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It's Just The Way We Are When We Come Down.
As the last of the winter sun slipped away and a chilly evening descended upon Victorian London
of 1889, Boy In A Dress turned the corner from St. Katherine's Docks and began his journey towards

Every so often, a whisp of fog would float by and the feeling of poverty-ridden despair seemed to
increase in it's passing. Life was cheap here and BIAD reflected on how the gulf between the rich
and poor would endure into the future, it was part of the human make-up.

The last of the slayings was in small alleyway beneath the railway viaduct between Chamber Street
and Royal Mint Street and the poor soul who would fall victim to the so-called 'Jack The Ripper' would
hopefully be his final one.
History had told us that.

But BIAD knew otherwise, these killings were part of a larger scheme. Keeping his collar high and the
scuffy cap pulled low over his long fringe, the Man-Girl pushed on through the grime-filled alley towards
the viaduct.

Back on the Army Base in the future, the sentries would be -by now, accepting it was to be another quiet
evening and for the thirty-eight seconds of 'their time' the Man-Girl hoped the guards wouldn't be tempted
to stroll further into the hanger.
Let sleeping dogs lie and all that.

"You're a very naughty boy, Jack" BIAD whispered sullenly as he left the laughingly-named Angel Lane
and followed a line of dingy terraced houses. The smoke that killed the sky and seemed to be ingrained
on every surface of the city told of human industry and an ignorance of what pollution could bring to the
populace. High chimney pots belched sooty fog from every rooftop and somewhere in filthy backyards
and tired wharfs, men and women coughed their lungs into exhaustion.

The hermaphrodite in the stevadore's attire and red high-heels spotted the tall Policeman just as he
stepped across a channel of sewage that made it's way to the lowest part of the alleyway. If it hadn't
have been for the glint of his uniform buttons from the gaslight the Officer had just strolled under, BIAD
would've continued his walk and he was confident that he would have been noticed.

Leaning into a doorway, Boy In A Dress tracked the 'Peeler' taking his patrol and BIAD knew that it
would be on his next circuit that he would discover -what BIAD hoped would be a dead male clutching
his instrument of death in his hand instead of the poor female lacking a head.

"You should not be here" a low-voice growled from the tiniest of alleyways that Boy In A Dress had
missed. The darkness that resided there seemed be more powerful and substantial than the rest of
the evening's tenebrosity.

BIAD's nails immediately lengthened and the long hair that had been packed down into the coat
and under the hat, slithered and roiled like disturbed snakes. Whatever waited in the two foot-wide
corridor of 'Hobbs Lot' was dangerous and his senses knew it.

The fog continued to swirl along the cracked and litter-strewn pavement as he searched the gloom
for the owner of the voice and just as he was about to step out of the shadow of the paint-worn entrance,
the one who gave the ominous warning revealed himself.

"It was agreed that this would come to pass without your interference, Anomaly..." the seven foot-tall
stranger advised from beneath his heavy hood. As one shape loomed from the passageway, another
slowly came into view.

It would be trite to say that only when the full compliment stood in a line together along the dismal street
would BIAD have realised who they were, but the sight of the first of the group had told him all he needed
to know.
It was The Seven.

"...And you are dabbling in measures that will have consequences. There are rules that you are fully
aware of" the same figure added. Boy In A Dress stepped closer for two reasons, one to show that he
held no fear of The Seven and secondly, because he didn't like the smell of urine coming from the dirty

"I didn't agree to this though..." BIAD hissed and felt his fingernails slowly slide back beneath the skin.
Whatever physical powers BIAD held, were nothing compared to these guardians of realities.
"...Nobody said that innocent women were to be gutted in the name of some arcane belief that tributes
of innocent souls will keep all of this going!"
The smaller being's tone smacked of sarcasm and doubt.

The lean statues never moved and the blackness of their cowls told BIAD nothing, such is the way of
The Seven. "Well, I'm going to go and put a stop to this" the Man-Girl said evenly and didn't wait for a
reply, he pulled the grimy coat lapels closer to emphasize his obstinacy.
Turning his back on the grey-robed giants, BIAD strode confidently towards the viaduct and readied
himself for the Ripper.

"You are an anomaly and you walk alone..." One of The Seven announced. "...It is stated that you as
The Abandoned One will greet a day when you become the dark force that will hold sway of this species"
BIAD's gait slowed as he stared into the shadows of the little tunnel under the railway track

"The future of this reality will commute on what happens this evening and even though your desire to
emulate the childish morals of this species is in some way, laudable, we know that you do perceive the
larger situation here and will wish to not disturb yon exigency"

Far off, a boat sang it's sad foghorn lament and for a few moments the perculiar strangers at the entrance
of Hobbs Lot waited among the swirling mist to see how the dice would fall. The Seven always spoke the
truth and the other party in the street knew it.

A female cried out in the darkness of the tunnel and then there was silence.
Boy In A Dress breathed in deeply and with the same absence of sound, vowed to find out what these
slayings were really for.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: It's Just The Way We Are When We Come Down. - by BIAD - 06-23-2016, 01:44 PM

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