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The REAL Deplorables...This Makes Me Sick.
(10-29-2016, 02:36 PM)BIAD Wrote: '...The FBI is apparently also pushing back on the characterisation that this is a "re-opening"
of its Clinton investigation, telling CBS that such conclusions are 

'...Her presidential opponent, Donald Trump, wasted no time branding her as a corrupt criminal
during his afternoon rally in New Hampshire.
As the crowd chanted "lock her up", he asserted that the FBI may now have a chance to show the
"courage to right the horrible mistake that they made" in previously declining to indict the former
secretary of state...'

They were shouting that...?!! Good-gosh! Some people of America were not just cheering for
their selected candidate... they were not just booing any reference to the rival of their selected
candidate, they were actually calling for the opponent to be imprisoned.

My, the establishment of Capital building must be really proud of their country today.

'It seems unlikely that this will move many voters from Mrs Clinton to Mr Trump on election day
- the partisan divide between the two camps at this point is too great.

It could depress the Democrat's turnout, however, or cause her to bleed support to third-party
candidates like the Green Party's Jill Stein or Libertarian Gary Johnson.

Well, if that spotlight is the one they use above the 
Wow! this writer believes that if these allegations become fact and the crimes are revealed, the
'imbroglio' will follow her into the White House! The fancy word -which means 'altercation' is
something I would suggest is a low-ball offering of an explanation for the devious, deliberate
nation-damning comportment that Mrs. Clinton involved herself in.

In my opinion, this campaign is a terrible indictment of the manner that U.S. politics is ran
and a viable broadcast of the corruption in it.

Sic 'em Donald

The writer you quoted pointed out how awful that people were shouting lock her up . Yet, I find it terribly sad, and a testament to the fact that we are no longer a first world nation, that ordinary people would have to take to the streets demanding the nation's laws be enforced.

It's only in the worst 3rd world countries where two sets of laws exist, one for the ruling class and one for the people.. it's only in 3rd world countries where the law is so fluid and changes any way the wind blows as it has become in this nation (illegal immigration is fine when the government says so, no need to enforce laws that will buy political advantage... it's okay to target police.  The police are wrong for trying to enforce the law etc.)

We have state run propaganda television and no longer fair and balanced journalism for an informed citizenry.. 

Everything screams third world nation now.. everything. To me, that should utterly shock first world nations.. but it doesn't, perhaps we have all gone down a very bad road, all the way around. Perhaps to everyone but a few, freedom isn't free any longer. 

I do agree with your author though, we are so polarized, that the best we can hope for is for the democratic party to bleed voters into third parties.. but if that happens, perhaps a few things can change for a while.... put off this horrible direction we have been going for a little while longer. 

And in the end, I totally agree with you... this election is a terrible indictment indeed.

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RE: The REAL Deplorables...This Makes Me Sick. - by Grace - 10-29-2016, 03:55 PM

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