergei Skripal's house in Christie Miller Street.

However, as you point out, disposing of such a deadly toxin in the manner suggested above, shortens
the length of time for escape and being identified. If Charlie Rowley's recollections are true, then a
perfume spray bottle with the Novichok inside was discarded with a confidence that locating the weapon
wasn't a concern for the killer.
Putting it another way -he/she were certain they would get away and not be caught.

If we agree the initial poisoning was at Skripal's home, then the would-be assassin -that we may assume
used a vehicle to make his escape, would have to drive west out of the housing estate, turn south down
Canadian Avenue and reach the A36 known as Wilton Road.

After 50 feet, he would turn right down Cherry Orchard Lane which would allow him to drive under the
main railway lines. It's a bit of a run, but arriving at the junction where it meets 'Lower Road', the fleeing
killer would ignore the wooded wasteland close by and turn left.

Driving further, Lower Road becomes known as 'Churchfields Road' and runs parallel to where the
train-tracks coming in and out of Salisbury Station.

It's a long way, but after getting to a roundabout, we turn left again into Mill Road and follow the curved
route past Queen Elizabeth II Park to get to a conventional car-park...
or pull our vehicle across oncoming traffic and park on Mill Road near a track called 'The Town Path'.

From there, we can casually walk into the Queen Elizabeth II park area and dispose of the nerve-agent

That's a long way to go to discard the dangerous material and then screw-up by not hiding it properly.
And... you have to be familiar with the area -as Mr. G pointed out.

I'm struggling to understand why Sergei Skripal wasn't assassinated when he visited Poland or during
the years when he was imprisoned or the eight years he lived in retirement in Salisbury.

The only subject I've seen discussed is a possible connection to the Steele Dossier regarding the 2016
US election. If viable, this would make the timing of the attempted killing appropriate.

But then you have to somehow connect to Russia and it's influence in the dossier's largely-unsubstantiated
information. When searching, some strange facts emerge.
Pablo Miller is an MI6 agent and was Skripal's handler, he recruited him in the 1990s.
Pablo Miller's boss was Christopher Steele.
Pablo Miller is now working with a British security consultancy named Orbis Business Intelligence.
Pablo Miller lives nearby to the Skripal house.

In regards of limited reporting, the once-senior civil servant at the UK Ministry of Defence-turned-whistleblower
-Clive Ponting stated:
"The policeman [Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey] who ‘just happened’ to be around was almost certainly the
Special Branch ‘minder’ who was keeping Yulia under surveillance."... and
"The media are not allowed to mention the existence of a D Notice."
*D Notice -A government notice issued to news editors requiring them not to publicise
certain information for reasons of national security.*

Wallfire is correct, all the parts just don't fit together, but it might be that certain parties don't want them to.

I'll keep digging!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
For a revolution to work there are many things needed, two of the main ones are an enemy without, and a enemy with in.  When a country's ruling party is in trouble they two often turn to the same two things.
So lets see a country is having massive trouble with "immigrants" , its trying to leave the EU and the government is been shown daily that they are weak and unable to control there own country, lots of violence and knife crimes, police are weak and the army busy teaching how to paint nails and do make up ( thats just the men).
Now thanks to the EU this country has the enemy with out, so let do a very small scale attack using a nerve angent that has been "made" in the enemy's country, when that fails lets kill a drug addict to add to the anger.
Kill a few people or even children is a small matter to make a government look strong and to draw attention away from the real trouble.
There are lots of dots to be joined, perhaps the dots the government wants you to join are not the ones that lead to the truth.
If MW BIAD or myself are found dead after committing suicide by stabling ourself's six times in the back ---------- well join the dots
Quote:If MW BIAD or myself are found dead after committing suicide by stabling ourself's six times in the back ---------- well join the dots


Sadly, I think there are some people out there who would not be able to connect the dots. If the coroner said it was suicide, they would believe them.   tinysure
@"Wallfire"  &  @"BIAD" 

Mr. G. here, as I mentioned before earlier in a post here.

There are No Longer Real Professionals in my old Flied of Work / Profession.
My Agency and the KGB / GRU & SSD (Stasi) and China's (MSS) then you have, MI6 and the Mossad used to have Real Professionals, Well Trained and  Intelligent. Lots of Common Sense.
Most if not all of my Adversaries and other agents of Friendly Countries that I worked with, were ex-military.

This person was Not A Professional. 
Mr. G. fading back into the Shadows.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-18-2018, 07:40 PM)guohua Wrote: @"Wallfire"  &  @"BIAD" 

Mr. G. here, as I mentioned before earlier in a post here.

There are No Longer Real Professionals in my old Flied of Work / Profession.
My Agency and the KGB / GRU & SSD (Stasi) and China's (MSS) then you have, MI6 and the Mossad used to have Real Professionals, Well Trained and  Intelligent. Lots of Common Sense.
Most if not all of my Adversaries and other agents of Friendly Countries that I worked with, were ex-military.

This person was Not A Professional. 
Mr. G. fading back into the Shadows.

Cheers Mr. G.
It certainly looks like a person without concerns for political fallout and a professional conduct.

The nearby Porton Down facility is something that distracts me, it's too symmetrical with the
Skripal's location and the fact that poisoning was the modus operandi.

Maybe it was just bad luck that two drug and alcohol abusers -Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley,
found something four months later that the chemical experts failed to discover.
Which is another odd part of all this.

But still, the MSM are still throwing out rumour and conjecture!

Quote:Russian assassin who carried perfume bottle 'was a WOMAN who took key role in six-strong poison
hit team'.

*Dawn Sturgess died last week and her partner Charlie Rowley is fighting for life 
*They found nerve agent in Amesbury and sprayed it on themselves, it's claimed
*Mr Rowley's brother said couple picked up bottle in park containing nerve agent
*This lead supports theory that a woman was involved in initial hit against Skripals

'A female assassin was part of the Russian military intelligence agency believed to have carried out the deadly
nerve agent attack in Britain, it was claimed today. Dawn Sturgess, 44, died last week, and her partner Charlie
Rowley, 45, is fighting for life in hospital after they found the Russian nerve agent in Amesbury, near Salisbury.

Mr Rowley's brother Matthew said yesterday the couple last month picked up a perfume bottle in a park
containing the nerve agent and sprayed it on themselves.

The perfume bottle lead supports the theory that a woman was involved in the initial hit by up to six people
against Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury on March 4.

An intelligence source told the Daily Mirror: 'It makes sense that a female officer may have been part of the
team, playing a key role.'

Mr Rowley, 47, said yesterday: 'All I know, all Charles has said so far, is that it was a perfume bottle or an
aftershave bottle, and they picked it up in a park, and they sprayed themselves with it.
'I'm going to talk to Charles later, and I'm trying my best to get the truth out of him about where he got it from,
where it came from, what make it was.

'It was nine days before they got ill that they picked it up.
He's not very healthy. It's still 50/50, and his mental health has gone down as well.'.

The Novichok is thought to have been left behind by the would-be assassins who targeted former Russian spy
Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia four months ago.

Yesterday, the Russian agency thought to have meddled in the 2016 US presidential elections was accused of
being responsible for the attack on the Skripals.
Detectives believe it was carried out by the GRU (Russian initials for the Main Intelligence Directorate)
the agency that Mr Skripal served in for about 15 years. 

British officials are 'closing in on identifying the individuals they believe carried out the operation', according
to the New York Times. The GRU, which stands for the Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye, is said to be
behind many contentious Russian acts, including interfering in the US election. 

Mr Skripal was a senior officer in the GRU until he was jailed for 13 years for spying for the British in 2006.
He was freed in a spy swap in 2010 and settled in the UK.

Mrs Sturgess's son, Ewan Hope, 19, had called on Mr Trump to raise his mother's death with Mr Putin
during their Helsinki meeting. 'I don't share Donald Trump's politics and I'll never be a supporter of his,

but I would like him to raise Mum's case with the Russian president,' he said...'
The Mail:


Quote:'...COPS have “grainy CCTV” of the Russian spooks responsible for the Novichok
hit on ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, reports in the US claim.

Scotland Yard’s count terror squad is thought to be close to identifying those
responsible for the attack in Sailsbury, Wiltshire...'
The Sun:
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
The media are reporting rehashed error-ridden information and suggestive narratives with the hope
of that the next episode in this craziness will be the announcement of actual names of the alleged

Quote:'...As exclusively revealed by The Sun earlier this month, Scotland Yard believes a two-man hit team
carried out the attack on the Skripals.

The pair are thought to have left the UK the next morning after carrying out the attempted assassination
on behalf of the Kremlin, and are now thought to be back in Russia and under the protection of President
Vladimir Putin...'

Quote:'...Investigators are working to the theory that the substance was in a discarded perfume bottle found by
the couple in a park or somewhere in Salisbury city centre and Ms Sturgess sprayed Novichok straight
on to her skin, the source said...'
The Sun:

Quote:Russian assassin who carried perfume bottle 'was a WOMAN who took key role in six-strong poison
hit team'
The Daily Mail:


I'm waiting for the 'TRUMP DID IT! -headline!

Thursday 19th July 2018.
Quote:Skripal Novichok poisoning attack suspects IDENTIFIED

'Officers have identified several Russians who may have been involved in the attempted murder
of the British double agent and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury. 

A source said: “Investigators believe they have identified the suspected perpetrators of the Novichok
attack through CCTV and have cross-checked this with the records of people who entered the country
around that time. 

They (the investigators) are sure they (the suspects) are Russian.” 
The revelation comes as an inquest into the death of Dawn Sturgess, 44, is due to open. 

Doctors were unable to save the mum who died eight days after she came into contact with Novichok,
from the same batch used in the attempted murder of the Skripals in March. 
Her partner Charlie Rowley, 45, was left fighting for his life after also being contaminated by the chemical. 

It is believed Ms Sturgess was exposed to at least 10 times the amount of nerve agent the Skripals came
into contact with.The Metropolitan Police, who are leading the investigation, declined to comment.

An inquest will be opened by the Wiltshire and Swindon coroner in Salisbury and the hearing is expected
to be adjourned to allow police inquiries to continue.
On Wednesday, a fingertip search of Queen Elizabeth Gardens in Salisbury was carried out...'
The Daily Star:

Wow! I'm sure checking 'the records' (I love this Clark-Kent stuff!)... of people LEAVING the country after that
time might help too! Checking them after the warning above may assist as well!


The poor Journalism keeps coming...
(The Telegraph reported that Rowley and Sturgess discovered the nerve agent under a bush on Friday 30th June.
The 30th is the next day, Saturday!)

3rd March: Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal take ill in Salisbury town centre.
30th June: Dawn Sturgess & Charlie Rowley fall ill in Amesbury.
4th July: Police declare the Amesbury couple had been struck down with Novichok poisoning.
10th July: Rowley regains consciousness at hospital.
18th July: Queen Elizabeth Gardens is searched. 

Odd...? Sam Hobson -a witness to Rowley's attack in the Amesbury apartment, told the media on the the
5th July that the couple:
'...went off to talk and must have touched something and become contaminated the next day'...'
when they were at the park.

The BBC showed the filmed-interview with Hobson on 5th July (Thursday) six days after Hobson had
witnessed his friends becoming ill on the the Saturday and we can safely assume such information had
had been relayed to the Police on Saturday evening, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and at the very least,
Wednesday before releasing it to the public.

The immune Hobson also stated this to the media on 5th July and since he also said in the interview in regards
of the medical staff attending Charlie Rowley in his Muggleton Road flat:
"...suits n' that 'cos they were treating for the nerve-agent thing that was going around in Salisbury..." 
"...I thought it was a gas-leak and wouldn't have thought it was anything to do with the nerve-agents.
But the ambulance [men] were saying it was the same kind of symptoms as them"
The ambulance men knew on the late-Saturday afternoon of the 30th June?

Charlie Rowley was supposedly unconscious until 10th July, so until then, the whereabouts of the container
was unknown.
'...A man and woman found unconscious in Wiltshire were exposed to Novichok
-the same nerve agent that poisoned ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal, police say...'
BBC Source:

The container was supposedly found in Rowley's flat and reported on the 15th of July.

Fourteen days later -two weeks after Sam Hobson's account and eight days after Rowley becomes conscious,
the authorities search the Queen Elizabeth II Gardens Park?!

It's understandable if the media's limited coverage is flawed and we accept the nerve agent container was
discovered in Rowley's flat. But considering the often-reported volatile nature of this chemical, why wait a
fortnight from Hobson's account to check the Queen Elizabeth Gardens?!

It's pompousness of those who in the media who see the general pubic as dolts that annoys me.

Life has been lost, and lives have been changed forever in this instance and yet, we're fed poorly
managed information by a media that reports on people's emotions when it suits them and then
treats it's readers to shovels of  TV show-like intrigue without looking at the repercussions of what
they say.

Embargoes on undeveloped reports that can panic a public, I can understand. Agreed Government
news-gagging, I can sort-of appreciate when specific circumstances are needed to be hidden for
reasons of risks to life.

But to blindly write a narrative that never questions the professionalism of the authorities...?!
'Trump feeds Chinese fish by tipping the whole box in... Trump has two scoops of ice-cream...
Lil' Kim has his own toilet on his train...'

Asinine articles about shallow actions.

I have to begrudgingly side with Amaterasu Solar when he suggests the public are being given
something akin to an illusion in this case!

Look at it this way.
Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley find something that the Police and it's partners tell the public
is so deadly, that clothing worn by anyone in Salisbury Town Centre on the day that the Skripals were out
-and-about, should be washed, destroyed or left in a plastic-bag for Council authorities to collect.

Even as this is said, the Police assure the public that coming into contact with the already-branded Novichok,
will be a low risk and there's no cause for panic. Members of the public may have this deadly toxin on their
clothes and are advised to wash/destroy them, but that's about the limit of the nerve agent's potency!

Four months pass and the couple who enjoyed collecting discarded items -and ignoring such media and Police
warnings, find a container and take it several miles away from it's discovery site and the next day become exposed
to the nerve agent.

Two weeks after taking reports from those who witnessed the discovery and the attacks it caused to Sturgess and
Rowley, the investigators don their hazmat suits and search the public space where the 'perfume bottle' was said to
have been found.

In an unknown situation, so-called 'experts' see the world differently to the average person.
Questions of all kind need to be answered in a society that demands accountability.

If the container was left in the park, was it a single container or are there more in the vicinty?
If logically viable, why wait so long before checking the Queen Elizabeth II park?

Were the contents of the 'bottle' disturbed by someone else and part of the nerve agent is still out there?

Were the contents deliberately separated and more is held back for future attacks?

Is four months long enough for someone to leave a country and if they haven't fled, why haven't they?

What value is Sergei Skripal to the security agencies that little-if-no security was placed on his home?

Why did the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal only occur when his daughter visited his Salisbury home?

If the effects of the nerve agent are as rapid to disable Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey -when he when supposedly
arrived at the Market Walk play-area, AND only incapacitate Sturgess and Rowley at different times and a day after
('...Mr Rowley, 47, said yesterday: 'All I know, all Charles has said so far, is that it was a perfume bottle
or an aftershave bottle, and they picked it up in a park, and they sprayed themselves with it....')
From Here:
....Then what is causing the discrepancy in the timing of the poison's activation...? What effects are causing
the Novichok to act this way?

If the Police knew that Rowley's brother had reported the location of the contaminant to the media and it
was published by the Mail on the 17th July, why wait a day before searching?

The optics would look bad and imply the search of the park is merely a response to Mathew Rowley's interview!
To put it another way, it looks like the published reports are directing the investigation!!

And yet, the gossip-mongering media never comment on the delay on making sure the public weren't in harm's
way or ask the questions that sane, concerned folk might ask. 'Am I safe...?, Have the bad men gone away?'

Investigative journalism is truly dead.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Quote:I'm waiting for the 'TRUMP DID IT! -headline!

They'll Blame Trump, Yes They have To.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
This is a day-old.

Quote:Novichok victim Charlie Rowley is discharged from Salisbury Hospital days after
his partner died following exposure to nerve agent.

'Novichok victim Charlie Rowley has been discharged from Salisbury Hospital three weeks
after being poisoned by the deadly nerve agent.

Mr Rowley, 45, collapsed at home in Amesbury, Wiltshire, after coming into contact with the
substance on June 30. His partner, mother-of-three Dawn Sturgess, 44, died on July 8 after
reportedly spraying a perfume bottle containing the poison on her wrists.  

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4171][Image: attachment.php?aid=4172]
Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess.

It comes months after former Russian spy Sergei Skirpal, 67, and his daughter Yulia, 33, were
poisoned with the same substance nearby in Salisbury. 

Lorna Wilkinson, director of nursing at Salisbury District Hospital, said in a statement:
'I am pleased to confirm that earlier today, Charlie Rowley was discharged from hospital.
'Charlie has been through an appalling experience most of us could never imagine.

'Today is a very welcome milestone in his recovery and all of us at Salisbury Hospital
wish him well as he continues to get better. 

'The progress he has made is a testament to the remarkable clinical team who have
worked tirelessly, supported by brilliant behind the scenes staff. I want to take this
opportunity to thank them again...'

'...Yesterday's hearing was told '10 times the amount of Novichok the Skripals were exposed to'
was left inside a discarded perfume bottle somewhere around Salisbury city centre...'

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4173]
Friends of Dawn Sturgess (pictured left to right) Sam Hobson, 29, Ben Jordan-Venning,
27, Matt Derek, 30, Bruce Penny, 37, and Justin Ling, 36 attended a memorial service
for her today.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4174]
A memorial service for Dawn Sturgess was held at The Bridge Tap in Salisbury.

So it was drinks all round for the poor woman and Sam Hobson and his friends remembered
her in The Bridge Tap pub.

Quote:'...On Thursday, a coroner's inquest was opened and adjourned for mother-of-three Ms Sturgess.
Her sister Stephanie told the hearing she was present when doctors informed her of the decision
to switch off her sibling's life support...'

Quote:'...On Wednesday, international chemical weapons experts completed their investigations in Amesbury,
where they sought to identify whether the substance that poisoned the couple was from the same batch
used against the Skripals.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will analyse the substance before
reporting back its conclusions. Police are believed to have identified the perpetrators of the Novichok
poisoning on the Skripals, according to Press Association sources.

The news agency reported several Russians were thought to be involved in their attempted murder in
Salisbury. They are believed to have been identified through CCTV, cross-checked with border entry

The Met Police, which is leading the investigation, and the Home Office have both declined to comment.
The BBC has not been able to independently confirm the story...'

So Ms. Sturgess' life-support system was switched off, not that she died of the nerve-agent directly.
And after the BBC explained that several Russians 'were thought' to have been involved in the Skripal
incident, The Met Police and the Home Office wouldn't acknowledge this statement.

Oh... and the BBC couldn't confirm the story.

I'm just looking through the timeline once more and it's still confusing.
I'll explain further below.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
I have another exciting analysis of the daily reports of the Russians running amok in the UK,
but I've delayed it for this piece dropped in on Sunday.

The Sun newspaper jumped over The Daily Mail's narrative and announced it had an 'exclusive' regarding
the now hospital-released Charlie Rowley and his current condition.
Mr. Rowley is currently in a safe-house and The Sun -who can somehow access such places, also adds a
new piece of information about how he became infected.

Quote:'...“I'm pleased to be out of intensive care but I don't know what's worse being in hospital with everything
or here with nothing.”

The drug addict told brother Matthew that Dawn, 44, unwittingly gave herself the fatal dose.
She then passed the bottle to Charlie and it fell apart in his hands -leaving him with a lower dose.
The mum of three died in hospital nine days later...'

The article refrains from saying who is providing the 'safe-house', but since that expression is used in spy
novels and espionage accounts, The Sun must feel it's obvious to the reader that a heroin-addict who
found the Russian killer-drug and is now being kept away from these bad people by an agency that holds
a title that rhymes with 'MI6'
(Er, sorry... I couldn't think of anything that rhymes with MI6. Shit...! I did it again, Britney!)

Quote:'...It is thought to have been dumped by a hit squad which tried to kill spy Sergei Skripal, 67, and his daughter
Yulia, 33, in Salisbury in March.
Security services are said to have identified the Russian team, believed to have fled Britain under false identities.

A Cyprus listening station is also said to have picked up a message to Moscow that “the package has been
The Sun:

It's marvelous how a newspaper that likes to show bare breasts and offers tales of sex-manic female teachers
seducing wide-eyed schooboys, can now access presumably highly-classified information from covert agencies!

Damn the poor manufacturing of perfume bottles... if it had only fallen apart when the assassination hit-team
had been busying themselves with poisoning the Skripals, the local Police would have caught the foaming-mouthed
Ruskies red-handed.

Please don't read into all the images of the late-Dawn Sturgess wearing sunglasses from the linked-page.
Maybe they were all taken on the Friday she found them and the faulty perfume bottle at the park?

And... once all the people wearing ushanka hats -who're obviously Russian, are identified from the cctv footage,
we'll have our perpetrators to these despicable crimes. Let's just hope they're white.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Let me see if I understand this right,
MS Dawn sprayed herself with the poison and got 10x more poison than the Skripals
She then gave the bottle to her boy friend and the bottle broke in his hand ( therefor exposing him too all of the nerve agent) but he survived ???


Quote:A Cyprus listening station is also said to have picked up a message to Moscow that “the package has been

So the damn ruskies are going to broadcast that sort of information uncoded.  minusculebonker
(07-22-2018, 12:10 PM)Wallfire Wrote: Let me see if I understand this right,
MS Dawn sprayed herself with the poison and got 10x more poison than the Skripals
She then gave the bottle to her boy friend and the bottle broke in his hand ( therefor exposing him
too all of the nerve agent) but he survived ???

Yeah! Forgetting everything else that alleged 'Security Sources' have told the hungry media, the narrative
is now that Ms. Sturgess found the perfume bottle of Novichok the day before her illness, never tested
it's scent at the scene of the discovery and carried it on her bus-trip to the home of the man she loved.

Her beau, the grieving registered drug-addict was standing or sitting close to Dawn Sturgess when she
sprayed the ammonia-smelling scent onto her wrists and then handed it over to the guy who wouldn't
accompany her to hospital.

Passing the container over, it broke into pieces in Charlie Rowley's hands and by coming into physical
contact with the liquid/gel, he somehow took a lower dose of the nerve agent than when it's in spray-form.

If this was on Friday evening -after they had used the ten o'clock bus to Amesbury and arrived at the
King's Gate Homeless facility, the activation would take anywhere from eight-to-nine hours to incapacitate
Dawn Sturgess. The ambulance was called for Dawn at on Saturday morning.

Using the reported time that an ambulance was called for Charlie Rowley ( on Saturday), Rowley's
body reacted to the spillage fourteen-to fifteen hours after the incident.

If the perfume bottle that smelled of p*ss was used on Saturday morning, the timings will be obviously shorter,
but still far apart. Unlike The Skripals' situation!

Quote:A Cyprus listening station is also said to have picked up a message to Moscow that “the package has been

I believe this is a lazy phrase-grab from Journalists sifting social media discussing the recently released Kennedy
papers. It's a type of man-bite-dog story that drips of intrigue but holds no continuation.

A US Army guy posted at an overseas listening post overheard 'chatter' regarding Kennedy being assassinated
in early November of 63 in Texas'... before JFK's visit to Dallas. The guy left his post and went to the United Nations
to tell them and and after a series of events, the army locked away in a nut-house for several months.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

I think the story is Fake.
That could not have been the way she was infected nor him.

If the nerve agent had actually been in that bottle and the bottle broke (now how did that happen so easily) in his hand with the possibility of cuts from the glass shards,, well he'd have been dead in hours.

The nerve agent in a Perfume bottle? The question is still this? Who was the actual indented victim?
Did his girlfriend actual retrieve this bottle from the trash or find it?
No, if they were the intended victims, then she was given the bottle for services rendered, a form of a gift by the assassin.
Was she a Crack Whore, a Bar Whore or just a Very Friendly Woman who would accept gifts of Perfume from a Stranger?

Sorry, just me being suspicious.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-22-2018, 05:33 PM)guohua Wrote: ...Was she a Crack Whore, a Bar Whore or just a Very Friendly Woman who would accept gifts of Perfume from a Stranger?

She was an drug-abuser and an alcoholic who used welfare monies to feed her habits. Pubs, Bars and Taverns
rarely tolerate these people as customers, so they tend to purchase their booze from liquor stores and consume
it inside in the winter and outside in the summer when the weather allows.

She was housed in a Shelter for the vulnerable who struggle with a normal life. Friends are usually people who
know when your benefits-money has arrived in the bank and also know you can buy booze with it.
Hence, the two blurred individuals in the liquor store footage posted in a previous posting. They were getting
Dawn Sturgess to buy them things.

Quote:...Did his girlfriend actual retrieve this bottle from the trash or find it?

The location of where Dawn Sturgess found the container hasn't been revealed yet, although a newspaper said earlier
that it was found 'under a bush'. This is probably due to the media connecting it with the couple's visit to Queen Elizabeth
Gardens Park.

The Sun newspaper stated '...But friends are adamant that although Dawn was an alcoholic and dabbled with amphetamines,
she did not take heroin or crack...'
Which implies that they originally thought her attack was because of the effects of drugs. So were they taking drugs before
the attack?

Whether it's a perfume bottle or an aftershave bottle is still vague, but the latest reports state that Dawn Sturgess sprayed it
onto her wrists first. So I'd guess the container appealed to a woman.

The comment from Charlie Rowley was that there was a smell of an 'ammonia-like' aroma and he witnessed it when Dawn
Sturgess applied the 'perfume'. But if the perfume was applied and witnessed by Rowley on the Friday - as it's been suggested,
would a woman use the foul-smelling frangrance again the next day?!

'...It has a strong and unpleasant odour...' -in regards of Novichok.

I too, think that it's a Government-generated incident to add flesh to the bones of the Sergei Skripal poisoning.

I think the use of a bad batch of drugs -just as originally reported by the Police, is the true murder-weapon and this incident
has been deliberately tied to the Skripal poisoning.

By the way, the Link that Wallfire offered is a great place to see theories on this situation bounced between
each other. Thanks for that WF. (See the comments at the bottom of the page)
Craig Murray Link:
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
The confusion is still abound with the exact circumstances regarding when the initial use of
the contents of the container took place and a comment from that link above made me pause
with it's good sense.

'...The advantage of using Rowley’s brother is the police can road-test various narratives
and then abandon them later without losing credibility...'

This is true and here's one of those Trojan horses to test out this week's waters.

Quote:I NEED A STIFF DRINK' Novichok survivor Charlie Rowley reveals he would like to go out
for a bottle of wine after his poisoning ordeal and is ‘very glad’ to be out of hospital.

'Charlie, 45, is being kept at a safe house ­following his release from hospital on Friday.
He was speaking to The Sun through brother Matthew, 47, who he called on a police “burner” phone...'

Isn't it odd that when the question from the enquiring public of how Charlie Rowley was coming into
contact with the media from his secret secured place, an article the next day answers it?!

Quote:'...Charlie said: “I’d really like to go out for a bottle of wine. I’m very glad to be out of hospital but I’m
trapped in a room and on a lot of medication. I’ve been let out for a cigarette but I’m very bored.”
Police have allowed him to watch films on his brother’s DVD player.

Matthew said: “He has some memory loss. I’m not sure if it is from the Novichok or the hospital medication.
He’s a bit foggy and frustrated. “Charlie said he can’t really talk on the phone. He said he can hear clicks
and stuff like his calls are being listened to."

Drug addict Charlie has blasted Russian spies for killing girlfriend Dawn Sturgess, saying: “I’ll never get
over what happened.”...'

I wonder if he'll ever recall where they acquired the container...? And I'm sarcastically surprised he knows
it was Russian spies that killed his girlfriend-who-he-never-went-to-hospital-with.

Quote:'...The couple are thought to have been drinking in Salisbury, Wilts, when they picked up a perfume bottle
containing the toxin used in the failed assassination attempt on ex-spy Sergei Skripal in March...'

We're back to it being a perfume bottle.

Quote:'...Matthew described how Dawn had sprayed it on her wrists before passing it to Charlie and the bottle fell
apart in his hands. They collapsed in Amesbury on June 30. Dawn died eight days later.

Ex-Rolls-Royce mechanic Matthew spoke to Charlie again tonight.
He said: “It’s upsetting. I can tell he’s not right. He’s upset about Dawn, and couldn’t talk about about the
Russians because of the investigation. I’m told I can go and visit him, maybe on Tuesday.”...'
The Sun:

Russians...? He knows about Russians?! Charlie Rowley should -not only have nothing to say about people
he's presumed to have never met or obtained perfume bottles from, he shouldn't even have a point of view
of a possible nerve agent poisoning!

He and Dawn Sturgess picked up a container in an area where the Government were stating an assassination
-attempt was made on a Russian ex-spy and his daughter. That same Government constantly warned the
population around Salisbury not to pick up discarded items.

The alleged weapon hadn't been found yet, so the wine-thirsty Charlie and the woman he loved enough to leave ill
at his flat and grab a bite at a Church-Fete, picked up a discarded perfume bottle from 'somewhere' and ignoring
better-judgement, sprayed it in a confined space.
Thank heavens Sam Hobson is a super-hero or we'd have had another casualty!

On the plus-side -and ignoring how the DVD player got from Mathew Rowley to get into his Charlie's possesion,
maybe the wheelchair-bound brother can then get it back on Tuesday?!

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4189]
Mathew Rowley, the conduit between his brother and the media.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4190]
An image conveniently taken of Rowley the drug-addict being taken away on the evening of Saturday
30th June. Notice the contamination suit on one attendee and not the other?!

Give me a break!

Edit: From a Twitter grab.

Press Association.
18th July.
'A source with knowledge of the probe told @PA investigators believe they have identified
the suspected perpetrators behind the Novichok attack on the Skripals'...'

Ben Wallace. Minister of State for Security and Economic Crime.
19 Jul 2018.
'I think this story belongs in the “ill informed and wild speculation folder”...'

I'm outraged that this Honourable Member of Parliament doubts our mainstream media!!!!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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