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Hillary Clinton Now Attached With 'Satanism'
Hello . 

No, I don't think that Podesta is doing satanic rituals, or whoever was invited to this dinner. 

I think right now, both sides are beginning to loose their minds, it's not hard to really, this election is crazy. I read an article from the Washington Post absolutely fear mongering saying that the republicans are currently staging a coup in this country to overthrow the constitutional and democratic government. (A definite paraphrase) 

Stating as proof for this, things like republicans are actively trying to suppress the African American vote and anyone else who isn't voting republican... they paint this picture as if republicans are physically trying to prevent American citizens from voting, when the truth is that all republicans are doing is trying to keep foreign nationals from voting in our elections by requesting that there is identification along with a voter registration card legally obtained to vote.. (Can anyone imagine the outcry from the democrats if millions of Russians flooded our borders illegally so they could vote republican in the next election? But somehow.. foreign nationals who vote democrat is fine..) 

The article went on and on as to their "examples" of this supposed coup that must be stopped at any cost, but you get the picture.. it's was fear mongering the likes I have never seen, coming from a once respectable news outlet. 

This same fear mongering however, is going on in the right..and this is what the right can't see, just like the left can't see what they are doing so much.. I've seen a lot of unsavory tactics from both sides..

This probably is just a dinner and that because it's hosted by some crazy artist they get to say.. oh I once had dinner at so and so's .. because of course, it's cool to have chin in hand and say "I know what the artist is trying to convey here, while eating cheese and drinking wine." And the crazy artist does crazy off the wall stuff so people can do that.. and makes lots of money.. 

Nothing satanic is the most likely...just uncool people trying to be cool and an artist being as different as possible in order to make money.. anyway, I would be more inclined to think this was a dinner than a satanic ritual. Entire art forms were created because they sold.. not because even the artist thought they were good. 

So.. I'd chalk this up to the right wing equivalent of fear mongering.. although Hillary may still be Satan, the jury is still out on that! Lol....

The thing that is beginning to worry me is that with all this going on, it may not matter who gets into office. This country may blow up regardless. People are at this fever pitch pushed there by lies and scare tactics. We kept saying for the last 8 years that the Obama administration was fomenting a race war. To be honest, if this doesn't calm down they may get their war after all, and it won't be pretty.

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RE: Hillary Clinton Now Attached With 'Satanism' - by Grace - 11-05-2016, 11:56 AM

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