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FBI Reopens Clinton e-mail Ivestigation
There is another thing to remember.....Comey has caught hell from other FBI agents regarding his handling of this email case.
Many of which said that this should have gone to the grand jury.
And probably would have if it were someone else.

So when this new information came forward, one that was uncovered thanks to the Weiner saga, it appears to involve Huma Abedin's computer that she shared with her estranged husband.

Now then, what many former FBI agents have spoken out about is why the hell were none of the computers confiscated from Huma and Hillary from the beginning?
No searches of digital data from other gadgets was done.

So much was handled improperly compared to the way it would have on another person.
Their house alone would have been ransacked looking for evidence hidden on hard drives, thumb drives or other devices.

When Comey was handed this new information, he was already being criticized by his fellow agents and really had no other choice than to reopen the case.

And many experts said that this new revelation must be rather serious for him to do it now, at this time.

So Hillary can try and play it down, but there is no way Comey would put himself in the hot seat unless he absolutely had to, as in some really compelling information into her email case.

Now then, let's just hope Trump doesn't say or do anything stupid to detract from this.
If he will just stick with the increase in Obamacare premiums, the economy, jobs and now Hillary's latest on her emails, think he just might have a chance to win.

Don't you know, it was a shocker to Hillary not to know WTH was going on being as she was on a plane at that time with no WiFi and then to be questioned about it when she got off the plane???

Oh yeah, bet she didn't see that one coming.
Bet she grilled Huma as to what the hell she had on her computer that had the FBI reopening her email case.

And Hillary knows damn well the FBI cannot reveal any information until they investigate, so for her to call out to them requesting such, is only a ploy to play to the public.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: FBI Reopens Clinton e-mail Ivestigation - by senona - 10-29-2016, 03:48 AM

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