(05-05-2022, 05:03 AM)OmegaLogos Wrote:This is the ancient dichotomy between idealism and pragmatism.(05-04-2022, 09:56 PM)DISRAELI Wrote:(05-03-2022, 07:13 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Being an American, I have not the foggiest notion of what Russell Brand is famous for in the UK. Over here, the only thing I know him from is his marriage to Katy Perry - I was a bit jealous there, y'know?I think the reason for your confusion is that, as an American, you identify "opposition to authority" as a right-wing thing.
I'm a Right Winger - so far to the Right that I wrap back around to the left. Just from what little I know of Mr. Brand, I would have never pegged him to be a Right Winger. I was always pretty certain he was a Leftist... yet here we are, in a strange place where I find myself agreeing with him politically more often than not.,
So I'm going to use this thread to post the occasional Russell Brand video from YouTube, so that you can decide whether you may be in this weird place i find myself in, too. It's scary out here!
First up is a video recently posted on the odd transfer of power incident upon the declaration of a pandemic that really didn't seem to be more than a tempest in a teapot...
To me, that is one of the weird things about American politics. On the eastern side of the Atlantic, anyone who is opposed to authority and established power automatically gravitates to the left-wing of the political spectrum. Anarchism is left-wing. Russell Brand's criticism of health authorities would not come across as "right-wing" to anyone in his own country.
Explanation: Uhmmmmm Hang On ... Anarchism is NOT ONLY left wing ... did you not see my post where I posted a picture of the political compass MAP?
Basically, are you BLIND???
Here is is again and please look at it carefully ..everybody across the ENTIRE bottom of the map is an Anarchist of some flavour ok.
I for one aspire to become AnCap ... which is short for Anarcho Capitalists eh? [Bottom Right hand side of the map with the yellow and black flag ok!
There is even a wiki on that topic ...
To be fair I will share a wiki link to the true leftist Anarchist who would be an Anarcho Syndicatist [they'd be Bottom Left hand side of the map and would have a red and black flag similar in design to the AnCaps]
Please NOTE that on the map I provided above is full on centrist Anarchists who are just traditional Anarchists [at the Bottom Center of the map] who see themselves as purists!
Personal Disclosure: ALL Libertarians by default are Anarchists ok! Its not a left wing right wing thing at all and I carefully laid that out for all to see in my post previous to this one so that even a 5yr old could obviously understand it at face value and in plain speech.
I dont give a hoot where you are from as these basics of politics transcend all things as being COMMON to us all.
You call it Tomahto and I call it Tomayto but regardless of how we call it ... its smartly intelligent to know that its a fruit BUT it is wisdom that knows it doesn't go well in a fruit salad at all ... at ALL!
But thank you for explaining that you British bastards are not collectively savvy when it comes to choosing your politicians or political parties as you have things messed up at the basic level in how you see what is reality.
Now sure I can link Billy Bragg songs [and I will!] and talk about how Baroness Maggie Thatcher the Hatchet Lady who crushed the coal miners in the UK and how that was aweful and fucked with the unions aka the common blue collar worker man etc. BUT that is no reason to paint all right wingers as being authoritarian cunts IMO!
The following video may shed some light on that ...
And so it all boils down to Oligarchies [Authoritarians] or a Republic [Libertarians] and the choice is ours on whatever side we want to reinforce ok.
YES, you did hear/read me correctly ... I am telling you and your fellow compatriots of the UK that you have and are doing it wrong and are hence totally confused and confusing the situation as it really is and stands.
Im a bloody Aussie and I dont confuse this crap and Oz has some seriously badly named mainstream political parties such as the Liberal's who are not actually real liberals at all but instead are FOR business [usually big business] and performing very well on the economic factors ... which ScoMo the Liberal party PM just fully fucked up with his policies that have lead to 5.1% ANNUAL Inflation rate which is way outside the normal 2-3% sweetspot. During a federal election that is NOT a good sign at all for the liberals chances at the voting booths come election day. But hey the leader of the Labour party, Albo, didn't know the current unemployment rate so I have two stupid fuckwits vying for power of my own nation and boy that really sux the mother puss bucket of all times.
No, I dont care that your nation was once an Empire ... those days are long gone and ground into the very dust we walk upon!
This simple ... all Russel Brand has to do is take this simple political compass test at this following website ...
That way we would all be able to 1]see where he really stands politically speaking and 2] be assured that we are using a common INDEPENDENT standard that ignores regional differences ok.
However I have little faith that that would actually occur eh?
Russels not reading or watching us at all ... they are reading and watching the elites and the MSM and factually reporting upon them and hence their focus doesnt allow them much time for socializing anonymously upon a far out remote long-tail posting website such as RN3, let alone take up my honest challenge to them. However I am open to being totally wrong on that foot. If my foot ends up in my mouth then I will willing take that epic fail to the grave with me ok. I BET BIG TIME that we will never get a proper answer on that front and so I totally suggest that we settle for whats commonly know about his past actions and compare that against his current actions to get a real clue about who he is and what he stands up for and speaks about.
Things are going to slide and slide in all directions,... wont be nothing left that you can measure anymore, and the center has slid under our feet quite far to the left currently and has disenfranchized all the centrists who are in nomans land and at the center of all the crossfire between all the various extremists from all sides. No wonder he is pissed off eh ... I'd hate to be in that position too ok.
Please feel FREE to shoot me down ok, for I shall become stronger and smarter than anyone can imagine!
If you can reconsider your position and what you said in your post, then that is both reasonable and rational IMO and I'd congratulate you on being able to handle critical self analysis and apply self correcting algorythyms adroitly,... Well Done!!!
If you can not then I suggest that you sleep on it and try again to comprehend what I am communicating to you ok. As it is very important if you want to get the biggest picture with the highest possible resolution in full light-spectrum color, proper contrast and depth of viewing field etc.
Be Well! You're looking at the theory.
In fact it's the dichotomy between Plato and Aristotle.
As a political scientist, you're expounding theory. As an historian, I'm reporting local practice.
You're interested in what people could be, I'm interested in how they think of themselves.
I suggest that the pragmatic approach is successfully explaining the mystery of how a left-wing person like Russell Brand can take up a position which the OP regards as right-wing, which is what I set out to do.
Let me put up a hypothesis. There could be an historical reason why being "agin the government" should be a possible right-wing stance in America and a generally left-wing stance in Europe. I think it comes down to the sheer size and federal structure of the United States. That made it possible for people to make a separation in their minds between local authority, which can provide the "good" things they want from government, and a federal government which they can't identify with locally, and which seems to do nothing for them. The same factors seem to be responsible for making "horse-trading" an integral part of Amercan politics right from the days of Washington ("one cabinet post for this state, another one for that state"). In other words, American politics has a local peculiarity simply because the country is so large and federal.
Now I've just reminded myself that "Brexiteer" politics is considered right-wing., and similar movements on the Continent. In other words, an "agin the government" attitude has been recently created by hositilty to the European Union, which is a federal structure. I think that supports my hypothesis about what had been happening in America.