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Oh wow, I got news about this thread via PM. Very touched by it.

I wrote about it on ATS, maybe some remember I didn't react good to the two shots and refused the booster and struggled months with different symptoms.

11th April, on Monday, I tested positive on one of these fast tests I had to take, after driving to the Ring for a job assignment. The result was positive and I had to take a PCR test and since the result was going to take a day and my job assignment already ruined, I drove back the same day nonstop.

The PCR test came back positive too, I was not feeling unwell at all before Thursday. Then headaches started, no energy, tired, a day later I had kidney pains again. I drank and rested a lot but every day it got worse. Until last Tuesday after I fainted in the bathroom getting up from the toilet. Being single and positive, my landlords wife can only looks so much after me and after I fainted I was too scared and afraid and called the hospital. Being single and in such a situation makes one feel very vulnerable. Already sent my daughter to her father while I was sick at home but not yet positive, between the fast and the PCR test.

They took me in, with another woman in the room she tested negative the next day, since then I am alone. They ran a lot of tests on me, two different heart sonograms, spine fluid, blood and urine and .. tests. I am constantly monitored with a portable heart rate and blood pressure device that goes off every 10 minutes. We now know my heart flow rate (not heart rate) is around 50% and should be 65% for my age and general health. They did two sonograms and calculated the rejection rate, what the heart pumps through with a single beat. I am single mom and  But me being positive and health declining, alone, after I fainted I went to hospital. Since then I get IV drips almost constantly, electrolytes, blood thinners and anti inflammatory meds. Kidneys seem to be okay, they don't hurt anymore but now it's apparent it's all from the heart. Now it's clear that all the different symptoms we couldn't connect the last month comes from undersupply of blood in organs. For a few days I developed a cough that scared me the most because I heard about the ventilators and the drug they give you but no cough now anymore, just sniffles but I have that since the jabs. Today I tested negative so I was allowed to leave for two hours and get some stuff from home on my own risk but be back by around 7pm.

I've not been allowed to leave the bed and had no laptop for days. I am currently at home for a short moment on my own risk, to pick up some clothes and a hard drive in my shop but have to be back by 7pm. Doctors say it might take a year or even longer to be back completely. That is a problem because I am 50% self employed and have to work physical. The other 50% I just started to work for a German sports car manufacturer and called today to cancel the contract, as it's unclear if I ever will be able to sit in any race car or move a car in a way so my heart rate goes up. That's depressing as I went through so much the last two years to get to there and now it's unclear. Currently also in contact with the health insurance to cover the time I can not work and earn money. It's questionable how much of my business will be left in a year and I won't pass the next medical exam for the track instructor job with heart problems, besides it would be a toll on my heart.

I could bite my ass because in the aftermath they duped us with a law that they knew never would pass but the media and also fucking Austria was pushing it so hard, fines 5-15k€ were in talk. I feel betrayed by politicians, not that I expected other but that's how they force you into something with zero liablility.

I have to send the text now because my taxi from the hospital will be here soon. I tone it down with the electronics when I am in hospital, I dedicate about an hour daily to answering business emails and the rest I spend on a private discord channel to at least have a bit human conversation. I only brought it up in PMs because I had been offline for days after telling others I am not feeling well, people started to worry. 

Please don't worry, I've been through worse and most of the time I come out stronger than before. Admitted, I am scared a lot because the heart is the engine of our body and it's all nice and remote until the realization set's in, this is my engine, I can not do anything about it and that the future is unclear.

Thank you everyone for the nice words, it felt good reading. Now I have to send and wait for the taxi driver to ring and come up pick my stuff up. Wish you all a nice week, stay healthy.

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RE: TDDA - by TDDA - 04-25-2022, 05:47 PM
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RE: TDDA - by TDDA - 04-28-2022, 05:50 PM
RE: TDDA - by Brotherman - 04-28-2022, 10:18 PM
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RE: TDDA - by Brotherman - 04-29-2022, 08:19 PM
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RE: TDDA - by Brotherman - 04-29-2022, 08:21 PM
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RE: TDDA - by TDDA - 04-30-2022, 08:56 PM
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RE: TDDA - by TDDA - 05-01-2022, 02:56 AM
RE: TDDA - by ChiefD - 05-01-2022, 04:07 AM

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