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Would you stay and fight for America ?
From what I see around here, it is the Liberals that would take off, especially the ones who have money or high limit credit cards.  The poor liberals would probably be stuck here but would not be apt to take up arms and fight.

The conservatives would mostly stay and fight, but the richest of the conservatives would go sit on an island somewhere and watch to see what happens.  All of the elite would relocate somewhere.

I would stay and be more neutral after all, post war things will not be that much different for those of us who worked hard at labor intensive jobs.  No matter who is running the new country, we will still be pawns to the ones controlling things....that is the way it is and always has been.  You see, liberals want power and if things go bad, they will lose their power either way because nobody will listen to them anymore if they pack up and leave, just like the conscientious objectors of wars in the past that ran to Canada.  If masses of Liberals moved to Canada and started trying to change everything, that country would fall apart because most liberals are also at odds with other Liberals on various subjects.  They will not accept changes others make that do not benefit them or the people they associate with.

I used to be pretty much of a Liberal but since I have seen so much messed up thinking in the Liberals who want to change things without rationalizing what the changes will lead to in society, I abandoned the Liberal backing totally.  Changes need to be evaluated before tossing them into the mix, using historical data of how past changes resulted in problems.  We are not smarter than our ancestors, there was way more common sense back in the sixties and seventies when very few people actually trusted the government.  Big government is not a good thing...saying that makes me a target of certain parts of the government now, but I cannot lie...they make things expensive and will screw up a good idea and make it bad.  At this point in history, the Democrats are way worse at screwing things up than the Republicans are.  We are supposed to all be equal one on one in this country, no person should have more rights than another person.  Giving little groups of people more rights per individual is not fair, but also giving minority group members less rights is also not fair.  Giving a woman more rights than a man is not fair either, equality between all people is essential.

I am a guy.....and from living many years on this earth I am totally aware that women start just as much chaos as guys do....women get awful nasty towards other people, in fact I see more women start conflicts with others around here than guys do in our society.  I see women slamming anyone who does not agree with them and getting obnoxious more than I see guys in regular people, they are more protective of their families and relationships than guys are.  That is normal, the old saying from the bible about there is nothing worse than the scorn of a woman has not changed.  I see a lot of women firing up other women to join their cause or beliefs...probably more than us guys do...most of us guys learn to not get women fired up and stay out of their arguments because we cannot win....been married a long time and have learned what not to say.  I have two daughters, a wife, and an ex-wife....I have experience.  I also have been friends with lots of women throughout my life and observed...I am no fool, I know that women are opinionated and are like cats and that we have to live with them but they are the ones that actually control us guys...don't fight a war that you cannot win applies. minusculebonker

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RE: Would you stay and fight for America ? - by rickymouse - 03-23-2022, 05:43 PM

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