10-10-2022, 04:51 AM
(10-10-2022, 01:06 AM)Sol Wrote: Hey everyone!
You must be thinking "What's up with the banner, what's up with Sol's Avatar?"
Well, we are announcing our first big Party of the year, the 2022 Rogue's Halloween Party, which will be held, right here, in Guohua's Lounge, in the Rogue's Bar, Grill and Grotto!
Starting October 28th 2022, we will be posting a Member's Avatar thread, where you will be able to choose which Avatar you'd like to wear for four straight days, as the Party will only end on November 1st 2022.
We already have over four dozen Avatars made for the occasion, like the one I'm wearing now, and dozens of Banners that will keep changing during those four days, like the one that is displayed at this moment.
Warning: Some of those Avatars are absolutely awesome and YOU will have a hard time choosing which you like best...! Staff have been busy creating stuff that is spooky, scary, creepy and absolutely fantastic!
For four days, we will meet here, in the grotto, to have fun, to chat, to listen to great music videos.
We'll leave this announcement up for a few days at a time, up to the event.
R.S.V.P. in this thread. We look forward to seeing you there. Join the Fun! October 28th 2022.
I'll be there. Bar open for four days? Who'd want to miss that?!?
Sol - for Rogue's Admins & Staff
P.S. For the occasion, and in honor of, we have renamed The Rogue's Lounge to Guohua's Lounge.
I'll be in and out for sure, thanks for the invite!