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Sky Will Be Sprayed in Geoengineering “Experiment,” Without Citizens Consent
Quote:It’s official: the US government’s partners in academia are going to openly spray us. It’s a move toward a future where they openly spray the skies to supposedly fight climate change.

Openly spray us?  I didn't realize they had ever stopped.   tinybighuh

[Image: th?id=OIP.ZduH-xige4c0TRc9WqdHsgEsDp&pid=15.1]

Quote:It’s official: the US government’s partners in academia are going to openly spray us. It’s a move toward a future where they openly spray the skies to supposedly fight climate change.

Harvard scientist David Keith and his partner are going to spray the sky with aluminum oxide and other chemicals to “experiment” with geoengineering: solar radiation management (SRM) as they call it, to block out the sun.

They want to block out the sun to supposedly combat climate change, but the well documented history of weather modification for military purposes suggests there are other motives.

You BET there are other motives! 
How about making people sick to put money into Big Pharma's pockets?
Or, causing the seniors, or those in bad health already, to die off so they won't have to pay out Social Security?

There is also another reason they could want to block the sun...
The sun feeds our "higher self", that part of us that is connected to "spiritual awakening".  They certainly don't want us waking up and realizing our own powers of the mind!
I've heard that looking at the sun for a few minutes as it's rising, or setting, (when it's not as bright) will do wonders for the pineal gland.

They also don't want the Vitamin D to be absorbed through our skin that the sun gives us because it is a major, major important factor to a healthy body.  Synthetic vitamins only give a small percentage of what the bottle says is contained in each pill, because the pill is only partially digested before passing into the intestines where they are then passed on as waste.

Anyway...  back to the article.

Quote:Sometime next year, Harvard professors David Keith and Frank Keutsch hope to launch a high-altitude balloon, tethered to a gondola equipped with propellers and sensors, from a site in Tucson, Arizona. After initial engineering tests, the “StratoCruiser” would spray a fine mist of materials such as sulfur dioxide, alumina, or calcium carbonate into the stratosphere. The sensors would then measure the reflectivity of the particles, the degree to which they disperse or coalesce, and the way they interact with other compounds in the atmosphere.”

According to the Guardian:
“US scientists are set to send aerosol injections 20km up into the earth’s stratosphere in the world’s biggest solar geoengineering programme to date, to study the potential of a future tech-fix for global warming.
The $20m (£16m) Harvard University project will launch within weeks and aims to establish whether the technology can safely simulate the atmospheric cooling effects of a volcanic eruption, if a last ditch bid to halt climate change is one day needed.”

CIA director John Brennan proposed they spray the skies and do “solar radiation management” (SRM) to fight climate change in 2016.

Quote:Some powerful forces are pushing very hard for the ability to spray the skies with aluminum, to modify the weather and set a precedent where they can spray anything on us.

This precedent where we can’t identify what is sprayed on us could usher in a new era of chemical or biowarfare against citizens.

But, wait a minute!  They have been spraying us with aluminum for years already!

I wonder if they are putting this out now, for those who weren't already aware of the chemtrails, so they can say it has just started?

So many people have awakened to what they are doing in our skies, I think they are trying to come up with something to cover their ass derriere .

Quote:The forces pushing for spraying are not a mystery, and they’ve been at work on geoengineering for decades.

They are found at military industrial complex affiliated institutions such as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Harvard, MITRE Corporation, Raytheon, and others. If you want to know what “the system” is, it’s MIT. They are an academic limb of the military industrial complex.

Half a century of progress toward modifying the weather for military purposes (and to create a global warming false alarm to justify it) coming out of MIT and similiar entities was well documented in Peter A. Kirby’s book “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.” Or, you could read his even more recent article on the topic. Or, you could listen to an interview with Peter Kirby about all of this.
However, the truth is geoengineering is obviously already happening in the US and around the world: just look up at the sky. Those giant high altitude “chemtrails” that turn into haze in the sky and persist all day are active geoengineering efforts before they disclose it and take it to an even further level.

So what these people are really trying to do, is normalize geoengineering in the public’s perception.

Yes, like I said, they are covering their butt for what has been going on for decades! smallnotamused

In conclusion, this is from an article about the Carnegie Council’s recent steps toward geoengineering:

Quote:“If we don’t protest their proposal to spray the skies now, in 20 years we’ll be living in an aluminum poisoned nightmare where questioning the health of geoengineering the weather, hazing out the sun to combat climate change, will be as taboo as being critical of vaccines.

We cannot allow geoengineering to become normalized in the public consciousness.

No, we certainly CANNOT! 

Do what you have to do.  You can begin by sharing this information with your friends and family.  Make everyone aware of what they are trying to do to us without our consent! 
Write your State Representatives, Congress, or whomever can help, but don't do nothing. Our future generations are counting on us.   tinycrying

I'm pretty sure President Trump has brought an end to this Climate Change Crap and Their Experiments. I think he signedan E O bringing Obama and Al Gore's Craziness and Abuse to an End.
Here are some links: Link  Link  Link
Trump orders government to dismantle Obama’s climate change policies  Source

Yes POTUS Trump Pisses Off The Big Bad E U,,,,,,, Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhh We're So Scared! Source 

So being sprayed with aluminum oxide and other chemicals to help Obama and Gore Get their Rocks Off,,,,,, I think it's Not Happening!
[Image: gore-obama.jpg] 
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(04-01-2017, 11:56 PM)guohua Wrote: I'm pretty sure President Trump has brought an end to this Climate Change Crap and Their Experiments. I think he signedan E O bringing Obama and Al Gore's Craziness and Abuse to an End.
Here are some links: Link  Link  Link
Trump orders government to dismantle Obama’s climate change policies  Source

Yes POTUS Trump Pisses Off The Big Bad E U,,,,,,, Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhh We're So Scared! Source 

So being sprayed with aluminum oxide and other chemicals to help Obama and Gore Get their Rocks Off,,,,,, I think it's Not Happening!
[Image: gore-obama.jpg] 

GO TRUMP!   smallgreenbananadancer
Just as Obama, a man does next to nothing with the stroke of a pen and gets vilified and idolized (in no particular order). 

Just like the "bring coal jobs back" crap that sounds good on TV but is pretty useless. Arbys has more employees than the coal industry ever had. 

how many jobs?

But again, it sounds good. "Trump DISMANTLES OBAMA EO's" (full disclosure....just like every president has done in the past 3 much for "draining the swamp")

And meanwhile, Louisiana still sinks. 

And sinks.

And sinks. 

And sinks. 

And sinks. 

So yeah, count this as a victory and Trump as the victor. We'll meet again very soon. 

As it sinks.


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