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Layla is pregnant
Sky was already learning how to woo the ladies and Fhaa was learning how to act like her version of a lady in mixed company. The socialization of the kids was provided through interaction with other races that made up USSB as part of their education process. These were real kids just like them that had their education (thinking) caps on. Even the young synthetic Grays were part of some of the learning scenarios the kids were faced with.

What a great way to be introduced to other USSB Sentients.

Layla told me they would both be having virtual sex in the next few months which shocked me much more than maybe it should have. It appears that for every month they have been alive they actually grow and physically mature at a little over three months real time. That would put them both at 13.5 earth years which was middle of the road for sexual development for much of our species.
The growth spurt would stop when their biological clocks brought them to a physical genetic age of 25.

I got to thinking about all the young kids who ended up pregnant back on earth. Kids raising kids and screwing up the generations to follow was not a good system that could provide any bright prospects for those baby's future. I won't even mention the poor girls married off before they even reach puberty and then raped because their sick society says it is OK. Since I am not that far removed from my primitive back ground I sometimes have the urge to take Tiki back to earth and do some serious ?? I totally understand how USSB floundered around with other Sentient species once long, long, ago. It is hard to not interfere when you witness cruelty and just plain stupidity..

In the beginning I would occasionally tap into the kids minds (like a secret pair of floating eyeballs) to see what they were learning and how their education was going. The whole process was so amazing I went back to school myself.

You would think having access to all the knowledge the USSB chip could provide, schooling would be the last thing anyone needed and you might be right for some people. However, you can not think or even ask the right question if you are unaware such knowledge exist at all. The Que helped in many ways but.....

Many days I would just think, “teach me” and cap would take me to places and thought realms I had no idea existed.

“Where has all the time gone”?

It seems like only a few short months ago Fhaa and Sky were floating around in the growth fluid that Tiki had provided. Now they both have grown into young people any parent would be proud of..

Sky liked primitive weapons and had actually designed and fabricated a sword and a dagger that just blew me away with their form and function. The dagger was about 12 inches long and the sword was close to 36 inches. But that is where the commonality of earthly swords and daggers stop. On the dagger the cross hilt had two cutter bean cancellation emitters that looked like two Rubies that would allow their focal point to be adjusted by a thumb wheel set in the hilt. At the very tip of the blade was the red cutter transmitter so small it was almost undetectable. He designed the dagger so that it had a range of nothing “0” except the blade length out to 12 normal walking steps. The thumb wheel distance calibrator had six detent positions so as it was rotated for each detent you got about two steps distance for the cutter beams range..

The Sword using the same principle of focal length had a total cutting length of “0” to a max range of about a 100 steps. Each detent gave you about 10 steps for range for the cutter beam.

Sky made a set for all of us and he presented them the day before he and Fhaa were both to receive their chips. It was time, for they were both a little over 6 years old with the body and mind of a USSB 20 year old .

To say I was impressed with the weapons would be an understatement.

To celebrate we all went on a little simulated safari to a a Dino world and finally to a primitive planet that reminded me of earth when there were war lords and primitive weapons. We were totally awesome and got very good at judging which weapon to use and quickly judging distance control with both weapons.

I am glad it was all a simulation for we absolutely ruled where ever we went.

A Star Wars light saber these were not; (said with a Yoda voice).. There would be no clashing of light beams if the cutter beams crossed paths for the cutter beam would continue for the distance set by the thumb wheel.
I did insist that Sky add a feature that only our family could get the things to work which he did by adding a biometric detector next to the thumb wheel on the hilt.

I could just see us on some primitive world getting separated from the sword or dagger and having a primitive get their hands on one ! They were so simple to use if they did not kill themselves trying them out they would become a force to recon with.

Which brings me up to a few things I have learned over these last few years.

With Earthly eyes and sentiments you might not like what I am about to tell you.

The seeding projects of USSB have a noble purpose, I think we could all agree, however there is a dark side to this process. It was found, long long ago that the hybrids of a planet that USSB created could control and direct a population in a direction that showed promise for them gaining basic scientific principles and hopefully in some far future, even Bulk travel. On an with a much simpler level of laying down basic societal rules for the barbarians to follow, the greater intellect of the hybrids was always an asset or a destructive force as they were active an intellectually superior on countless worlds.

The hybrids usually do not know they are hybrids to begin with, but have been developed with a predetermined disposition towards a certain desirable nitch intelligence; they are then implanted into some breeder of the host world. Unfortunately, progress in science is many times motivated by fear and war for our species and many others in the universe. Millions if not billions of sentient historical recordings have always shown governance of any kind can produce no shortage of despots.

Messages In This Thread
Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-03-2021, 11:55 AM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by BIAD - 10-03-2021, 02:44 PM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by guohua - 10-03-2021, 04:33 PM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-08-2021, 03:44 AM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-08-2021, 03:46 AM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-08-2021, 03:47 AM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-08-2021, 03:49 AM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-08-2021, 03:50 AM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-08-2021, 03:51 AM
RE: Layla is pregnant - by 727Sky - 10-08-2021, 03:52 AM

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