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Former Agent: Clinton “Blatantly Disregarded” Security And Diplomatic Protocols
[Image: 95ee3de4b88241138682a77938393350.png]

Hillary clearly has proven that she has no respect for rules or protocols what so ever, as has been shown thru her actions time and again.
Whether it is putting up a private email server in her basement, destroying phones, erasing emails, or disobeying her security,  Hillary clearly does as SHE wants to. Period.

So can you imagine her god-like attitude if elected as President? minusculespooked
Egomania look out, her she comes!!

Quote:A member of Hillary Clinton’s security detail accused her of “blatantly” disregarding security and diplomatic protocols during trips abroad as secretary of state, according to newly released FBI documents.

The former State Department agent cited incidents in Indonesia and Palestine in which Clinton allegedly ignored security protocols and put the safety of those around her in danger.

The belief among State Department agents was “that Clinton disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press,” according to an FBI interview transcript released Monday.

The FBI interviewed the former State Department agent on Sept. 2, 2015, as part of the investigation into Clinton’s use of a personal email account while secretary of state.
The agent, who had since moved to the Department of Homeland Security, told FBI agents that she served in Clinton’s security detail in 2009.

Now they point out  differences between Condoleeza Rice and Hillary.

One of whom showed respect and manners towards protocol. (Rice)
While the other did as she pleased, disregarding the fact that she put others lives at stake due to her agenda. (Hillary)

Quote:According to an interview transcript released by the FBI on Monday, the agent “described a ‘stark difference’ between” former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and her successor, Clinton, “with regard to obedience to security and diplomatic protocols.”

“RICE observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while CLINTON frequently and ‘blatantly’ disregarded them,” the transcript says.

The observation was based on the agent’s “own experience, and information obtained through [REDACTED] and other agents.”

The redacted name may refer to a “spouse” mentioned in the interview who appears to have also served in Clinton’s protective detail, as well as in Rice’s.

Then they go a little into detail on one of  the incidences.

Quote:The agent “explained that Clinton’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were ‘abundant.’”

During a 2009 trip to Jakarta, Indonesia, the agent told the FBI that Clinton asked to visit an area with “security and safety challenges” for a photo opportunity involving a clean stoves initiative.

The security team advised against it “because the route could not be secured and was lined with dangerous circumstances and individuals,” the interview transcript states. However, the advance team that made the recommendation was told by security management that the trip “was going to happen because ‘she wanted it’,” apparently referring to Clinton.

“DS agents felt this excursion into potentially hostile areas placed CLINTON, her staff, the media, and her security detail in unnecessary danger in order to conduct a photo opportunity for ‘her election campaign’,” the transcript states.

Not good having someone with an attitude like that, that puts herself first above all others no matter at the cost.
Can only imagine what she would do once elected to the White House.

Then there is the matter of cozying up to some in the media, making nice with them for good coverage.

Quote:“DS agents felt CLINTON traveled with hand-picked media who would present her in favorable light in order to garner political support,” the transcript adds.

“It was also believed that Clinton disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press.”

The State Department agent also described another incident in which, while traveling in an armored vehicle in Palestine, Clinton “ordered the limousine driver, believed to be [REDACTED] to open the window while in ‘occupied territory,’ referring to a dangerous area of the West Bank.”

Quote:At first, the driver declined Clinton’s request, the agent said, but “repeated demands by CLINTON forced him to open his window despite the danger to himself and the occupants.”

The agent also accused Clinton of breaching protocol by riding in the armored limousine and arriving at events abroad with her chief of staff, Huma Abedin, instead of the local ambassador.

“This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the transcript states.

The agent also said she believed “Abedin herself was often responsible for overriding security and diplomatic protocols” on Clinton’s behalf.

The agent told FBI interviewers that Clinton’s alleged breaches were “often communicated” back to the State Department through official cables.

Then there is the treatment of the State Dept Agents by Hillary.
Sounds pretty much in line with past security that worked around her years ago.

Quote:The agent said that Clinton’s treatment of State Department agents “was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere,” and that it became “difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her.”

Another former State Department agent also told the FBI in 2015 that Clinton’s tenure “brought about significant changes to established security and diplomatic protocols owing to dissimilar management styles and attitudes” between her and Rice, although he had no information regarding security violations or handling of classified information.


Oh yeah, we have a lot to look forward to if she wins. /sarcasm

The way she does in private is a clue to how she will treat us.
She will say and do as she pleases regardless.

Especially to get elected.

Hillary is a power hungry narcissist that will do as she pleases no matter who likes it and who doesn't.
She has only one person in mind that she cares about......HERSELF.
Even if it means putting others at risk.

Hillary craves power, that is what drives her.

She will never stop dealing with her crony friends either.
They will be who she caters to --the Lobbyists, Special Interest groups & Wall Street-- not the American people.


a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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Former Agent: Clinton “Blatantly Disregarded” Security And Diplomatic Protocols - by senona - 10-18-2016, 03:57 AM

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