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In Laos, Obama Repeatedly Calls Americans ‘Lazy’
The comment itself is pretty accurate if you just take the environment part out. A country of our size, ideals, diversity, culture, and the good & bad that goes with it, we are seriously the laziest bunch to let 2 of the worst choices be the frontrunners to run this joint. I mean THE WORSE. Why? Because we're too damn lazy to get involved, too damn lazy to read outside of our own little echo chambers, too damn lazy to question and call out nonsense, and too damn lazy to actually care enough to match the rhetoric that I hear CONSTANTLY: "this is about our kids and grandkids" or "mortgage the future".

No, if you wrap something in shiny paper we will grab it with force and then blame everyone else when it turns out to be poop in a box minusculebeercheers

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RE: In Laos, Obama Repeatedly Calls Americans ‘Lazy’ - by DuckforcoveR - 09-08-2016, 11:39 AM

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