05-24-2016, 06:06 AM
Quote:Armonica_Templar wrote:
...old schools vote is no
Trophy Gen's vote??
I agree with the general notion that the degree guarantees nothing.
I don't know that I can go so far as to make the judgment that is asked for, without a lot more information.
Did the school oversell?
I have known schools that oversold. True, the prospective student has to be gullible to some extent, and thus responsible for the end-result, but I find fault on both sides of that equation.
As you say (old school) - If she would get to work on improving her weaknesses (in her chosen field of law), she might find herself gainfully employed as a short-term result.
I work for an attorney who is not practicing as an attorney, because the field was overrun at the time that he graduated (short story). He uses his legal expertise in another way than 'practicing law'.