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The Continuing Adventures of Rack and Ruin - Story Thread
I would like to pretend that many people have contacted Ninurta and I about expounding more on what the
Mainyu are and how they could possibly puncture entry into a universe that is tremendously different from
their own.
I will explain and also add that in fact, nobody asked us... sad, huh?

Looking through our standard lens of perception, the Mainyu are basically built in a fluid-like form.
Technically speaking, their bodies are have a syrup-like quality that changed when entering our universe
due to the effect of its unique harmonics.

It's simply a different tone or vibration of our reality to theirs and it caused their form to dilute even more
than it was. The Mainyu were already handicapped by the differences between our carbon-orientated
universe and after many centuries of experimentation, they realised that any advancement in conquest
would only come to pass if they matched the organic composition of their prey.

So just as we protect ourselves from the effects of space, they created an external layer that would be
able to assist in interactions with the various species in our cosmos and when the Mainyu came to our
little blue planet, they stayed with the plan.

Producing a fully-grown adult is still difficult outside of natural means and the onboard systems to control
a human body can sometimes seem to take on a personality of its own. Since life's first rule is to survive,
social interaction can be an obstacle and this took a long time to harness.

I could point to poorly-programmed 'Mainyu-suits' that have shown up in our recent history, but the evidence
could always be countered by those who demand we sit in front of the magic fireplace and be quiet.
But you'd be surprised.

I hope this helps, Mainyu are small entities inside the casing of a human body and from Death's revelation
to his brother -Boy In A Dress, they don't yawn. Let's just cross our fingers we can win this one, yeah?

Ironic Connections.
There's a little twat of a creature that flies around and can impact on a lifestyle of someone who could change
history. The Mosquito is an insect that -via the female's proboscis and her saliva, can transmit many diseases
such as malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis and the Zika virus.

In 1901, a U.S. Army physician led the team that proposed and confirmed the theory that the viral disease -yellow
fever is transmitted by a particular mosquito species. That doctor was a guy called Walter Reed and years after
his death, had a hospital named after him.

A hospital that's colloquially called Bethesda Naval Hospital and the facility that Tibbs' time-machine now hovered
outside of in order to change history. Now being 1949 and the exact proximity is the storey where James Forrestal
is being kept, of course.

A place named after someone who looked at stopping negative effects from a different species.

"Who's he?" Ninurta whispered from the hatchway and wondered that even though he and his three cohorts were
technically invisible due to their alternative resonance, could they still be heard. Sound... a true magic, the lean
GunMan decided and turned his focus back on the uniformed man looking out of the 16th floor window.

Tibbs waved his hand to disturb the rolling cigarette smoke surrounding Ninurta and after stepping over the pile of
rope that was tied to the smoker, he hunkered down beside him.
The Maryland night was chilly, but the Vithian knew the closeness to the detached man certainly added to the effect.
"A guard who will leave the room for five minutes..." the smaller man said and glanced towards where his wife slept.

It had been a long day -or century if you wish to be concise, and Mucklebones was exhausted. Saving Forrestal
and getting him to a secure place required none of her magic or wisdom and to be frank, she deserved the rest.
The only unsettling part was the Witch of Carbiox was currently using the dead body of Jack the Ripper as a pillow.

Boy In A Dress was sitting quiet in the shadows and on the stunted passenger bench. He'd said nothing since
returning from London and both Tibbs and Ninurta knew that it would be up to BIAD when he would relate whatever
thoughts or craziness were cooking under all that black hair.

The face on the other side of the meshed-glass belonged to Robert Wayne Harrison, the Navy man responsible
for James Forrestal's safety and the person who would always doubt the official Navy review board conclusion.
Harrison stepped back and moments later, Tibbs heard the auto-timer on the console bring the machine and its
occupants fully into the current period.
"I just hope he can tell us more about Rhanes" Tibbs mumbled, but more to himself rather than the cold-eyed man
squatting sixteen-floors up from Park Street.

As Tibbs pondered on the strange similarities between the names of Forrestal's doctor and Ba'al's latest squeeze,
George Raines and Aura Rhanes, the reason they were all there, kicked-off.

The window exploded, glass flew everywhere and James came hurtling through with the a dressing-gown sash tied
around his neck. Almost at the same time, Ninurta dived forward and grabbed at the dangling and choking man just
below the concrete window ledge. "Shit" was all the GunMan hissed as he resisted the need of his knife and began
to work on undoing the knot around Forrestal's neck.

Unseen by tbe surprised Tibbs and the cursing Ninurta -but instructed by both, Boy In A Dress pulled the corpse of the
Ripper from under Muckles' snoring head and in one swift movement, tossed it out over the Vithian's head.

Oddly enough, the flailing body hit enough outcrops of the Bethesda structure that by the time it landed on the wider
ledge of Room three eighty-four, any facial identification would be fruitless.
Mucklebones moaned in her sleep and went back to where an alien-sorceress goes in dreamland.
But at least the snoring stopped.

Forrestal's eyes were wide in the reality that he was not only failing to die from strangulation, the reason for the failure
was a growling guy hanging onto the sash he'd used to complete the hanging. Then as the knot came away, they both fell.

Gravity, the stuff Lucifer dealt with during his fall from heaven, the unseen force that Newton came to worship and the
impalpable action that Sandra Bullock's movie was oddly named after, desired Ninurta and the squealing man in arms to
join the crumpled carcass below them. An do it with velocity.

The rope twanged at the same time the panting dwarf in the brown robes reached the time-machine's main console
and changed the vibration of the craft, its passengers -awake or not, and the two poor bastards hanging below the spiked

Officially James Forrestal leapt from the sixteenth-floor window and after the strip of cloth became untied from his attempted
hanging, he fell to his death below. He jumped at one-fifty a.m. and pronounced dead at one fifty-five a.m. on the morning
of Sunday, May 22, 1949.

Unofficially -or not known by the powers-that-be, Forrestal tried to hang himself because he believed the 'foreign-looking men'
-who he thought were trying to take over the United States, were coming to torture him in order to find out what he knew.

After a stranger in a coat that belonged to a Victorian age and a rope around his waist thwarted that suicide attempt, the
ex-Secretary of Defence now glided through solid objects and the night air that occasionally fluctuated into a summer's day
near a lake and some woodland. Fundamentally, the serene surroundings of the planet where Ninurta, Tibbs, Mucklebones
and Boy In A Dress first encamped.

After three minutes, the minutes it took for Dr. Robert Deen -Raines' assistant and Navy corpsman Harrison to arrive on the
same floor that Forrestal's supposed-body was laid, the real James Forrestal stopped wailing and flinching as he witnessed
something called 'time-flutter' whilst in the arms of a fellow Earthman.

The undignified landing in the meadow just south of the lake ruined whatever calmness Forrestal had acquired and the feeling
of bridled wrath the small man felt from his saviour during his trip across the universe, also didn't help.
Now watching the GunMan undoing the rope as the aerial-covered spaceship landed close by, the shivering man in his pyjamas
wondered if this was the madness Dr. Raines had warned him about.

"Hello me-old mocker, how's yer' bladder!" Mucklebones called happily from the small hatch of the craft and the soft grass of
the meadow welcomed James' body in his faint. The tiny insect that had been sleeping there, a creature that looked surprisingly
like a mosquito, flew off to find somewhere less crazy.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Continuing Adventures of Rack and Ruin - Story Thread - by BIAD - 11-11-2018, 03:36 PM

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