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[UK] Labour Leader Feeling A Little Left Out Of G20.
(07-08-2017, 06:20 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Best advice anyone could give him.   minusculeclap

Aw Man, he's an utter ambulance-chasing ass-hole.
Like this below...

Jeremy Corbyn says Grenfell fire was a 'terrible consequence' of austerity.

'The Labour leader will criticise Conservative "hypocrisy and dishonesty" and accuse the Tory party
of "doing things on the cheap". Jeremy Corbyn will use the Grenfell Tower disaster as an example of
"the terrible consequence of austerity" at the Durham Miners' Gala speech on Saturday.

Presenting his party as a "government-in-waiting", Mr Corbyn will say Labour could scrap the cap o
 public sector pay, as he condemns Conservative "hypocrisy and dishonesty".

Speaking at the meeting - which is one of Europe's largest trade union events - he will say: "It is the
hypocrisy that turns the stomach, when in the terrorist attacks or the Grenfell Tower fire, these
Conservative politicians give warm words of praise and then a week later vote to cut those same
people's incomes, having cut thousands of their colleagues' jobs already...'

The building in question was built in 1974, so Corbyn is saying that the Labour Governments that
have been in power since that time are as just as 'guilty' as his opponents?!
And that's the thing, you see. He isn't a real Labour party member, he's a Marxist with plans of
his own.

Did the current Government ignite the building...? No, of course not. Was the building from another
time when regulations were less stringent...? No, the exterior cladding doesn't cause fire, something
else did it and at this point, it's believed the cladding assisted in spreading the flames.

Austerity has no connection with the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the cladding would've still been there
where a Government frittered money away or not. Corbyn is just using 'feelings' and playing on the
emotions off the masses.
But they'll see through it.

Oh and by the way, the 20,000 people at the Durham Gala are there -not because it's a Trade Union
March, they're there because it's a great day out with brass-bands, hand-sticky ice-cream for the kids
and a very pretty city.
And... it's a nice sunny day today!
(I live only 30 minutes away!)

The guy's a dickhead.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: [UK] Labour Leader Feeling A Little Left Out Of G20. - by BIAD - 07-08-2017, 06:38 PM

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