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(10-17-2022, 04:56 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: I'm not going to blow smoke up anyones ass on this one.

It's a shit show.

I don't mind the layout, with the catagories on the left and new topics on the right, but I hope we get a shout/chat box on top and an alert system for when there are alerts for responses to a post or responses to a thread(if you are the creator).

If I was monkey pox looking out of the asshole and saw your face, thats what your avatar looks like =D god damn you spock I miss our shoutbox shananegans. I just clutched a 98.93% in my first quarter of school. My next set of coarses are going to be the trying ones. Did you see my fat ass on youtube yet? if not you should my fatness will make your man parts jelly. As a matter of fact I got the wimmins making pancakes right meow.

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RE: *** WELCOME HOME - AN ALL MEMBERS READ *** - by Brotherman - 10-17-2022, 05:23 AM

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