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The REAL Deplorables...This Makes Me Sick.
Quote:I can give my perspective as to what is happening.. I stand in shock of what is happening myself at the moment though.. this is not the America I grew up in anymore. I am often beside myself wondering how in God's name this happened at all. 

The 60's were bad, of course, but my generation never lived through all that, and of course, we have been living in a society where racism is a thing of the past - and for all intents and purposes it has been. They interviewed a famous African American rapper asking questions about his support for the BLM, and he said he can't speak on any of that, because not one day in his life has he ever known or encountered racism and as such does not feel he can speak to or support blm. I grew up in the same America he did. 

I have known there were left wingers, they have existed as long as I have but spent my life in peace with anyone with a different opinion.. even though I myself am opinionated I don't believe in forcing anyone to believe what I do.. that to me has always been the value of a free country. But I haven't felt fear of them.. I never spent any time thinking anyone was trying to overtake and overthrow my government... until these last two presidents anyway. 

So, what is happening.. well, from my perspective at this point, the left wingers from the 60's, the communists and socialists and marxists left the 60's and got real jobs. They went from fighting against "the man" to being the man, and took key positions in media, corporate America, government and educational institutions - and proceeded to take over. 

Now, they are close.. the left is so close to having exactly what they wanted in this nation, that they aren't going quietly without a fight. They have always been violent, the 60's showed us just  how violent they can be, so in this election we are seeing a resurgence of that violence that occurred in the 60's, before most of us can remember. 

Except now, we see it clearly what they are fighting for, and it's not equality, it's not a fight against racism, we see now they use their protected classes as useful idiots and throw them away when they are no longer useful, as this video of this poor black woman shows.. as how they treat gays who don't stand with the program shows..

In other words, it's a war between two political ideologies.. one that wants the preservation of the constitution/nation state, and one a globalist fascist state. And the fascists gained control while we weren't paying attention. 

Have we lost the plot? Yes.. I think so.. since our constitutional republic was beautiful, I don't see the fascists ever making something better. People are faulty in general, but one of the best forms of government was our constitutional republic.

I am terribly sad for our country now.


Ditto. minusculeclap

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RE: The REAL Deplorables...This Makes Me Sick. - by Jude - 10-29-2016, 06:39 PM

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