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In MSM, why does it take a POC [person of color] to tell the White Guy, what is real?
My first shout on your examples, Omega, would be that all those of colour in the movie-clips you provided,
speak good-and-clear English. Not Ebonics and even in Samuel Jackson's case, not so-emotive that the words
can be butchered by dialect.

James Earl Jones speaks as Hollywood would have a confident grandfather-figure speak. It may seem asinine
and shallow, but certainly in Mr Jones and Mr. Hudson's case, it's true. The actual actor who wore the Darth Vader
costume was David Prowse -a white guy, but his jovial West Country English accent didn't ring of the authority and
mild menace needed. A must for a movie made to take money from the young and old alike.

So James Earl Jones was brought in to speak as Darth Vader because a global audiences would be better-able to
understand his deep authoritative voice. Ernie Hudson falls into this same category, his rich tones bring a commanding
confident aspect when he acts.

Gloria Foster played 'The Oracle' in The Matrix, she held a 'grandmother-knows-best' tone to her accent and spoke clearly.

The colour-thing has -as @"NightskyeB4Dawn" points out, little to do with the need to have POCs in the movie business,
it's a class situation that is used to rattle people and keep them angry without actually naming it.

Nobody likes being talked-down to and that's the kicker, one uses a supposed under-class in a forum built for everyone to
'nudge' an assumption that another class of society doesn't care or fails to understand the other assumed levels. Yet, an
audience watching a movie for entertainment purposes looks to be entertained, not preached to. But to aim at merely
making a movie that would not be thought-provoking or draw negative emotions about their fellow-man would require
world-wide comprehensive plots, globally-relevant narratives and since countries don't all adhere to the west's liberal
values and capitalist ways, such movies could never be made because they wouldn't make sense to anyone.

The Class-culture is where this trope is used and has been utilised for centuries. In the Old World, it's breeding... a few
well-born families and their 'hangers-on'. In the New World -the United States, it is a self-styled group of 'Elites' who believe
wealth indicates better pedigree. Hollywood -along with politicians, embrace this divorced-from-the plebs ideal.

However, they use tactics like race, gender and climate to constantly shield their own biasness, that of believing they are
better than others. 
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: In MSM, why does it take a POC [person of color] to tell the White Guy, what is real? - by BIAD - 04-25-2022, 11:48 AM

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