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Global Monkeypox Outbreak: 75 countries, 16,000 cases and 5 deaths
Back in the late 80s or early 90s (?) AIDS cut through many airline Flight attendants which had managed to get a job. The ones who were not knocked out by that horrible disease seemed to have had a long term relationship... There were some real flamers which all seemed to fall by the wayside and were never seen again at work.

One true story //..... Working Flight attendant for the flight was the last to board the flight. Normally all F.A.s are on board getting the cabin ready for the flight at least 45 minutes before departure. He comes to the flight deck and is sincerely trying to apologize about being late, " Captain I am so sorry I am late as the traffic was really bad and to be honest it was the "Dick of death" that almost made me not come at all !"... Something like that as all I remember is the "Dick of Death" part .

That was a departure out of San Francisco which was a major party town for the gays back then... He and many others got sick from AIDS and died in the early days of the sickness as there was no known cure.

I heard a pod cast yesterday that said AIDS killed 35 million world wide. I do remember certain parts of Africa were hit particularly hard

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RE: Global Monkeypox Outbreak: 75 countries, 16,000 cases and 5 deaths - by 727Sky - 07-26-2022, 03:41 PM

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