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Head of secret Pentagon program says UFOs can “warp space-time”—what?
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Head of secret Pentagon program says UFOs can “warp space-time”—what?

Mar12 by Jon Rappoport

Head of secret Pentagon program says UFOs can “warp space-time”—what?
by Jon Rappoport
March 12, 2018
Luis Elizondo, former head of a secret Pentagon program studying UFOs, is now extending his recent remarks about craft witnessed in our skies…
In an interview with the UK Daily Star (2/8), Elizondo made the following boggling comments:
“For the first time, we have a compelling picture that what we are seeing is explained in our current understanding of physics, advanced physics, and quantum mechanics.”
“We do believe all these observables we’ve been seeing, sudden and extreme [UFO] acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans medium travel, and last but not least, positive lift, anti-gravity – is really the manifestation of a single technology.”
“So it’s not five exotic technologies we’re trying to figure out, it’s one, and we think we know that one too.”
“We believe it has to do with a high amount of energy and the ability to warp space-time, not by a lot, but by a little.”
The Sun also obtained a comment from Elizondo’s colleague, physicist Hal Puthoff: “Puthoff came to the conclusion that the [UFO] craft can effectively create their own time-space bubble, which allows them to fly at such incredible speeds.”
My, my.
A space-time bubble? Warping space-time?
Elizondo claims such stunning capacities can be understood by Earth physics—but at what level? Speculative? Conceptual? Or in a way that would allow American engineers to build their own craft capable of performing staggering feats and maneuvers? It’s easy to say, “We understand this,” when no assembly is required and you just spin hypotheses. I can come up with a hypothesis which explains how multi-ton stones were transported up a mountain road, centuries ago in Peru, and fitted together perfectly, with primitive technology—as long as I don’t actually have to replicate the feat now, using ancient means. I can blow that kind of smoke.
As I’ve discussed in several previous articles, Elizondo (a former intelligence officer who ran clandestine operations in Latin America), and a host of other former Pentagon and CIA players, are now attached to rock musician Tom DeLonge and his fledgling To the Stars Academy.
This odd marriage raises questions. For example, are the high-level players using DeLonge to disseminate the UFO story as a THREAT-FROM-SPACE SCENARIO, requiring gigantic new sums of money to build defenses against extra-terrestrial attacks?
The Pentagon-CIA nexus has always positioned “UFO disclosure” in those terms. “We have a battle to fight, and we must prepare ourselves against potential alien forces. Give us more money.”
Elizondo has now doubled down. He’s claiming scientists understand how UFOs do what they do.
Let’s see some evidence.
Not just concepts and abstract equations, but hardware—located, perhaps, at the famed and walled-off Lockheed Skunk Works in Palmdale, California.
Or is Elizondo merely passing along sensational-sounding “information,” designed to rope in a new generation of UFO enthusiasts, and lead them to accept a “threat-from-space” story?
Is the “warp” really about a space-drive, or is it about Elizondo’s distortion of facts?

Quote:'...Not just concepts and abstract equations, but hardware—located, perhaps, at the famed
and walled-off Lockheed Skunk Works in Palmdale, California.

Or is Elizondo merely passing along sensational-sounding “information,” designed to rope
in a new generation of UFO enthusiasts, and lead them to accept a “threat-from-space” story? 
Is the “warp” really about a space-drive, or is it about Elizondo’s distortion of facts?...'

You'll notice in Putoff and Elizondo's comments that the word 'UFO' was inserted by the author of the piece.
That's because the back-story to all this doesn't involve interplanetary craft from other worlds, it's about
Government and private fund-gathering for the chap behind all of this, Robert Bigelow.

This small group roped in Tom Delonge of 'Blink-182' fame to convince the young generations to get onboard
with a sexy, young concept that will not only ensure investment in the future, but take out the 'spooky', conspiratorial
perception of it and make it more mainstream.

The truth is that it's a costly business to create space-safe materials and vehicles, the US Government is reluctant
to buy into Bigelow's personal settings and so, they're using the Ufo phenomena to 'pied-piper' the next generation
of adults to part with their monies.

But Robert Bigelow is no fool. He knows that the less-appreciated part of this whole crazy world of flying saucers
and how they propel themselves is all about consciousnesses and our view on what reality really is.
But that reality needs cash and for now, the little-explored area of selfhood and universal awareness doesn't rake it in.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
@"BIAD" said,

Quote:The truth is that it's a costly business to create space-safe materials and vehicles, the US Government is reluctant
to buy into Bigelow's personal settings and so, they're using the Ufo phenomena to 'pied-piper' the next generation
of adults to part with their monies.

I agree. I think he/they saw Trump coming and knew he would be cutting off their money supply, so they had to come up with a different plan.

While I believe in real ET craft, I don't believe the BS they are showing/selling the public with this scam.

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