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Time Magazine Article, My Thoughts. It Isn't What it Seems.
(02-10-2021, 12:09 AM)Ninurta Wrote: You know, I've seen a lot of giddy Democrats and leftists pointing at this article and saying "see? The election was all on the up and up!" But when I read the article, that is not what I read. I read that they were so scared that they felt the election could not be done honestly, and so were willing to go to any underhanded lengths to win it.

The fact remains, whether it stopped at what the article claims (which I do not believe, not even for an instant) or whether it went all the way into vote theft territory, they did not "win" honestly, and they had an overarching terrorĀ that BidenHarris could not, in any universe, win against the proven leadership ability of Trump. So, they were willing to "win by any means, but win we must, because Orange Man Bad". They did not run FOR anything, only AGAINST Trump, and that was a losing proposition from the start.

I personally think they should have picked a viable candidate, and won the old fashioned way, but the Democrats, and Leftists in general, cannot produce a winning candidate in the modern day if the vote is honest. They do not have a viable platform for growth or making the world a better place... so, whatever candidate they put forth, if that candidate adheres to their platform, that candidate is doomed.

Unless they can buy or steal an election, they cannot win. In the marketplace of ideas, they are bankrupt.


They needed a puppet.

A proper puppet.

Almost 50 years of achieving nothing for mankind, what's a few more.

I can't wait for Kamillion.

Shit's gonna get real.

ButĀ then I feel bad because I'm stuck in the UK and I can't help you guys.

Please stay vigilant against the enemies within.

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RE: Time Magazine Article, My Thoughts. It Isn't What it Seems. - by Wide-Eyes - 02-10-2021, 02:03 AM

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