(09-04-2016, 10:12 PM)gordi Wrote: I think..... "Pastor Window" is good! LOL
I see Pastor Window as the founder of the little-known semi-religious group of
'The Order Of The Touching Cloth' and has a penchant for blessed red wine and
well-rounded, big-hipped female followers.
His white collar -purchased at the St. Everard Anglican church jumble sale, is always
worn during Pastor Window's services and his strange bathing habits.
Local fishermen, who frequent the nearby stream that just happens to pass a Nunnery,
believe there's more-than-meets-the eye, when the good Pastor strips down to his birthday
suit and refreshes his naked body with the waters of God.
And... as Sid Cornforth told me in the Tackle Shop, there's no need for him to wave at the
distant figures of the gardening nuns going about their business.
Well, not with that thing, anyway.
Pastor Window can occasionally be seen humming to himself as he wanders the small
thoroughfares of the village on his way to seeing if any of the ladies need a quick dose of
spiritual guidance.
With the light tune of 'Bringing In The Sheaves' fluttering from his lips, the good Pastor
slips from house to house whilst husbands are at work, on the off-chance he can spread
the good word and scrounge a cup of tea.
Especially at Big Barbara's.
After Evensong, Pastor Windows likes to wind-down with a half-glass of Tesco's Spanish Red,
the heavily-thumbed lingerie section of Baylor's Clothes catalogue and his favourite Benny
Hill video collection.
He's a simple soul.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.