12-07-2021, 08:40 AM
(12-07-2021, 07:54 AM)Ninurta Wrote: I'm a heartless bastard, so brace yourself.
We have too many people in the world already, and a goodly portion of them are utterly useless. If they want to off themselves, who am I to intervene and force them to live, especially if they are miserable?
Religiously, I don't know of any prohibition on suicide in the Bible. As far as I can tell, all the prohibitions are priest-generated, what the Catholics call their "traditions", and are extra-biblical. My best guess is the priests hate to see a source of revenue for them go away, so they made up some convoluted crap against suicide. Besides, if God is any kind of god at all, if that deity don't want you to die, if it ain't your time, you just won't die, capiche?
Psychologically, well, psychiatry is useless. it's a pseudo-science, right up there with perpetual motion machines. It's charlatanry, just a means of parting fools from their money. There is no scientific reason that psychological evaluations should be a requirement for anything at all. You can't fix a broke brain, and if they determine on a means to fix themselves permanent-like, who am I to judge? Take those genes right out of the gene pool, I'm good with that. No need to pass them on and make yet another generation suffer through it.
With that said, there are other considerations. What about the folks left behind? A fair number of them are going to have a tough time dealing with it. My first wife was suicidal as hell. I fought like hell to keep her alive. I don't know why, looking back on it. She really wasn't worth the effort. My boss had to make me leave work one day to go hunt her down after one of her weekly "good bye" calls. By then, I'd had enough of the buillshit, and was just gonna keep on working, and let the cops find her carcass. He made me go hunt her down and save her sorry ass. Which I did. It wasn't easy, either. Those experiences probably also color my opinions on suicide, and forcing someone to live who just doesn't want to. They definitely color my opinions on psychiatry and psychology.
And lastly, this thing sounds like it would make a hell of a torture chamber. Anoxia, asphyxia, drowning - that's a hell of a way to go, gasping for oxygen like a fish on dry land. What kind of sick bastard comes up with the idea of drowning you in nitrogen and calls it an easy out? That's a horrible way to die, even for someone who wants to shuffle off this mortal coil!
I think if you really want to off yourself, buy some heroin laced with fentanyl off the street and just go to sleep. Seems like a popular option around here.
The Truth is Out There, Somewhere