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Another Arctic ice panic over as world temperatures plummet
Man Made Global Warming and Man Made Climate Change has always been Fake Science.
Other Scientist that were Scoffed at and Ridiculed for saying it was the Sun and The Earth's Own Cycle, will be proving right.
It is the Sun and it's Cycles of inactivity.
Within the next two or three years, Real Scientist are saying you should expect a Mini Ice Age to start.
[Image: ice-age-britain-930035.jpg] All because of Low Solar Activity.

Quote:Research shows a natural cooling cycle that occurs every 230 years began in 2014 and will send temperatures plummeting even further by 2019.

Scientists are also expecting a “huge reduction” in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053 that will cause thermometers to crash.

I mentioned this before, last year in Phoenix, AZ. the Summer was not near as Hot, or normals of 115, 118 in June and July never happened last summer.
I think our hottest day was 110 degrees.

Quote:During winter, entire major cities – such as London, Paris and New York – would be subjected to sub-zero temperatures, ice and snow for months.

Millions of lives would be at risk of prolonged blackouts, food and electricity shortages and cold-related health problems.

Yes, I think if you bought into that Total Solar Power Bull Shil you'll be with our electric.

Quote:David Dilley, CEO of Global Weather Oscillations, told Daily Star Online global warming and cooling cycles are determined by the gravitational forces of the Earth, moon and sun.

He said: “We have had five warming cycles since about 900AD, each followed by a dramatic cooling cycle.
“The last global warming cycle ended in 1790 and the year 2020 is 230 following this – thus I have been talking about rapid cooling beginning in 2019.”

He said the oncoming cooling will send temperatures plummeting to lows last seen in the 1940s – when the mercury bottomed out at -21C during winter in the UK.

[Image: river-thames-frozen-over-930032.jpg]
ICE RINK: The freezing over of the River Thames, London, 1895

Quote:“This will last for 60 to 100 years and then a gradual warm-up toward the next global warming cycle that will not be as warm as the one we are now coming out of.”
So, it's safe to say, after this ends in a 100 years, they dig Al Gore and Obama and this Pope up to threaten us with the destruction of the Earth again because of Man-Made Climate Change!

Quote:Research from mathematics professor Valentina Zharkova shows that low solar activity could cause global temperatures to dip to their lowest levels for more than 350 years.

Within three years drastic reductions in heat-releases from the sun could drive substantial cooling in Europe, North America and Asia.

From 1650 to 1710, temperatures across much of Europe – including Britain – plunged when the sun entered a quiet phase known as the Maunder Minimum.

She told Daily Star Online: “We did not calculate temperature variations on the Earth, we can only speculate what should happen by relying on the experience of the previous grand-cycle occurred in the 1645-1705 Maunder minimum.

“At that time the mini ice age lasted for 60-65 years.

"The forthcoming grand minimum will last for three solar cycles, or 33 years, from 2020 to 2053, as we predicted.

“Because of huge reduction of solar activity it is expected that the terrestrial temperature will be also reduced as it has happened in 17 century.”
[Image: thames-freezes-over-930027.jpg]
CHILLY: The Thames thick with ice in 1984, with Tower Bridge visible


This year Arizona had more rain than normal and more snow than normal.
It's May and our daily temperatures should be between 100 and 103 have actually been in the high 70' and 80's wit three days of temperatures in the 100's.
It is back to the early mornings in the low 60's with a high in the 80's.
Back to normal when Mr. G. was a child he says.

Global Warming  is Nothing But Complete Bull Shit, that why they changed it to Climate Change, they knew this was coming and they wanted to still be able to make money off of it by saying the colder temperatures will be worse because of Humans and Cows and Fart and Cars and Beans in your Chilli!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Please, remember we still have ignorant people out there that still insist on blaming you and what you eat for a above average warm summer or winter.
Yes, they still believe in Global Warming and here is proof.
[Image: eat-a-cricket.jpg]
Quote:Eric Worrall at Watts Up With That? highlighted in a recent post a study suggesting people consume more insects as a way to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, which some scientists believe are responsible for causing higher temperatures and all the alleged “harms” resulting from warmer climates.

The study, titled “Could Consumption of Insects, Cultured Meat or Imitation Meat Reduce Global Agricultural Land Use?,” was published on April 22 in the journal Global Food Security.

The researchers, all of whom come from Europe or Australia, wrote in their abstract, “Animal products, i.e. meat, milk and eggs, provide an important component in global diets, but livestock dominate agricultural land use by area and are a major source of greenhouse gases.

Cultural and personal associations with animal product consumption create barriers to moderating consumption, and hence reduced environmental impacts.”

The researchers wrote one of their goals was to determine a way to reduce animals’ land use and greenhouse-gas emissions by examining nutritious alternatives to eating animals, such as cows.
the above is just a small portion of the article.
But what they failed to mention,,, at all in the article is that most Asian Cultures have consumed insects and alternate forms of protein for  Centuries.
In many Asian Cultures, Cows are Sacred animals and not eaten in large volumes.

I think the amount of methane which is belched from the ocean floor of the gulf in such large quantities that it is not even measurable.

I hope your Global Warming God (Al Gore) for gives me for Farting!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
right on. I keep trying to tell people that is the natural cycle and not cow farts but they always look at me with that blank stare
Oh dear!  Time to drag out all the old blankets and sweaters.

I must admit the weather has been really screwy for the past couple of years. I'm having a problem knowing how long to wait to set anything out in the garden.  Last two years, it has come a frost after planting, so we're waiting this year.  Guess things will come in late. We don't have much to put out anyway.

This is kind of scary.  Like you said in the shoutbox... time to stock up on firewood!   tinyshocked
Part of me hopes we really are going into another ice age just to stick it to those who want to tax us on the very air we breathe. Although I would expect a dramatic immigration increase to places like S.E. Asia/ Central and South America, which IMO around here we could do without..

People have told all kinds of horror stories about global warming however if another ICE age comes then they will have REAL horror stories and famine to complain about.... There was an article a few days ago about losing 25% of America's wheat harvest because of the snow storm that went through the mid-west...

Just one of several stories and videos

Thank You for the videos.
He kept asking why the correct numbers weren't being reported.
He know as well as we do.
There are no investigative reporters anymore. They tell you exactly what they are told to say and parrot.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I was watching a video awhile ago where the members in the chat room were asking questions and the guest was answering.  

One question was about the weather. She said the farmers in the UK (at least I think she said the UK) were told to plant their seeds early so they could harvest early and avoid the predicted drought later in the year, so they did. Then, after they sprouted through the soil, a hard freeze came through last week and killed over half the crops. 
She was wondering if this was done on purpose using weather control, namely HAARP, as a way to control the amount of food people have so TPTB can keep the price up on the market. 

The answer the guest had was, YES! It was all a well orchestrated plan using HAARP. 

This is a video from 2014, where the same thing was done in the U.S., and we know how they kept CA in a drought situation for years so they couldn't grow any crops.


As I mentioned in the shout box earlier, we had temperatures in the upper 80s last week, then 6 inches of snow in the mountains over the weekend. I had to turn the heat back on. Lows in the lower 40s at night! Something is very wrong with this picture! This is extremely rare for May here, even in the higher-elevated mountains.  
I've seen a lot of posts on Face Book about people having much colder weather than normal too, all across the U.S.   Very strange. 

I guess the point of my post is, TPTB could be behind part of this global freeze they say we're in store for. They have HAARP, so they could stop it, if they wanted to.  I think they just want the masses to live in fear of what lies ahead.  It's always something to scare us they're throwing out there. 

They need us in a state of fear so they can control us.  tinysure
Well it's been really nice in Phx, Az. this month so far.
It has been raining for the last two hours here and it never does that in May.
Today I don't think we got past 76 degrees. It's like Winter Here.
They're not calling for the 90's until Thursday of this week.

It is suppose to get down to 58 degrees tonight, I may need to turn on my heater.  smallroflmao
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I remember reading articles from the 60's & 70's that said North America would be under ice by the year 2000. Same thing as here, but nothing happened. So if this doesn't come to pass in 2019 or 2020 is it like Planet X? "Must have carried a 1 somewhere, it's 2025 actually!"

And what you are feeling in Arizona is not climate, it's weather. It's no different than me standing at my grill in the middle of winter with my hand above the coals. Just because my hands are nice and warm doesn't make it summer. Climate change can have huge effects on local weather (both ways) but it doesn't change the fact that global temperatures are up. AGAIN . for the 3rd straight year (after steadily increasing for 35 years).
(05-09-2017, 05:28 PM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: I remember reading articles from the 60's & 70's that said North America would be under ice by the year 2000. Same thing as here, but nothing happened. So if this doesn't come to pass in 2019 or 2020 is it like Planet X? "Must have carried a 1 somewhere, it's 2025 actually!"

And what you are feeling in Arizona is not climate, it's weather. It's no different than me standing at my grill in the middle of winter with my hand above the coals. Just because my hands are nice and warm doesn't make it summer. Climate change can have huge effects on local weather (both ways) but it doesn't change the fact that global temperatures are up. AGAIN . for the 3rd straight year (after steadily increasing for 35 years).

Okay, I'm confused.   :smallundecided:   How, or why, are they predicting an ice age if the temps are heating up?   minusculethinking
The Temps aren't heating up and haven't for a year now.
The Climate Change and Cow Fart believers are or have been using false data.
Yes, They Lied last year. 727Sky posted some very interesting videos that explained and showed where they got their Fake Data.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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