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History of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
To Continue:
In 1578 A.D. Book, Ben Cao Gang Mu, Contains detailed descriptions and illustrations of 1,892 individual herbs and 11,000 formulas.

In 1986 through 2004 A —Book written on Chinese Herbal Medicine Contains over 470 entries of substances with each actions and major combination for therapeutic results.

Now in 2001 a —Book on Chinese Herbology and Pharmacology, Preserved valuable historical information and contemporary potential herb-drug interactions. Includes in-vitro information and pharmacological effects. 

Now a list of Famous Chinese Herbal Doctors.
Li Shi Zhen- 1518-1593 A.D.
—A famous medical scientist of the Ming dynasty. Li Shi Zhen had traveled to Wudang, and Lushan, and maoshan, and Anhui, and Henan, and Hebei, to collection herbs specimens and prescription, and visited fisherman, and Woodmen, and farmers, and chinese medicine workers. He produced a book with 925 species which helped him figure out many difficult problems. After 27 years of travel and study he came away with 1892Herbs.

Zhang Zhongjing 150-219 A.D.  During the Eastern Han dynasty, He was a famous medical scientist, was later known as the Yi Sheng.
His extensive resurch with other doctors helped him write the books. Establishing syndrome differentiation principle is a fundamental principle of TCM clinical, is the soul of the traditional Chinese medicine in the area of Pharmacology.
Also a huge contribution by documenting a large number of valid prescriptions. Established in accordance with the principle of treatment based on syndrome differentiation of six meridians, respected by scholars of medical scientists. This is China's first from theory to practice, establishing law of syndrome differentiation and treatment of medical monographs, is one of the most influential works in the history of medicine, is a must when you study Chinese medicine classics. His book called << Shang han Lun>> with 10 chapters and << Jin Gui Jiao Lue> with 3 chapters are a must read for anyone studing TMC.

Bian Que 407-310BC During the wars in China a famous medical scientist whose real name is Qin Yue, Ren, and  medical name is “bian Que”.  
Bian Que was very good at Palpation of the Pulse and the use of acupuncture, massage, ironing stick, stone, surgery and Herbal medicine and other methods to treat a variety of illnesses.

Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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RE: History of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - by guohua - 11-09-2016, 01:02 AM
RE: History of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - by 1984hasarrived - 11-14-2016, 04:36 AM

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