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Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner
Another thing to point out, both with Trump and Sanders.

Is that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of the D.C. political games.
Including Congress/Senate.

Same old, same old.

The economy is NOT getting better.
People ARE worried about National Security.
Some question the vetting process we have for refugees being as the head of FBI said it was outdated and would take time to upgrade.
So we have thousands just coming on in, without a hassle.
Of course the Dems just love that.

Our country is broke, cannot take care of our own including our Vets.
Yet our government can find millions of dollars to take care of the refugees.
THAT right there is what is rubbing many Americans the wrong way.

Hence why Trump is doing great with his supporters, he hit a nerve when it comes to immigration.
And no, it don't have a damn thing to do with being racist/bigot/islamaphobic as Hillary likes to spout.
But in 2 words.....National Security.

Yet those are all topics that will never ever change under a Hillary presidency.
And no, no one gives a shit about global warming. pffft.
The Dems need to get off that soap box and focus on what the people are truly concerned about.

But the point is, that is why the Sanders/Trump movement is so damn strong and took off like a rocket.
People are showing the 'Establishment' that they are done with the D.C. games and career politicians that never get anything done.

It doesn't matter what party affiliation Hillary is, she is clearly a hardcore D.C. operative and even the Established Republicans would rather her due to she is controlled by the same interest/lobbyist groups.
So therefore, NOTHING. WILL. CHANGE.  

Trump is the unknown.

And the Establishment fear him due to they will not be able to control him as they can with your regular polished politician.

We know what we will get with Hillary, and that thought is chilling.

So why not give Trump a chance?

Despite all these talking heads and so-called experts, NO ONE knows what a Trump presidency would be like being as he has never held a political office before.
So we have nothing to compare to.

Unlike Hillary.

Boy oh boy, look what we've got to look at while she was Sec. of State.
Even ignored and disrespected her security detail, putting those around her in danger.
Scandal after scandal and more to come if she gets in the White House.
Plus Billy boy will be part of her Administration, so the Clinton shenanigans will only continue.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner - by senona - 10-28-2016, 03:05 AM

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