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Values- Old School Versus Everyone gets a trophy
In my opinion, it only hurts a kid when they receive a "trophy" for NOTHING

It is a part of life (growing pains) to experience failure, which is supposed to make one try that much harder next time.

But if they get awards regardless, it has no value.
There is no pride in getting a trophy for simply "being there"

Life as a whole is full of let downs/failures
So this type of mentality is only giving the kid the ILLUSION that all is hunky dory and perfect

What is the purpose of this anyway?
So their feelings don't get hurt?????

Hey guess what, that is part of developing one's character as they get older
How kids handle day to day events

We need to stop cuddling them and treating them like they are made out of China
That will NOT prepare them for REAL LIFE!!
Only hinder them when they EXPECT everything to be just so

Dunno, I personally do not get this way of thinking, wanting to give everyone a trophy even when they DO NOT deserve it
Time for parents to act like parents and stop pampering their kids
That only hurts them in the long run, unless the parents intend on them living with them when they are into their 40's

BTW, in case you couldn't tell, I am 100% old school and do not approve of giving everyone a trophy "just because"

“Everything in life should be earned”

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

Messages In This Thread
RE: Values- Old School Versus Everyone gets a trophy - by senona - 05-24-2016, 05:58 AM

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