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Why not shut everything down every year during Flu season ?
We have heard how everyone who is admitted to a hospital or dies for whatever reason is classified as a COVID-19 patient.. Could the reason be that if a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient they get $13,000 and IF they put the patient on a ventilator they get $39,000 ? That right there is a strong motivation to classify everyone with a hang nail as a COVID-19 patient IMO. 

As the doctor in the video says, " You get hit by a buss and you are rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung. You die 20 minutes later as the blood work arrives which indicates you had COVID-19. Death certificate has cause of death COVID-19."

I am sure money has nothing to do with it ! (sarc)

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RE: Why not shut everything down every year during Flu season ? - by 727Sky - 04-26-2020, 07:01 AM

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