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Fauci Promotes Investigation Into Origins of Covid-19
(05-24-2021, 12:00 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: The theory that the coronavirus accidentally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology into the wider population has gained credence as a viable explanation in recent weeks, following a World Health Organization-led investigation and report — compiled with the help of the Chinese government — that left many other nations dissatisfied.

China has contributed to the suspicion, with the lab not releasing records related to its work on coronaviruses in bats. Meanwhile, Beijing has pushed a series of wild theories, including that the coronavirus spread through imported frozen food packaging and originated at a biomedical research facility at Fort Detrick in Maryland.

Much more to read here: Source

Oddly, I'm with the CCP on this one, but probably for different reasons - we can agree, however, that no way in hell was it an "accidental leak" from a biolab. It was very clearly an intentional biowarfare attack with an engineered biological agent and a planned, intentional release originating at the Wuhan Biolab in China. No doubt in my mind, at all. Everyone is scrambling to try to hide the fact that it was an intentional attack, an act of war. If they can push the narrative that it was an "accidental release", it gives the CCP an easy out.

The CCP, for their part, are acting suspicious as hell by trying to block any information at all, at every turn. Any investigator worth his salt will tell you them boys ain't acting right, they are acting guilty as hell... and there is no smoke without a fire to generate it.

I believe that both the CCP and Fauci et al are all just underlings in this attack. They were neither the originators nor the planners in it, they are just the footsoldiers in the trenches that carried it out, nothing more. However, they have been led to believe they are more important than they are in the grand scheme of things. In the case of the CCP, Xi has been led to believe he will be allowed to be the World Dictator after the plan is accomplished, but he won't. He will be lined up against the wall with the rest of his co-conspirators and executed, to keep the plan from leaking out. Loose lips sink ships, and you never leave a witness alive. The actual people behind this know how the game is played.

"Bats" my ass. "Accidental release" my ass. I do wish they'd stop trying to carry water for the CCP with their bullshit stories of an "unintentional release". That is just giving aid and comfort to the enemy. We used to call that "treason" and hang folks for it... but that was back before the US got all "woke" and started stampeding towards Marxism.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Fauci Promotes Investigation Into Origins of Covid-19 - by Ninurta - 05-24-2021, 01:26 AM

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