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(No, it should not be prescribed). But to fight the battle of addiction medical professionals recommend a steady course of usually 1 of 2 things: Suboxone or Methadone. I personally don't have the experience here but do have people very near and dear to me (some family even) who have struggled MASSIVELY with addiction.
I could turn this thread into a rant about our prison / jail system, the courts, the absurdity of locking somebody up for drugs but offering no counseling or ACTUAL help to rid them of (what I think is) a mental health issue, but I won't .... TOO much.
Instead I want to highlight what is being prescribed to people to help them through their addiction and the sometimes WORSE side effects and health effects than the drug they are trying to free themselves from. And after that offer an alternative. An alternative that I am very familiar with as I've used the product MANY times for the other benefits that come with it.
SUBOXONE is one I'm familiar with because of my friends and family that have struggled with one addiction (pain pills on up to Heroin) only to find themselves in the grip of a State Sponsored addiction (like the one provided in the form of Suboxone). Suboxone is supposed to block the opioid receptors in the brain and thus limit or eliminate the withdrawal symptoms when people are either a) trying to QUIT drugs (pills or heroin) or (more often than not) find a "legal" high that they can get easily every month from a doctor and have no need to live underground anymore.
Sure, it's not as simple as just saying "hey doc, can I have some of this?" but a nice story about how you are ready to break the cycle is sometimes all it takes to get your fix. Most patients seeking Suboxone are required to take drug tests before their prescription is filled (which is intended to weed out the "recreational" users of the drug) but I can say with certainty most people know the exact day they will have to go visit the doc and provide a specimen. They have it planned down to the hour when they need to 'clean up'.
Once you are in the program it can be a big sigh of relief: No more late night calls / drives to meet shady people in equally shady spots, no more spoons and needles, no more high priced pills that you will lie / cheat / steal to get money for, and it's all yours. EVERY LAST PILL or STRIP!
Disclaimer: I am in no way saying the medicine is useless or hasn't helped probably thousands of people break the cycle. I'm just giving my own first-hand account of what I see happen to people on this.
With that said, now you have your fix. And it's a damn nice one. Doc said I can take 2 strips a day but I have an entire month worth on my night-stand. And when I take it, damn, it feels pretty good. So why don't I take 3 each day for a couple of days and enjoy this new freedom I have to be a patient of the state and not have to make even 1 small sacrifice to find betterment. This goes well until I start to run low (and still have 2 weeks before my next visit). The panic sets in. Cutting the dose in half to make it until my next appointment is the only way I can do this, but then the back starts to hurt. Legs are starting to burn. Sweating, agitated, and I get that deep fear down inside that I'm going to be experiencing painful withdrawals soon.
So starts the cycle. I can call up my friends and contacts and get my hands on a bottle of pills. If I take those for the next week then I will have enough Suboxone to take for my final week (and have plenty of time to get everything out of my system!).
Next month? Your friend doesn't have pills this time. That's ok, right? The guy down the block has what I REALLY desire and before you know it the spoon & needle find their way into my room again. Same story, use and abuse for a week or more and get clean the last week before the appointment.
And the next month? My friend said he'd flat out trade me some black tar for my Suboxone. He can sell them for $35 bucks each (and I get 60 per month?!) so I trade him 50 of them. And the next 3 weeks are a spiral of self-control and madness (again) until once again I get clean with my last 10 "Subs".
The next month? It turns out our police department doesn't stock each police officer with Narcan. The last thing I remember is watching a black bag zipper over my face while my parents are crying in each others arms talking to the coroner.
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Quote:The Taliban prohibition had indeed caused “the beginning of a heroin shortage in Europe by the end of 2001″, as acknowledged by the UNODC.
Heroin is a multibillion dollar business supported by powerful interests, which requires a steady and secure commodity flow. One of the “hidden” objectives of the war was precisely to restore the CIA sponsored drug trade to its historical levels and exert direct control over the drug routes.
Immediately following the October 2001 invasion, opium markets were restored. Opium prices spiraled. By early 2002, the opium price (in dollars/kg) was almost 10 times higher than in 2000.
And by 2016?
Quote:According to the YNODC:
“Opium production in Afghanistan rose by 43 per cent to 4,800 metric tons in 2016 compared with 2015 levels, according to the latest Afghanistan Opium Survey figures released today by the Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics and the UNODC. The area under opium poppy cultivation also increased to 201,000 hectares (ha) in 2016, a rise of 10 per cent compared with 183,000 ha in 2015.
This represents a twentyfold increase in the areas under opium cultivation since the US invasion in October 2001. In 2016, opium production had increased by approximately 25 times in relation to its 2001 levels, from 185 tons in 2001 to 4800 tons in 2016.
So is anybody really surprised by the massive Heroin epidemic in this country? The chicken and the egg argument is did increased availability in heroin lead to our prescription pill problem? Or did the pill problem lead to increase in heroin use? While it’s easy to blame heroin (it’s been around for, well, centuries longer than the pharmaceutical counterparts) but could it be a state sponsored plan from the start?
Step 1 – Get the doctors to start over prescribing pain killers for EVERY TINY POINT OF PAIN in a patient. If the patient exhibits pain of 2 or higher on a 1-10 scale, give them something.
Step 2 – Cultivate the proper environment for massive production increases of Heroin (like, say, Afghanistan?)
Step 3 – Start a crackdown on the doctors and the pills they provide, effectively throwing a generation of addicted people onto the curb knowing they will wake up tomorrow like zombies searching for blood to get their next fix.
Step 4 – Open the floodgates holding back something that can help you while going through pill withdrawal. Make it cheap and easy to find.
Step 5 – Watch the black project bank account rise, RISE, RISE
Same thing we did in the 80’s with cocaine (and eventually crack), have pilots bring it in to small town airports (like those in places similar to Little Rock Arkansas), have local leaders (or a few gullible up & comers like Bill…) protect these shipments, enlist the Mafia and local gang leaders to move and sell this product, and watch the Iran / Iraq weapon smuggling bank account rise, RISE, RISE.
When you get caught? Throw Ollie under the bus while the CIA walks away and just starts their next concoction. But THIS TIME, it’s going to be EPIC!
Back to the OP:
Now that the plan is working we may have a hit a small snag. It’s working TOO WELL. It’s not just “thinning the herd” anymore, it’s spreading like a virus to every corner of our society. We need a doctor. Somebody to keep our plan going but disguise it as a “fix” (and it’s a “fix” alright).
Suboxone. “Hey, at least we’re trying right?”
I want to take you to a time not too long ago. A distant land across the Pacific Ocean full of dictators and miracle trees.
I give you, Thailand.
Quote:By 1939, political unrest had reached a pinnacle. In that year, forty political opponents, both monarchists and democrats, were arrested, and after rigged trials eighteen were executed, the first political executions in Siam in over a century. Many others were exiled. The government launched a campaign against the Chinese business class, closing anything Chinese, while taxes were raised to alarming levels. A man named Luang Phibunsongkhram was in power during this time.
Phibun used the exact propaganda techniques that were used by Hitler and Mussolini o build political power. Aware of the power of mass media, the government’s monopoly on radio broadcasting was also used to shape popular support for the regime. During this time, Phibun passed a number of authoritarian laws which gave the government the power of almost unlimited arrest and complete press censorship.
Seething within the underbelly of this political turmoil was the ever-present black market. Not surprisingly, one of the largest black market trades was the opium trade. Knowing how profitable it was, the Thai government passed a series of laws that levied duties and taxes from every aspect of the opium trade that they could; from the grower, to the manufacturer, to the distributor, to the shop owner and even the end consumer. It was a “cash cow” for the government.
Quote:With this boom in opium consumption, there was also a boom in opium addicts, opium-related deaths,and general public health concerns that come with any drug, licit or illicit. The government was clearly in the opium trade, as it was profiting heavily from it. With the amount of money that was generated from their taxes and levies, this was an aspect of money generation that was worth protecting.
Opium the Cash Cow. If only the people had something that could help them rid their cycle of addiction (while at the same time stop pumping their money into the coffers of a corrupt Authoritarian regime).
Quote:Well, in the fields of Thailand, where workers often toiled in the fields for 16-18 hours a day, often with no days off, there was an amazing plant that helped them get through their days. This plant was known as Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa). not only did it help mitigate the pain they felt from all of the hard physical labor, it provided them with a mild sense of calm, of peace, to help them get through their day.
In fact, Kratom was often referred to the “poor man’s marijuana”, as it became associated with field workers who couldn’t afford the more expensive Cannabis that was widely available. From a few pieces of literature I’ve found on the subject, if a man was asking for a woman’s hand in marriage, he was held in higher regard if we was a “Kratom chewer” rather than a “Cannabis smoker”. That meant he was a hard worker, dedicated to family values, and not afraid of work in general.
Kratom spread like wildfire across the working class people of Thailand, and they were using this widely-available, often-free, safe, non-addicting, natural plant instead of opium. In fact, what was even more alarming to those with conflicting interests, is that many of these new opium addicts who provided easy and reliable income to the government, were finding respite from their addictions by using Kratom to alleviate their symptoms.
In other words, as early as the 1930’s, the people of Thailand had discovered that Kratom was a powerful means of helping them with their opium addictions. Not only did Kratom tress grow everywhere in Thailand, it was easy to boil down a few leaves, and make a “Kratom Ball”; the most common form of ingestion of this plant at the time.
Imagine that? There IS a way to combat this without pharmaceuticals. What would happen if the government found out that the PEOPLE had a way to break their addiction SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY?
Quote:War broke out in 1942; the East Asian War as history has called it. When war breaks out, it’s terrible for the economy, and all of the taxes from the opium trade that the government had enjoyed suddenly vaporized. The government raced to find ways of bringing back the cash cow they had enjoyed as a result of the opium trade. One of the first things they did, was look to see if there was any competition in this particular market.
Sure enough, Kratom, which had swept the nation, and was accompanied by little to no adverse reactions or hospital visits of any kind (unlike opium), was now seen as a threat to the massive amounts of cash bring brought in because of the opium trade. Kratom was one of the “low hanging” fruits, and and easy target:
A member of the House of Representatives from Lampang in a special meeting on 7 January 1943 (Police Major General Pin Amornwisaisoradej) said this: “Taxes for opium are high while kratom is currently not being taxed. With the increase of those taxes, people are starting to use kratom instead and this has had a visible impact on our government’s income.”(1)
Quote:An act was passed called “The Kratom Act”, which criminlaized Kratom. By now, its use was so widespread (it had been part of Thailand culture for over 3,000 years), that anyone in the working class was at least familiar with Kratom, had a friend, family member, or even relied on its safe, effective use themselves. Kratom tress were grown with impunity, the millions of acres of naturally-occurring Kratom trees flourished, and leaves were chewed openly in public without any fear of arrest. So, it seems that the Kratom Act was never really enforced.
So it would seem that the people enjoyed a small victory!
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Fast forward 55 years and this wonder plant starts trickling into the western world. Most people still knew nothing of it (and those that did only knew because their local head shop started carrying this green leafy stuff called Kratom)
By 2010 Kratom use was on the rise for a wide-ranging list of uses.
My personal connection? I was introduced to a strain that was supposed to be like “super coffee”, and in fact, the plant itself is a cousin of the coffee bean. At the time I was putting in 14-18 hour days and was only hanging on by a thread. So I tried it.
The next 3 years I was an absolute machine. Long days, short nights, and all because of Kratom (and a healthy diet with a fast metabolism) I was immune to being burnt out from work. I had check-ups like normal, blood pressure was fine, no adverse effects, and I even got a top health score from an underwriter while getting my life insurance in order.
Kratom was unstoppable.
Until it was stopped.
One by one states around the country started passing bills quietly at night to ban this plant.
One by one “trusted pharmaceutical publications” started highlighting the DANGERS of this plant.
I mean hell, it sent 12 PEOPLE TO THE ER LAST YEAR ALONE!!!!!
And one by one the picture started to become clear as day.
You see, in the midst of this Heroin and Pill epidemic the only thing you can do to help yourself according to those in charge is go through a state-sponsored program to break your vicious cycle. Hell, we’ll even provide you with the tools you need to break it just enough to keep going back and funding the elicit actions of our government.
Vermont, Indiana, Wisconsin (my home), and Tennessee.
Followed last year by Arkansas and Alabama. Illegal.
Florida and New York have pending Legislation to schedule it and BAN it.
9 other states attempted to ban it but saw massive push back from its’ citizens and ended up Amending those bills (most of them just added an age restriction the purchasing it).
And just last year (like a thief in the night) the DEA decided (without public input) to schedule Kratom the same as heroin.
But once again the public fought back. Hundreds of thousands of people signed petitions, called their congressmen, took to the streets, and were able to JUST BARELY fight back against the DEA.
Lobbying groups are set up and fighting it. Local groups are set up and fighting it. Everyday people like me are fighting it for various reasons. But everybody SHOULD be fighting it because of what it represents (in my mind). It represents PROOF of a black op scheme to drug our population and drain them dry so a shadowy group of people can have the funding to piss all over this world and all over her people.
All possible if we just ban Kratom and promote Suboxone.
Some interesting reads:
For those who aren’t fans of Pelosi, do not be alarmed. Her son is working for a noble cause (and probably getting paid handsomely for it, but that’s beside the point)
Kratom Association
DEA's Public Problem
What it could actually help with
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Whoa! Excellent information!
Now, don't that just piss you off?
Leave it to our greedy government to take away the one thing that can help people, and make sure they keep feeding Big Pharma!
I, too, have family and friends who are hooked on pain meds. It's terrible to see someone so young get messed up on these addictive pills and ruin their life, especially when we know there is a better way that costs less to get off them.
I think it would be hard for anyone these days to say they don't know anyone hooked on pain killers.
Sigh... it's just like them making marijuana illegal when it has so many healing properties.
I think the people are going to get fed up with having these "cures" kept from us soon, and we are going to revolt big time!
Listen up people! It's time to notify your state representative and let them know where you stand, and be firm about it.
Until enough people stand up against them, they will keep us in their pharmaceutical pockets.
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Prefer the method used in asia ...... drug addicts and dealers are executed ......
Theres ZERO tolerance for drugs and drug users over here ......
Better to reign in hell ....
than serve in heaven .....
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(03-05-2017, 03:55 AM)Daitengu Wrote: Prefer the method used in asia ...... drug addicts and dealers are executed ......
Theres ZERO tolerance for drugs and drug users over here ......
So what's your definition of a drug then? I mean, coffee? the Whiskey you post about constantly? Oxygen?
Just curious as to where this argument may lead
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03-05-2017, 04:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2017, 04:45 AM by guohua.)
(03-05-2017, 04:12 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: (03-05-2017, 03:55 AM)Daitengu Wrote: Prefer the method used in asia ...... drug addicts and dealers are executed ......
Theres ZERO tolerance for drugs and drug users over here ......
So what's your definition of a drug then? I mean, coffee? the Whiskey you post about constantly? Oxygen?
Just curious as to where this argument may lead  Excellent Thread.
The definition for me is, any Habit Forming Substance that will cause a person to sell their body, steal or murder to obtain the resources to pay for it. JMHO
Coffee  I may feel like killing someone until my first 3 cups but I never have, has anyone?
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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(03-05-2017, 04:45 AM)guohua Wrote: (03-05-2017, 04:12 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: (03-05-2017, 03:55 AM)Daitengu Wrote: Prefer the method used in asia ...... drug addicts and dealers are executed ......
Theres ZERO tolerance for drugs and drug users over here ......
So what's your definition of a drug then? I mean, coffee? the Whiskey you post about constantly? Oxygen?
Just curious as to where this argument may lead  Excellent Thread.
The definition for me is, any Habit Forming Substance that will cause a person to sell their body, steal or murder to obtain the resources to pay for it. JMHO
Coffee I may feel like killing someone until my first 3 cups but I never have, has anyone?
Excellent point. Which brings me to a follow up:
@"Daitengu" @"guohua"
So Long story short, Wisconsin made Kratom Illegal one sunny day. I was ordering it by the Kilo and doing just fine. My shipment was late and I went online to find out why. The company that was supplying it (which was based out of Madison Wisconsin at the time) sent me an email saying it was "delayed". That was how I found out Kratom had been banned in my state.
Here's the kicker. I was immediately cut off and had not a single "side effect". No Withdrawals. No ANYTHING. I just woke up the next day mad that something so harmless made it's way into our state house.
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(03-05-2017, 04:56 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: (03-05-2017, 04:45 AM)guohua Wrote: (03-05-2017, 04:12 AM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: (03-05-2017, 03:55 AM)Daitengu Wrote: Prefer the method used in asia ...... drug addicts and dealers are executed ......
Theres ZERO tolerance for drugs and drug users over here ......
So what's your definition of a drug then? I mean, coffee? the Whiskey you post about constantly? Oxygen?
Just curious as to where this argument may lead  Excellent Thread.
The definition for me is, any Habit Forming Substance that will cause a person to sell their body, steal or murder to obtain the resources to pay for it. JMHO
Coffee I may feel like killing someone until my first 3 cups but I never have, has anyone?
Excellent point. Which brings me to a follow up:
@"Daitengu" @"guohua"
So Long story short, Wisconsin made Kratom Illegal one sunny day. I was ordering it by the Kilo and doing just fine. My shipment was late and I went online to find out why. The company that was supplying it (which was based out of Madison Wisconsin at the time) sent me an email saying it was "delayed". That was how I found out Kratom had been banned in my state.
Here's the kicker. I was immediately cut off and had not a single "side effect". No Withdrawals. No ANYTHING. I just woke up the next day mad that something so harmless made it's way into our state house. That is a Herb, used for pain and really none addictive.
I know of a website that has free shipping.
Here is their Live Plant information: Link
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!