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ROGUE CUP CHALLENGE #9-'The Roguening'
(04-06-2022, 11:51 PM)IAMTAT Wrote: Jinmi has my last I'll ask another:

On the golf with Hope and Nicklaus...
Are you certain it was 1974?

No, not 100%.  It was right around then.  Could have been '73, but I'm sure it wasn't after '75 (because '75 is a reference point for a huge turning point in my younger life, so I remember things in "pre-'75" and "post-'75" terms). 

I will explain the meaning of that statement later when I give the answer to this game.

It may surprise some here.  Especially, some ATS'ers.

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RE: ROGUE CUP CHALLENGE #9-'The Roguening' - by FlyingClayDisk - 04-07-2022, 12:03 AM

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