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Merchandise and Food Shortages in a National Crisis
@Michigan Swamp Buck

No worries, I was just providing an archived link to the Bloomberg if anyone wanted to read/save it all.

Speaking of Salt...a few of my Mormon neighbors at my previous house would horde tons of salt. I'm talking a garage full along with many non-perishable foods. Their garage was like a small super market. They were like doomsday preppers. I use to laugh at them. I stopped laughing several years ago.

That's the thing. The chaos crisis is NOT just America, but global which is particularly worrisome. Regardless manufactured or not, it's real and the storm is coming. Everyone will eventually be greatly impacted, imo. Status quo's will be changing and some of those same people won't be laughing & mocking others.
"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon

Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.

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RE: Merchandise and Food Shortages in a National Crisis - by EndtheMadnessNow - 05-20-2022, 06:11 AM

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