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Isn't it time we all snapped out of it...
The New York Times has issued an apology letter for the way it covered the elections.

It most probably has to do with them losing a shitload of readers.

You're sorry? Yep. Sure. I buy it.

When is an apology not really an apology? When you end it like this:

Quote:While insisting his staff had “reported on both candidates fairly,” he also vowed that the paper would “rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor.”

New York Times: We blew it on Trump.


This article was reported by Yahoo News. Reading the comments, seems like I am not the only one NOT buying it.

I don't remember seeing so much vitriol towards the Medias at large in a long, long time.

The common folk is waking up:

Quote:Too late close your doors you are not even a news source just another liberal propaganda machine.

Quote:Sorry, the press was sooooo biased it was an embarrassment. There was nothing fair or balanced...There was no anchor in the form of journalism that took place. The press treated our national elections with the same tack as they treat the Kardashians. Their investigative treatment was totally in favor of the candidate of their choice, and trying to do better will never change the fact that the true stories on each and every candidate were never told with equal fervor. Our press was the laughing stock around the world.

Quote:Can you say "Clinton Collaborator"?

Quote:Trump won with out a single media endorsement. What does that tell you about how trustworthy the American people feel about the media. The days of Walter Cronkite are long gone. Only a fool would put there faith in the media for an honest unbiased report. Too far to the left it has gone.

Quote:All the media outlets should be AUDITED

Quote:So should CNN, CNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and other leftist media. They all have forgotten 'objectivity' in their reporting, and the reporters/anchors keep injecting their personal preference into their reporting. Which journalism school did they go?

Quote:They are apologizing because tons of people have been canceling their subscriptions.

Quote:NY Times is your classical example of a journalistic news media becoming political action group and openly and actively, supporting a candidate to further their political agenda. By doing so, they totally abandoned their duty as a journalist (whatever that really means in the first place nowadays) and became a propaganda unit of the Democratic Party. Josef Goebbels would be very proud of them!!

Quote:The news media has mislead the population for decades with lies, misinformation, character assassinations, lack of evidence or proof, false opinions, false accusations. false speculations, false sensationalism, prejudices, bigotry, biases, hate, racism, creating the news rather than reporting the news !

Quote:Yahoo lying again. SMH The NY Times did NOT apologize for their disgraceful hyper-partisanship. EVERY "top level" editor and manager should be FIRED for their actions! RIP NY Times, you are DONE. NO ONE respects you or will ever trust you again.

Quote:Americans need to ban and encourage everyone they know to quit subscribing, watching, and reading of such liberal mainstream such as the NYT, ABC, NBC, CBS, Yahoo, etc. I have already gotten rid of those stations and in the midst of changing browsers. It is time to send a message to these "deplorables" of liberal media a message to where is counts, their wallet!!!

Quote:During this election, all of the MSM outlets were working to elect Hillary. They conspired with her to crush Bernie by any means necessary, then went after Trump with a fire storm of negative stories. The false rape allegations were the low point(Julian Assange was accused of the same thing-hmm...). The NYT bet the farm on one horse, and that horse lost. Now, they have nothing left but to beg. They should close their doors because 99% of the employees were/still are in on the deceptive reporting-

Quote:The New York Times is now...officially...a joke and quite frankly a disgrace. I wouldn't subscribe to the NYT if they were the last rag on Earth. Pathetic.

Quote:You really have to want to see that as an apology to call it an apology.

Quote:The majority of news broadcasters should have their FCC license" taken away permanently for their biased reporting of this election. Just saying that they are sorry will not cut it. They knew exactly what they were doing but did it anyway They broke the rules that govern how their coverage of news should be dispensed over the air and TV. they should all be held accountable for their actions.

This one had me laugh out loud:

Quote:Hey NY Times, I will give you my prediction for what will happen in the Trump presidency and you can feel free to quote me: Sharp decline in the amount of donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments.

Quote:Unethical, dishonest media! I have never seen such a biased coverage in my entire life! I have been a Times reader for decades that ended weeks back! ABC, NBS,CBS, Times, W. Post, Clinton News Network, all of them were so dishonest and deceiving in their unfaar covarge of Trump. They said only uneducated White Males support Trump. Hillary, Obama, media, all categorised Trump supporters as "less of a human being". I have a Ph.D from a top school and my conviction was very clear from the very beginning. I voted for Trump. There is nothing racist in insisting to have a strong border, to stop the outflow of jobs from America, to have better trade deals, so on. Obama, Hillary, media must be ashamed of the way way they portrayed Trump and his supporters! Our Press must learn what journalism means! It was so pathetic, deplorable!

Quote:Hey NYT, "You're FIRED! "


Will stop there as there are over 700 of those...

For more honest and accurate comments:

New York Times issues apology; Is it too late?

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RE: Isn't it time we all snapped out of it... - by Sol - 11-14-2016, 11:37 PM

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