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No Bathroom Wall out-lets or A/C!!??
Back in the stone age, I spent a semester in London going to school. 

Lucky me, it was the coldest winter they had experienced since... a really long time. Big Ben froze. It was on the news. 

The place I stayed was FREEZING. All they had was this little radiator thing in one room of the flat. I slept with sweaters on. People there said I was from a cold climate so I should be used to it. I said I was but we have heat in the buildings. We don't need to live in our coats 24/7. It just seemed weird to me. But when in Rome I guess... 

Sure, the building I lived in was old. It was from WW1 time supposedly. But didn't it get cold back then too? The pipes in the place froze because there was no insulation in the walls. It just seemed like asking for problems. To be fair, no place was warm. All the buildings at the school were just at cold. The shops and stuff were the same thing. I was to the point of almost building a fire outside by the tube tracks and hang out there. 

I guess I am a spoiled American. I like a heat source in the winter. Forgive me.

Messages In This Thread
No Bathroom Wall out-lets or A/C!!?? - by guohua - 11-15-2021, 12:02 AM
RE: No Bathroom Wall out-lets or A/C!!?? - by ABNARTY - 11-16-2021, 11:30 PM

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