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Congress open hearings on UAP/UFOs
(05-18-2022, 03:46 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote: I've been seeing a lot of UFO stuff in the news, a lot of it right before covid hit, then it died down, then the Russia fiasco, and now UFOs are all over the news again.  I feel like we're being fed a narrative, but then again, when are we not?

The Coming 'ET Threat' Will Be A Lie.
By Dr Carol Rosin

My name is Carol Rosin. I am an educator who became the first woman corporate manager of an Aerospace Company,
Fairchild Industries. I am a Space and Missile Defense Consultant and have consulted to a number of companies,
organizations, and government departments, even the intelligence community.

I was a consultant to TRW working on the MX missile, so I was part of that strategy, which turned out to be a role model
for how to sell space-based weapons to the public. The MX missile is yet another weapon system that we didn't need.

I founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, a Washington DC based think tank. I am an author
and have testified before Congress and the President's Commission on Space.
When I was a Corporate Manager of Fairchild Industries from 1974 through 1977, I met the late Dr Wernher Von Braun.
We first met in early 1974. At that time, Von Braun was dying of cancer but he assured me that he would live a few more
years to tell me about the game that was being played - that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control the
Earth from space and space itself.

Von Braun had a history of working with weapons systems. He escaped from Germany to come to this country and
became a Vice President of Fairchild Industries when I had met him. Von Braun's purpose during the last years of
his life, his dying years, was to educate the public and decision-makers about why space-based weapons are dumb,
dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, unworkable, and an undesirable idea, and about the alternatives
that are available.

As practically a deathbed speech, he educated me about those concepts and who the players were in this game.
He gave me the responsibility, since he was dying, of continuing this effort to prevent the weaponization of outer
space. When Wernher Von Braun was dying of cancer, he asked me to be his spokesperson, to appear on
occasions when he was too ill to speak. I did this.

What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again during the
approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with him.

He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics.
That was how we identify an enemy. The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians
are going to be considered to be the enemy.

In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites".
We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were "Commies."

Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism.

Then we were going to identify third- world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said
that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.

The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it.
Asteroids-against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons. 

And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare.
And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would
bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build
space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."...'

'...What he told me was that there is an accelerated effort in place. He didn't mention a timeline but he said
that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine. That the effort to put weapons
into space was not only based on a lie but would accelerate past the point of people even understanding it
until it was already up there and too late...'

'...The last card that was being held was the extraterrestrial enemy card. The intensity with which he said that, made
me realize that he knew something that he was too afraid to mention. He was too afraid to talk about it. He would not
tell me the details....'

'...In 1977, I was at a meeting in Fairchild Industries in a conference room called the War Room.
In that room were a lot of charts on the walls with enemies, identified enemies. There were other more obscure names,
names like Saddam Hussein and Khadafi. But we were talking then about terrorists, the potential terrorists. No one had
ever talked about this before but this was the next stage after the Russians against whom we were going to build these
space-based weapons.

I stood up in this meeting and I said, "Excuse me, why are we talking about these potential enemies against whom we
are going to build space-based weapons if, in fact, we know that they are not the enemy at this time?"

Well, they continued the conversation about how they were going to antagonize these enemies and that at some point,
there was going to be a war in the Gulf, a Gulf War. Now this is 1977, 1977! And they were talking about creating a war
in the Gulf Region when there was 25 billion dollars in the space-based weapons program that had yet to be identified.
It wasn't called the Strategic Defense Initiative, at least. Not until 1983.

This weapons system, then, had obviously been going on for some time and I didn't know anything about. So I stood up
in this meeting in 1977 and said, "I would like to know why we are talking about space-based weapons against these
enemies. I would like to know more about this. Would someone please tell me what this is about?"
Nobody answered. They just went on with this meeting as though I hadn't said anything.

Suddenly, I stood up in the room and said, "If nobody can tell me why you are planning a war in the Gulf when there is a
certain amount of money in a budget so that you can create the next set of weapons systems that will be the beginning
of the sell to the public about why we need space-based weapons, then consider this: my resignation.
And you will not hear from me again!"

And nobody said a word, because they were planning a war in the Gulf and it happened exactly as they planned it, on

The room was filled with people in the revolving door game. There were people that I had seen once in a military uniform
and other times in a gray suit and an industry outfit. These people play a revolving door game. They work as consultants,
industry people, and/or military and intelligence people. They work in the industries and they revolve themselves through
these doors and right into government positions.

I stood up in this meeting and asked if I was hearing correctly. That when there was 25 billion dollars expended in the
space-based weapons budget, that there was going to be a war in the Gulf, stimulated, created, so that they could then
sell the next phase of weapons to the public and the decision-makers. This war was going to be created so that they
could dump the old weapons and create a whole new set of weapons. So I had to resign from that position. I could no
longer work in that industry...'

The Wernher von Braun threat sequence is: 1.Communism, 2.Terrorism, 3.Rogue Nations, 4.Asteroids and finally,
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
Congress open hearings on UAP/UFOs - by 727Sky - 05-18-2022, 01:11 AM
RE: Congress open hearings on UAP/UFOs - by Snarl - 05-18-2022, 01:34 PM
RE: Congress open hearings on UAP/UFOs - by BIAD - 05-19-2022, 09:50 AM
RE: Congress open hearings on UAP/UFOs - by Snarl - 05-19-2022, 04:28 PM
RE: Congress open hearings on UAP/UFOs - by Snarl - 05-19-2022, 01:37 PM

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