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I think we all knew it was bad.....but THIS BAD???
(06-24-2022, 03:37 AM)MisterSpock Wrote:

Good god, having to write on a note to sit down, that's really some next level.

I'm literally surprised it doesn't say DON'T SHIT YOUR PANTS.

The jokes are all becoming reality.

This is so pathetic, the only good that can come of this is hopefully the massive backlash and the fact that it will literally strap rockets to the pendulum and blow it right off the other end when it swings back.

To top it off the cue card photo has GettyImages watermark. Forever preserved in the archives. LMAO!

I would think it should be obvious to EVERYONE by now that Biden is not in charge of anything, not even his own ass. Meanwhile, the whole damn world is laughing up a storm. Day of reckoning is going to come for those corporate billionaire parasites that installed that old dementia ridden fool. That shit right there is UNsustainable!!

[Image: AZG7yxL.jpg]
"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon

Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.

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RE: I think we all knew it was bad.....but THIS BAD??? - by EndtheMadnessNow - 06-24-2022, 04:36 AM

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