There are instance in life when you just know somebody out there in the cosmos is manipulating the billions upon
trilions of facets in life where one life brushes close to another. This may seem a bit odd because of the title of this
thread and I'm certainly not implying that it's some-sort of divine wave-of-a-hand that Boy In A Dress, his shed-owner
or the poor animal that took one up the poop-chute, have a connection.
It's just that when I clicked on this article from The Daily Star website, my Ad-Blocker was disabled at the time and
as I scrolled down, there in the middle of the piece was a cool-looking, talking black cat sitting on the top of some
stairs presumably advertising something or other. (My volume was off too)
Daitengu often refers to the terrorists from across the Mediterranean Sea as 'goat-sh*ggers' and here within this
article, the act is the same -but just with a larger animal.
I just found it profound, that's all.
*looks meek and posts thread information without another word*
Farmer caught having sex with donkey told he must MARRY the ass.
'A RANDY farmer caught romping with a donkey has been told he must marry the animal.
The donkey's horrified owner was left sickened after he witnessed a rampant villager "raping his donkey" in the
Limpopo province of South Africa, according to local reports.
![[Image: attachment.php?aid=2041]](
He immediately reported the act to tribal leaders and believes it's not the first time the pervert has indulged in the act.
The poor mule was a much loved favourite in the village and the sicko was forced into the ultimate punishment possible
-that he should marry the ass.
The furious owner said: "When I went to him he said he was sorry about it but I'm not satisfied as it was not for the first
time he committed the same act."
He now faces having to care for the humiliated donkey for rest of it's life.
The wierdo was summoned by the community to appear but refused and acting headman Daniel Ngobeni said:
"Because of the man's absence we have transferred the matter to the Shigalo Tribal Authority Council.
Secretary of the Shigalo Tribal Authority Council, Thompson Ntlamu, said: "We summoned the man and he will appear
to answer charges against him." There have been a shocking spate of sickos having sex with animals.
Daily Star Online told recently how a man who filmed himself romping with a horse was spared jail but banned from
going near stables...'
trilions of facets in life where one life brushes close to another. This may seem a bit odd because of the title of this
thread and I'm certainly not implying that it's some-sort of divine wave-of-a-hand that Boy In A Dress, his shed-owner
or the poor animal that took one up the poop-chute, have a connection.

It's just that when I clicked on this article from The Daily Star website, my Ad-Blocker was disabled at the time and
as I scrolled down, there in the middle of the piece was a cool-looking, talking black cat sitting on the top of some
stairs presumably advertising something or other. (My volume was off too)
Daitengu often refers to the terrorists from across the Mediterranean Sea as 'goat-sh*ggers' and here within this
article, the act is the same -but just with a larger animal.
I just found it profound, that's all.
*looks meek and posts thread information without another word*

Farmer caught having sex with donkey told he must MARRY the ass.
'A RANDY farmer caught romping with a donkey has been told he must marry the animal.
The donkey's horrified owner was left sickened after he witnessed a rampant villager "raping his donkey" in the
Limpopo province of South Africa, according to local reports.
He immediately reported the act to tribal leaders and believes it's not the first time the pervert has indulged in the act.
The poor mule was a much loved favourite in the village and the sicko was forced into the ultimate punishment possible
-that he should marry the ass.
The furious owner said: "When I went to him he said he was sorry about it but I'm not satisfied as it was not for the first
time he committed the same act."
He now faces having to care for the humiliated donkey for rest of it's life.
The wierdo was summoned by the community to appear but refused and acting headman Daniel Ngobeni said:
"Because of the man's absence we have transferred the matter to the Shigalo Tribal Authority Council.
Secretary of the Shigalo Tribal Authority Council, Thompson Ntlamu, said: "We summoned the man and he will appear
to answer charges against him." There have been a shocking spate of sickos having sex with animals.
Daily Star Online told recently how a man who filmed himself romping with a horse was spared jail but banned from
going near stables...'
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.