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CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’.
CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’.

'79-year-old retired CIA agent, Malcolm Howard, has made a series of astonishing claims since being
released from hospital in New Jersey on Friday and told he has weeks to live.
Mr. Howard claims he was involved in the “controlled demolition” of World Trade Center 7, the third
building that was destroyed on 9/11.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2156]

Mr. Howard, who worked for the CIA for 36 years as an operative, claims he was tapped by senior CIA
agents to work on the project due to his engineering background, and early career in the demolition

Trained as a civil engineer, Mr. Howard became an explosives expert after being headhunted by the
CIA in early 1980s. Mr. Howard says has extensive experience in planting explosives in items as small
as cigarette lighters and as large as “80 floor buildings.”

The 79-year-old New Jersey native says he worked on the CIA operation they dubbed “New Century”
between May 1997 and September 2001, during a time he says the CIA “was still taking orders from
the top.”
Mr. Howard says he was part of a cell of 4 operatives tasked with ensuring the demolition was successful.

Mr. Howard says the World Trade Center 7 operation is unique among his demolitions, as it is the only
demolition that “we had to pretend wasn’t a demolition job”. He claims he had no problem going through
with the deception at the time, because “when you are a patriot, you don’t question the motivation of the
CIA or the White House. You assume the bigger purpose is for a greater good.

They pick good, loyal people like me, and it breaks my heart to hear the shit talk.”
[John Kerry Admits WTC 7 Was Brought Down By Controlled Demolition]

But even he admits that now, looking back, “Something wasn’t right.”

Explaining how the building was bought down, Mr. Howard says, “It was a classic controlled demolition with
explosives. We used super-fine military grade nano thermite composite materials as explosives.

The hard part was getting thousands of pounds of explosives, fuses and ignition mechanisms into the building
without causing too much concern. But almost every single office in the Building 7 was rented by the CIA,
the Secret Service, or the military, which made it easier.”

Mr. Howard explains that WTC 7 was “loaded with explosives in strategic places” in the month leading up to
the day that changed the course of American history. On September 11th, while the North and South towers
burned, fuses were ignited in World Trade Center 7, and nanothermite explosions hollowed out the building,
destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the
rest of the building, hollowing it out like a shell.

World Trade Center 7 collapsed into its own footprint at 5:20pm, seven hours after the destruction of WTC
1 and 2. The building shocked witnesses by coming down at the speed of freefall, indicating that it
encountered zero resistance on the way down.

Mr. Howard and his colleagues had done their job.

“When the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth.
Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating.
We kept watching replays of the demolition, we had the whiskey and cigars out, and then all of a sudden
the strangest thing happened.

We all started to worry that it looked a bit too smooth. We watched the tape again and again and again
and we started to get paranoid. It looked like a controlled demolition. We thought shit, people are going to
question this.

And then we heard that people from the street were reporting that they heard the explosions during the
afternoon. When we were told that the BBC botched their report and announced to the world that the building
collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… At that point we really thought the gig was up.”

According to the official 9/11 report issued by the government, WTC 7 collapsed due to “uncontrolled fires"
that were caused by debris that floated over from WTC 1 and 2, which had been hit by passenger planes.

If the official narrative was true, WTC 7 would be the first tall building in the world to ever collapse due to
uncontrolled fires, and the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed into itself, due to “office fires.”

Mr. Howard and his colleagues feared the public would see through the official narrative and rise up against
the government, demanding to be told the truth.

“There were so many loose ends, so much evidence left behind. We thought the public would be all over it.
We thought there would be a public uprising that the media couldn’t ignore. They’d be funding investigations
and demanding to know why they were being lied to.
We thought they’d find chemical composites in the area that would prove Building 7 was blown up. 

“We thought there would be a revolution. It would go all the way to the top, to President Bush.
He’d be dragged out of the White House.
“But none of that happened. Almost nobody questioned anything.
The media shot down anyone who dared question anything they were told.”

Follow the money

Mr. Howard claims he has “no direct knowledge” about the destruction of North and South Towers of the
World Trade Center, explaining that “CIA operations are very specific” and that it is common to be working
on a larger project while only understanding a small piece of the puzzle.
[9/11: Larry Silverstein Designed New WTC-7 One Year Before Attacks]

But he has advice for investigators seeking to understand the entire puzzle and work out who was behind
the most devastating attack on American soil in history.

“Follow the money.”

“When you want to find out who is behind something, just follow the money. Look at the trades made just
before 9/11. These are the guys that knew what was coming. The sons of CIA agents, government officials.

Close relatives of the most powerful men in America. Cheney, Rumsfeld. They all got rich. It wasn’t just the
contracts awarded to their friends in the construction business and the wars and the kickbacks.”

“It was insider trading.”

Many countries including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Monaco launched insider trading
investigations in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, believing that if they could prove Al-Qaeda operatives
profited on the stock market then they could prove the terror organization was behind the attacks.

And all the evidence pointed to heavy insider trading around 9/11.

Italy’s foreign minister, Antonio Martino, said: “I think that there are terrorist states and organizations behind
speculation on the international markets.” German central bank president, Ernst Welteke, said his researchers
had found “almost irrefutable proof of insider trading.”

Even CNN reported that regulators were seeing “ever-clearer signs” that someone “manipulated financial
markets ahead of the terror attack in the hope of profiting from it.”

Mr. Howard says that a serious study of who profited on the stock market from 9/11 would “tear the heart
out of the oligarchy in America.” “There is only one organization that spans the entire world, and let me tell
you now, it isn’t and it never was al-Qaeda.”

It’s the CIA.

“There could never be a real investigation. The entire shadow government, as you call them now, are implicated.”

The 79-year-old, spending his final weeks at home, said he doesn’t expect to be taken into custody following
his confession because “then they’d have to go after everyone else. They will just use the media to attack me.
They are all on the payroll to suppress everything around 9/11.”...'

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
There is a lot of disinformation that has been put out to the public about 9-11.  In my personal opinion, and judging from everything I've read over the years, I think there was probably some explosives set in place to make sure the towers fell all the way down, but I also think there was some kind of secret energy weapon that the public doesn't even know we have that was used.

From all the information I've seen, this shows more proof of how it was done than anything else out there.

Great post!

And how sad that the general public will probably never hear a word about this?  Our only hope is that sometime soon, some type of honest media will come out of nowhere, and start reporting the truth.
(07-17-2017, 12:21 AM)Chiefsmom Wrote: Great post!

And how sad that the general public will probably never hear a word about this?  Our only hope is that sometime soon, some type of honest media will come out of nowhere, and start reporting the truth.

Well, President Trump did say he was going to open the 9-11 investigation back up. 
That could be really dangerous to his health, IMO, but I do want the truth to come out to the general public who still believes the lies they were fed.
Just to help anyone out there with what was going on that day...

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Lets see, this man is 79-80 years old, that means when 9-11 happened he was 63-64 years old ( hope my maths is right). He is a bit old to be in the front line I think.
(09-17-2018, 03:02 PM)Wallfire Wrote: Lets see, this man is 79-80 years old, that means when 9-11 happened he was 63-64 years old ( hope my maths is right). He is a bit old to be in the front line I think.

You ARE Absolutely correct, the Mandatory retirement age is 55 to 57 years old for all weaponized government employees.
He also would not have carried (been read-on) his security clearance (unless fieldwork or case manager work as my husband) my husband doesn't recognize him. 
After retiring from his analyses or overseas courier agency job, he would have been Read Off his Clearance and not had a new background check done, which is every Five Years to keep your clearance. 

Just a side note, my husband was still working at the time of 9/11.
My husband never heard of any inside agency talk of a Sanctioned Government Involvement, what was mentioned is this, Field Agents in Afghanistan, Pakistan and working in Qatar, Dubai and other Arab areas warned the Powers Incharge that there was Plans to attack America.

I've rambled enough, sorry.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I totally agree with WF and Guohua and it just goes to show that there are liars everywhere,
even on deathbeds. There's a sadness in that -itself.

From re-checking, the video was taken from YourNewsSite -which is accused of being fake news.
A few other sites picked it up too.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(09-17-2018, 07:38 PM)guohua Wrote:
(09-17-2018, 03:02 PM)Wallfire Wrote: Lets see, this man is 79-80 years old, that means when 9-11 happened he was 63-64 years old ( hope my maths is right). He is a bit old to be in the front line I think.

You ARE Absolutely correct, the Mandatory retirement age is 55 to 57 years old for all weaponized government employees.
He also would not have carried (been read-on) his security clearance (unless fieldwork or case manager work as my husband) my husband doesn't recognize him. 
After retiring from his analyses or overseas courier agency job, he would have been Read Off his Clearance and not had a new background check done, which is every Five Years to keep your clearance. 

Just a side note, my husband was still working at the time of 9/11.
My husband never heard of any inside agency talk of a Sanctioned Government Involvement, what was mentioned is this, Field Agents in Afghanistan, Pakistan and working in Qatar, Dubai and other Arab areas warned the Powers Incharge that there was Plans to attack America.

I've rambled enough, sorry.

I've used military-grade thermite, and I'd bet dollars against donuts that Mr. G has, too. Never heard of "nanothermite", but that don't mean much by itself - there are lots of things that exist which I've never heard of, so it might really be a thing.

One mistake I would place in the "unforgivable" category in this tale is how a self-proclaimed "explosives expert" would confuse thermite with an explosive. it's not. It's an incendiary. How could an expert not know that, considering that I know that, and I'm no explosives expert. A powerful incendiary to be sure, with lots of sparks and smoke as it burns it's way through a vehicle, pretty spectacular, but an incendiary all the same... NOT an explosive.

Blowing thermite up i.e. an "explosion", would defeat the purpose, as it would scatter the thermite and prevent the concentrations of heat it is noted for, making it somewhat less effective at it's job.

Sorry the guy is dying, but I have to wonder when it was that his mind went.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(09-17-2018, 09:08 PM)BIAD Wrote: I totally agree with WF and Guohua and it just goes to show that there are liars everywhere,
even on deathbeds. There's a sadness in that -itself.

From re-checking, the video was taken from YourNewsSite -which is accused of being fake news.
A few other sites picked it up too.

Not your fault. the tale follows the party line that Truthers would want us to believe, and frankly I'm surprised it didn't get more wings because of that.

The average Joe who has never walked around with a couple of cans of hell-on-a-D-ring strapped to his chest, and who had not been taught when and when not to use them, and what and what not for, could hardly be expected to know, and especially when folks start tossing scary words like "THERMITE!" around.

An "explosives expert", on the other hand...

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(09-19-2018, 07:22 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(09-17-2018, 07:38 PM)guohua Wrote:
(09-17-2018, 03:02 PM)Wallfire Wrote: Lets see, this man is 79-80 years old, that means when 9-11 happened he was 63-64 years old ( hope my maths is right). He is a bit old to be in the front line I think.

You ARE Absolutely correct, the Mandatory retirement age is 55 to 57 years old for all weaponized government employees.
He also would not have carried (been read-on) his security clearance (unless fieldwork or case manager work as my husband) my husband doesn't recognize him. 
After retiring from his analyses or overseas courier agency job, he would have been Read Off his Clearance and not had a new background check done, which is every Five Years to keep your clearance. 

Just a side note, my husband was still working at the time of 9/11.
My husband never heard of any inside agency talk of a Sanctioned Government Involvement, what was mentioned is this, Field Agents in Afghanistan, Pakistan and working in Qatar, Dubai and other Arab areas warned the Powers Incharge that there was Plans to attack America.

I've rambled enough, sorry.

I've used military-grade thermite, and I'd bet dollars against donuts that Mr. G has, too. Never heard of "nanothermite", but that don't mean much by itself - there are lots of things that exist which I've never heard of, so it might really be a thing.

One mistake I would place in the "unforgivable" category in this tale is how a self-proclaimed "explosives expert" would confuse thermite with an explosive. it's not. It's an incendiary. How could an expert not know that, considering that I know that, and I'm no explosives expert. A powerful incendiary to be sure, with lots of sparks and smoke as it burns it's way through a vehicle, pretty spectacular, but an incendiary all the same... NOT an explosive.

Blowing thermite up i.e. an "explosion", would defeat the purpose, as it would scatter the thermite and prevent the concentrations of heat it is noted for, making it somewhat less effective at it's job.

Sorry the guy is dying, but I have to wonder when it was that his mind went.


@"Ninurta" My husband just nodded his head and smiled, you're correct he said, It's not an Explosive, it is and always has been an Incendiary.
He's never heard of Nanothermite either and will make contact tomorrow with someone he knows for a Fact it there is such a thing as Nanothermite.
(He'll be using the to contact an old friend of his)
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Nanothermite is apparently a real thing, and is just thermite composed of much smaller particles in the mixture to facilitate more efficient combustion. It does not explode, but is much more efficient than thermite at burning things, and burns so hot and rapidly that it creates UV radiation, just as arc-welding does. There are certain byproducts of the effects of thermite (and nanothermite) which are signatures of use, and as far as I've been able to research, these byproducts were not found in any of the WTC collapses.

The only thermite compositions that I've been able to find which "explode" are cryothermites. They explode similar to a low explosive, probably with fairly high brisance. In plain language, there would probably have been bits of WTC scattered all over NYC rather than a simple gravitationally induced collapse, as appears to have been the case. Cryothermites have dry ice as a component, and so have a much shorter "shelf-life" than conventional thermites, nano or not.

In either case, the aforementioned byproducts of thermite (neither regular nor high-test, nano-, cryo-, or vanilla) use were not present in investigations of the WTC collapses.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

I once owned a nano Thermos flask, if that helps.
I broke it when I went potato-picking in the seventies. My sandwiches were wet and
tasted of Camp's chicory.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(09-19-2018, 07:27 PM)BIAD Wrote: I once owned a nano Thermos flask, if that helps.
I broke it when I went potato-picking in the seventies. My sandwiches were wet and
tasted of Camp's chicory.

WOW!!!  minusculebiggrin Those are Great Thermo-Flask, the glass was always breaking for me too.
I didn't put coffee in mine, I had my warm rice and vegetable in it.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(09-19-2018, 09:46 PM)guohua Wrote: WOW!!!  minusculebiggrin Those are Great Thermo-Flask, the glass was always breaking for me too.
I didn't put coffee in mine, I had my warm rice and vegetable in it.

I agree, but I never attempted to demolish a building with it.
Maybe your ingredients could be the solution...? I don't know.

My main concern was I wasn't chosen to potato-pick on that day... and of course,
my sodden sandwiches, but life does sometimes gives you lemons.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(09-19-2018, 10:09 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(09-19-2018, 09:46 PM)guohua Wrote: WOW!!!  minusculebiggrin Those are Great Thermo-Flask, the glass was always breaking for me too.
I didn't put coffee in mine, I had my warm rice and vegetable in it.

I agree, but I never attempted to demolish a building with it.
Maybe your ingredients could be the solution...? I don't know.

My main concern was I wasn't chosen to potato-pick on that day... and of course,
my sodden sandwiches, but life does sometimes gives you lemons.

Wellllllllll The Cauliflower and Asparagus will give you some bad Gas,,, tinybigeyes ,,, when eaten with rice, my husband says bad enough to blow holes in his underwear. minusculemooning
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
@BIAD  Camp coffee, now that brings back a lot of memories, hot milk and 2 or 3 teaspoons of that wonderful thick liquid coffee. Last time I had it was in the 90s.
(07-16-2017, 03:58 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: There is a lot of disinformation that has been put out to the public about 9-11.  In my personal opinion, and judging from everything I've read over the years, I think there was probably some explosives set in place to make sure the towers fell all the way down, but I also think there was some kind of secret energy weapon that the public doesn't even know we have that was used.

From all the information I've seen, this shows more proof of how it was done than anything else out there.

I remember my second year in University, we were studying Probabilities. The professor picked up a piece of chalk and explained: right now the atoms here vibrate randomly. If we can make them to vibrate in specific directions, we can make the chalk move from my hand or disintegrate. Seems the second happen here. Also Oklahoma building has a similar damages, but it was kind of of partly failed test.
Hunter S. Thompson's 9/11 article was making the annual rounds on the Interwebs yesterday, but one key aspect mentioned in it that goes fairly undiscussed in examining the reaction to the events is that everyone thought the death toll was far, far worse. Here he speculates 20,000 people died.

[Image: JRBnCxq.jpg]

That number was quickly lowered, but official estimates still had the death toll of well over 6,000 for a long time and the actual figures were not estimated until the following year.

[Image: Wg5Zg3X.jpg]
NY Times

Both my uncle & aunt worked at the Pentagon. On Sept 10th while at work they decided to take the next day off and take a drive out to the country side away from the rat race. They left home in the early morning hours of Sept 11. They did not know anything had happened much less that my aunt's office was completed destroyed until mid afternoon. 21 years later and neither of them have ever spoken a word on how they got so lucky that tragic day. I don't think my aunt knew anything, but my uncle is an entirely different story based on his high level position at the time and spooky line of work.

On 9/11 1973, Salvador Allende, the democratically elected socialist president of Chile, was deposed (committed suicide later that day) in a CIA-backed coup that installed the right-wing dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet went on to torture and execute (& free heli rides) his political opponents by the thousands.

Yes, even Klaus Schwab arrived in Manhattan just in time to see the planes hit. COVID-911.

"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon

Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.

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