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Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner
I wish I shared your optimism about The Trump, but when I hear him say shait like this, it shows to me he has no control over what comes out of his mouth. 

I find it hard to believe that this is some kind of persona he has taken on, and thinks that this is presenting himself in the best light.  John Oliver hoit the nail on the head (pun intended) when he said in one show that Trump has not just said one weird/offensive/racist etc etc (the adjectives could flow on) comment he has made hundreds.  And his analogy was a bed of nails - if there is just one nail, it is painful, if there are hundreds you don't feel it, or sense it anymore.  Just like Trump with his Trumpisms, no sooner do we start to recover from one ridiculous statement he has made, than by the next day he has made another five, and your brain is reeling from those, thinking which one is worse? How do we react to these ludicrous statements?

As the saying goes "A leopard cannot change his spots" and I honestly fear that this is how he is, and I am worried about this man and what he is going to proclaim next.

I am just waiting for him to announce he is God next week.

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RE: Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner - by 1984hasarrived - 10-28-2016, 02:58 AM

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