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Why not shut everything down every year during Flu season ?
Interesting that the article in the Lancet never mentions the buzz-word 'Coronavirus', the impression one would
acquire from this piece is that we've been dealing with flu all this time, and this current situation was a worry before
it even materialised! But to say that would demean today's 'the-sky-is-falling-in' scaremongering!

One has to wonder what impact that would've had on the global community and media ratings if they'd been told flu
was out-and-about again this time of the year.
Also interesting is the comment 'The estimate excludes deaths during pandemics' in regards of the new and previous
estimate. Since this piece -that was published in 2017, it suggests influenza-related illnesses has been increasing year
-on-year and yet it's taken three years for us to be now in this global panic. Any such alarm button seems to have been
ignored and world-wide spread of the disease was inevitable.
Or was it...?

Influenza is seasonal and has the ability to mutate quickly to promote it's lifespan. This usually means that during an outbreak,
it becomes asymptomatic and the carrier shows no symptoms of the virus. By using the body's cells, the flu replicates poor
copies of itself that eventually become weak enough through this self-copying and degradation of its original potency that
the host's immune system can destroy it.
This is why there is no overall cure and merely a slight introduction of the virus into the human system we call 'vaccination'.

By the way, did you know that there is not a single reliable study to determine the number of asymptomatics? It is likely we will
only learn the true extent of this current pandemic once population-based antibody testing is undertaken.
However, if such testing is done, the information will not be so widely-spread as the 'fear-porn' currently delivered by the media.

And that's the real problem here, the media. The ideal breeding-grounds for influenza involves vulnerable situations like elderly
-care, nursery of the young, poor dietary due to poverty and health education and those suffering with ailments ideal for such a
virus to abuse. 

What do we get broadcast everyday...? Shock, fear and the occasional tear-jerking anecdote. The transportation of accurate
information in the form of news and specific advise in times of global concerns has been switched-out for narcissistic-celebrity
virtue-signalling and commentary sniping on those in political stations that certain media outlets don't like.

It seems infections come in many forms and in the case of shitty, low-brow sensationalism-news, we do have a pandemic.

Thanks Sky.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: Why not shut everything down every year during Flu season ? - by BIAD - 04-21-2020, 10:01 AM

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